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papa al

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Everything posted by papa al

  1. If you are in Pattaya, iMoto will get you right. Experts. Not expensive. Honest.
  2. ... papa would take Cov19 over dengue any day. Covid is easily treatable.
  3. Thanks for the correction in the nomenclature. ////////// 2. What is someone feels some mild symptoms, self-treats and isolates, soon feels better, then, 5 weeks later tests and (+).? .
  4. Available at pharmacy, B280. If someone test (+), but no symptoms, then what?
  5. Tubliss is not tubeless; has tube. for off-road. Extreme enduro. SMH.
  6. Can't really see the river from the road.
  7. ...'bout 9 y/a papa had an '07(?) Kawasaki 125 Katana underbone, blue. They dint sell for beans. Headlamp was where carrot basket needed to be. Rode her thru Kampodia. Rare.
  8. 1. CO2 is plant/planet food; not a pollutant. 2. Petroleum is not derived from ancient biomass; rather forms within the earth's mantel & oozes up. ???? [Titan, The Earth-sized moon of Jupiter, has 100x more hydrocarbons than Earth.] ???? papa would like an e-bike, or three.
  9. Ok. Yes or no: You still messing with little boys on the weekend.?
  10. https://shopee.co.th/ชุดสีYamaha-เบล100เบลอาร์8ชิ้นพร้อมติดสติกเกอร์-สีแดง-Y-21-i.134972273.9531857486?gclid=CjwKCAjw092IBhAwEiwAxR1lRoDv11nRYOnjPeFP_SWQUMcT7IlngMrdOeojg-np4kw9t5uQihLGQxoCqHMQAvD_BwE
  11. Aspirin causes GI probs. Iver has shown anti-viral action. Many studies showing effectiveness vs corona-form infection. Interweb. Try it.
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