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papa al

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Everything posted by papa al

  1. You can't close a door.?
  2. The physiology: 1. Numbness means: cannot feel anything. 2. the sensation you referent to is 'paresthesia', characterized by pain & tingling. 3. Often caused by blood engorgement of the muscles in forearm, squashing nerves. 4. Impingement in the carpal tunnel sometimes. Raise the bars & aft. Prolly help some.
  3. ’16 KTM Duke 200 Before covid, had the brainstorm to replace the flimsy stock engine fairing with an aluminum bash-plate bought online, not expensive. Had a good mech do the mod/mount. Required some engineering & machining. But became disenchanted. Looked weird; prolly less aerodynamic; cracked mounts. So yesty took stock parts to a local shop to have it returned to original config. Took some doing. Welding of broken bracket, &c. papa provided new Amsoil, and air & oil filters. Oil chain, check air f/r. B300 baht labor. B200 tip. 'Ready to Race. ’/// Anybody need a never-been-bashed bash-plate, DM. Otherwise will give to Thai lady to recycle. ????
  4. Maybe you were a bad person in a previous life and are paying for it now. Maybe you should hire Khmer, Laos, or Rhyinga.? You want some cheese with the whine.?
  5. 2014 Lifan-200 X-pect. 18.5Kkm. Bike running > than new. Noticed that the oi in the sight-tube was getting dark. Can't remember last change as paper label got blasted off by over-exuberant car-wash dude. So had shop put my liter of Amsoil [~300b] in her. Lubed chain, 4 pegs, and side-stand. Labor 40b; tip 100. The oil drained out didn't look too bad, but ... Gik take care papa long time. ????
  6. New tire for rear of ceeber; 2009 cbr150; carby. Michelin City Pro 2; 100/80-17 1450b Also had iMoto install 900b //Lazada// YSS rear strut. These iM guys are the best. Transferred Dynabeads from old to new tire. [If you want smooth ride & go faster, Dynabeads] New valve. Some other stuff. Labor 250b. Tip 150. ? Was the old tire or shock [OE, 50+Kkm.] worn out.? No. ????, but... 2750baht = ~$75 now. Mianoi. Luv papa long time.
  7. An adopted child normally lives with adopting parent, so ...
  8. 2114 US sponsored coup of Ukraine govt, installation of upper leaders, and subsequent slaughter of 1000s Russian speakers in East.?
  9. Well then, thanks for clarifying...
  10. To fly 'big birds' an ATP rating, [much beyond Commercial license] is required. Also type training. It is safe est. Please desist with the whining. Thank you.
  11. The speed limit by law is 90km/hr; so what is the point of a super-duper bike ? An acceleration blast that lasts maybe 4 seconds. Congratulations. You da man.
  12. Ivermectin available on Lazada. Cheap. Good for worms. &c.
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