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Posts posted by Netease

  1. 29 minutes ago, CharlieH said:

    My UK licence was just fine and nothing else required when I got stopped.

    I was stopped at a check point near Ubon, first and only thing I was asked for was International Driving Permit, I handed it to him, He seemed disappointed I had it, he studied all the pages for about a minute, it looked like he couldn't understand it, like he never seen one before, he didn't ask me for anything thing else, with a disappointed look on his face he told me to carry on,

  2. 15 hours ago, chrisandsu said:

    Tradesman ? ???? what trade school did they go to ? Where was your house built ? The facts are you will not get a high quality build in Thailand . You may get a little more lipstick on the pig but it will still be the pig . 

    Your BS, I am getting a high quality build I inspect it all the way, You don't need a certificate to be a quality builder just experience

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  3. 13 hours ago, cyberfarang said:

    When paying high prices for so-called upmarket housing, don`t they have such things as surveyors in Thailand? If I were considering paying 25 MIL for a house, I would definitely have the land, buildings and area surveyed prior to signing any contracts. 

    A Surveyor wont pick up those kind of problems, you would need an engineer to continually monitor the building during construction

  4. 18 hours ago, ThorD72 said:

    All construction in Thailand is immensely p... poor,.. unbelievable,.. condos wall are way too thin,.. no sound proofing,. The windows and doors are cheap as heck,... front exit doors even have gaps,.. amazing,..You can hear people sneeze outside and neighbopurs fart. 

    The villas and houses around are the same,.. 10 years and repairs starts to set in,,... properties looks like they’re 30 years and not 10,.. 
    Had a roof leak here in Hua Hin recently,.. discovered the roof was nothing but the tiles,.. OMG,... that means one tile slightly off and you have leak an repairs in the thousands,.. 

    I would never buy a condo/villa in Thailand for even the third of what their asking,.. NEVER!,.. lololol,..... 

    Have to build it myself then,.. 

    That's BS I'm having a very large house built, The builders are amazing I oversee everything including the foundations, you wouldn't find it hard to get as good a builder anywhere in the world. I have a background in building in Australia

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  5. 1 hour ago, thaiguzzi said:

    Good man

    First post in..........


    I fail to see the relevance.

    I was under the impression you got a pension at a certain age in most countries and you could do what you want in retirement.

    Including playing golf or supplementing your income by washing some cars.

    Up to you as they say.

    Unless you are misinterpreting his situation and think he is on the dole and hence an unemployed welfare cheat?

    Jeez. Some people.

    He may well be declaring his earnings to Centerlink, and his pension might be adjusted accordingly. Not a good idea to assume otherwise

  6. 14 hours ago, connda said:

    Perhaps they can jail and deport me for pruning the flowers in the garden.  You know -- taking away a job reserved for a Thai and all.  Heinous criminal acts from what I hear along with playing Bridge and engaging in home improvements and cooking  <Gasp> I'll have to hide the pruning shears, hammer, screwdriver, the electric drill and frying pan before the Big Jokester arrives.  

    Dont forget to wipe your fingerprints off the tools just in case they find them

  7. 47 minutes ago, LomSak27 said:

     Exactly which is why addicts were one of the first groups besides gay men to have an AIDS outbreak.

    Maybe in the particular court case you were listening too it was improbable, However addicts use the same needle to shoot  from so blood is present and this is how they get aids. It certainly is NOT "nearly impossible" that is why they have shooting centers in cities today. To prevent sharing of needles --> to prevent AIDS.

    You are right there would have to be fresh blood in the needle, 

  8. 17 minutes ago, LomSak27 said:

    Well this is total BS - this is how addicts get it ---And plays a prominent role as the vector of infection in a country in SEA which had an ------------c in the 90s. You might be familiar with said country.

    You didn't read my post properly He said nearly impossible' The needle would need to contain reasonable fresh blood

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  9. Its highly unlikely they got infected by the Tattoo Shop, I once sat on a jury in Sydney where a man who contracted HIV from his partner sued him 10 years later, The professor from St Vincent Hospital

    said its nearly impossible to catch HIV from needles after the 5 day trial we were able to find the man guilty of infecting the person. 

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