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papa al

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Everything posted by papa al

  1. looks like the valve stem cap on the dirt bike
  2. Look. The helmet is gone. Whine all you want. You will never get it back.
  3. Ahh! Name-calling. Sweet.
  4. "If you're not part of the solution, then you are the problem " Is there a problem? What problem?
  5. What is the point? Drag racing? What times does it turn?
  6. Already had covid in July. Self medicated w/ horse de-wormer. Quickly recovered. No need to call the waambulance.
  7. Original pulley halves: 14º/15º, measured.
  8. -replaced all this. [Lazada photo] -What the heck is a torque driver.? - 10g original; 10g 2nd configuration; 8g now. -Didn't change belt. It looked fine. Didn't want to change more than one variable at a time. Science.
  9. Did not make a difference w/ papa's YNSX. Just as slow.
  10. Ahh! Name-calling. Sweet.
  11. Ok. Changed out for 8g. rollers. 160B & 100B labor + tip. Seems better/louder/higher revving. ? Will √ vs. clock later.
  12. Will just take to papa's regular shop. They have everything in stock and are very quick & good & cheap. Maybe do that right now.
  13. Was hoping to find improved acceleration by change of variator angle only. But not there.
  14. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/mio125nouvo-sxnouvo135-135125-i2135198830-s7156240348.html?&search=pdp_same_topselling?spm=a2o4m.pdp_revamp.recommendation_1.4.78b0274cROjc4X&mp=1&scm=1007.16389.126158.0&clickTrackInfo=cc31c361-c4e7-4280-86c4-a25e033a090e__2135198830__13204__trigger2i__224806__0.991__0.991__0.0__0.0__0.0__0.991__3__null__null__null__null__null__null____810.0__0.0__4.666666666666667__3__810.0__108012,110278,115402,119328,122209,122213,122584,122903,126918,127022,129114,129896,129993,129994,129996,130145,130147,131854,136964,136966,137075,137084,141200,141764,142007,142021,142134,149620__null__null__null__3650.16544_3650.16536_955.3632__null__13426__null__0.0__0.0________null__null
  15. Just back from time trials before and after variator mod. No difference. 1000baht down the tubes.
  16. The Lazada-ordered variator arrived this afternoon. ~850baht delivered + tip of course. Bought this schmancy protractor at Thai Watasadu for B93. Verified angles of 12.5º & 13.0. Recruited a helper for stop watch trials. Things are moving rapidly.
  17. papa ordered a new pulley set w/ the angles suggested by U, ... prolly. The 9-y/o Nouvo125 is like ... the doggiest. Gets passed by Snoopys ... ridden 2-up. /////// Will do some before/after acceleration trials. //////// Belt is original, & 6-y/o tires are checked. Will delta those too. >>>>. Safety for hauling the birds around.
  18. He's not trying to sell it, just appraise its value.
  19. How to double the value of an old Lifan: fill it with gasoline.
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