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papa al

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Everything posted by papa al

  1. Take it up w/ Kwakasaki. "Scooters are scooters Thais call em motorsy." papa votes : mocy but no-ped sounds good too.
  2. I don't want a pickle. I just want to ride my motorsickle. I don't wanna die. I just wanna ride my motorsy cle.
  3. If you're not part of the solution, then you are the problem " /////// What is the problem?
  4. Or better yet, study basic chemistry. Anthrocite and charcoal are relatively pure C. Look it up. 'Wawa' is a slang term for water. Popularised by Helen Keller & babies. Look it up. [you remind me of my ex-wife]
  5. You still not getting it. Burning coal does not produce H2O. Glass is not combustible. Steel combustion produces no water, just CO2 & iron oxides. Sheesh ! Burn a hydrocarbon, you get CO2 and water. Chem 101. Okay?
  6. Slow your roll professor !! Not burning coal. Nor iron, nor magnesium, nor .... Coal produces CO2. If the fuel lacks hydrogen molecules, how the heck is the combustion gonna make wawa? HYDRO GEN translates: making water.
  7. Riding North Thailand. papa very likes: trail riding at Khaomaikhaw road-riding in North Thailand. But, 73 now. Maybe another year at KMK. So that leaves #2. Thinking of riding miss duke up N for ~a couple weeks of mountain roads. During the rainy season/~July. [KMK kinda juicy then] Then just leave her there, stored at a CM bike shop for 800baht/ month. Jet home Patty*. Then, covid policy allowing, fly up for a visit on a whim can. /////////////////// *had a beer LK Metro last nite. Place is yumpin’. Bukauw area for old man, sexy lady now. ????
  8. Microlights? ???? C152s are all worn out and wouldn't perform in mountains. A new C172 is 1/2-mil U$ & waiting list. Otherwise, brilliant suggestion.!
  9. Who is more corrupt? Putin, Zelenski or Biden? Prolly Putin, Biden , then Zelenski. Zelenski is 9.8/10.
  10. Seven-of-one, half-a-dozen the other.
  11. Only $110,000,000.oo each. Plus maintance of $40,000.oo/hr. Burma or Kampachia might attack. Happened before.
  12. C' mon folks. Just do what Pfizer and the government says. Both are known for honesty. Sheesh!
  13. GI s were scared of ROC too. A black belt in TKD is necessary to enter Korean military.
  14. Seven of one; half a dozen the other.
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