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Posts posted by Sceptict11

  1. You are , of course free to study anything.

    Working is another issue as noted above.

    You will need to leave every ninety days unless you can secure an extension of stay.

    The visa remains valid for one year from date of issue.


    I am surprised you have secured that "multi-entry" Non O visa . Did you just make a simple application for the visa in Canada?

  2. "SuperCheap" pharmacy was to be found in Phuket.

    It was burnt down !

    You already posted this inquery and received an answer in this thread http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/681956-supercheap-pharmacy/?p=7045674&hl=%2Bcheap+%2Bpharmacy

    Can you clarify why the re-post? And :

    what city/province are you in?

    Do you mean an inexpensive pharmacy or specifically pharmacy named "SuperCheap" ??

  3. The way your post was written it appeared to me you were unaware that OA visas are issued as a multiple entry visa. Most people that have a OA visa want to get the full use of it so they do an entry just before the visa expires rather than doing an extension. Also unless they stayed in the country for the entire first year they would have a permit to stay valid longer than the visas and would not be able to do an extension until that date.

    You're right I was. I paid the 1900 baht for my first extension and did not leave the country. I found the visa process from an honorary consulate in the States easy to get and did the whole process by express mail except the doctors office which only took a couple of minutes at a walk in clinic.

    I suspect you didn't have a OA visa. You had a non-o and did an extension of stay here.

    Honorary consulates do not do OA visas now. A few years ago Houston and Honolulu could do them but that is no longer the case.

    What's this?

    Looks like a long expired OA visa !

    It is of no use ! If the holder of this passport is still in Thailand legally they must by now be on an extension of stay .............not a visa !

  4. I was given a "non-immigrant B no of entry S visa" (2000 baht) I used the paper work the school gave me! As far as I know they can't take it away from you just because the school doesn't like the fact that I'm leaving.

    But I am sure you will become "well known" in school circles !

    Good luck you may need it smile.png

  5. George started a thread about restrictions or refusals for ED visa applications at embassies in some countries here:


    And another thread about KL: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/676172-kl-has-refused-ed-visa-for-2-perfectly-documented-applications/?p=6949386&hl=%2Bphuket+%2Bed+%2Bvisa

    and I thought there was some crackdown in Phuket, although that may have been an unsubstantiated rumor. Sometimes on these threads it's difficult to separate fact from speculation or gossip.

    There is some truth associated with the "crackdown" in Phuket where "students" are given thirty day "under consideration" stamps while their schools legitimacy / their own personal attendance record is investigated.

    This is not a rumor and is the authorities response to widespread abuse of ED "visas".

  6. I wish I knew then what I know now. My school basically cut contact with me during the March-April break and I did not know if I was going to get a renewed contract. I was signing in everyday and saw the staff but no one was talking to me. I tried to contact my head of department but no answer by phone plus she was never in the office when I went after signing in.I had 3 days left on my visa so I decided best to do a border run. My funds were short so I planned a 3 days round trip to Loas and back. I got to Nong Khai immigration and was told to go the office. I was suppossed to have receieved a letter from the school of termination which I could then go to my local work department to cancel my work permit. They were so cowardly they did not do this; so there I am stuck in an office with about 8 other teachers with the same problem. Luckily I call my gf she goes to the school, a woman who deals with the NES teacher documents was surprised I did not know I did not have a new contract and that my boss had not told her to give me this stupid letter. My gf then had to go to the work permit office cancel my permit. Then rush to a shop to fax me the correct paperwork at the immigration office. After nearly 3 hours I get into Loas, miss the opening times at the consulate and end up having to spend 6 days. Thank god my atm from home worked otherwise I would of been in deep shit! Basically the schools/business do not give a shit about the farang and have little or no understanding of the problems it can cause with immigration when they do not do their jobs right regarding hiring or firing of a farang.

    Working for a reputable employer helps smile.png

  7. I need a year extension to my retirement visa. I am planning to get this next week at the One-stop Service Center for Visas in the Chanchuri Square Building at Phayathai and Rama 4 roads. Is there any problem, as of now, in getting there from Sukhumvit 77 via either taxi or the MRT subway?

    What days will Immigration be closed for the King’s Birthday?

    What makes you believe a retirement extension is available from the One-Stop Service Center ?

  8. It was virtually impossible to get there today, I spent a number of hours trying to get there for a visa stamp (applied for 2 weeks ago, collection date today), but left with nothing but an empty fuel tank from sitting in traffic jams. Unfortunately, I need the visa stamp (non-immigrant 'O') urgently, since I need to depart on Saturday, but it looks like I am screwed and will need to start the process all over again

    Your post makes no sense.

    What "non-immigrant 'O'" visa stamp were you hoping to obtain?

  9. No comprehensive history of the OP's condition is given so one can only speculate.

    From the description given it would seem the OP has an oesteomyalitis a condition which can be very resistant to treatment.

    It is important to note that developing such a condition is not an indication of "malpractice !

    I do not understand the term "strong antibiotic" there are only appropriate antibiotics .

    In the OP's case something like Clindomycin would be indicated owing to its excellent bone penetration qualities.

    The course of treatment can extend over months although in some cases surgery may assist.

    The OP is suffering what amounts to a chronic condition.

    The OP should seek assistance from his Embassy with the aim of returning home.

  10. Did you actually have a tourist visa when flying back in ? If not you were quite correctly given a thirty day visa exempt entry.

    O/A visas are only available from your home country.

    You may be able to convert the visa exempt entry at immigration as part of a two part process toward an extension of stay.

    You must be able to evidence finances either with an Emabssey letter or money in the bank.

  11. OK to end the story, gthai consulate in hK was quite clear, If passport cancelled then so is the visa, need to completely reapply to get into the country. If you are in the country already and get new one, then they can move it over in thailand. One point they made is that the visa is on one passort number but then coming in on different, this was not a new question to them./

    US consulate very cool, they just said you lose your fee, at 90 days we'll send back to US the one they are holding for me now and it will be shredded, I can then come in and getting extra pages if I need them, etc.

    Again this is Thailand so probably different answers different places and of course different answers at the border but I not risking it.


    They are wrong. There are lots of people that have visas in their old passports and many enter the country every day using both passports.

    They are also wrong about moving it over at any place here. A visa is not ever moved.

    Instead of wasting the $110 you should pick-up your passport and try using your visa. I am certain you will not have problem. But if you did have a problem you would still get a 30 day entry.

    There would not be a "problem" as I and , I am sure, many others, can testify.

  12. OK to end the story, gthai consulate in hK was quite clear, If passport cancelled then so is the visa, need to completely reapply to get into the country. If you are in the country already and get new one, then they can move it over in thailand. One point they made is that the visa is on one passort number but then coming in on different, this was not a new question to them./

    US consulate very cool, they just said you lose your fee, at 90 days we'll send back to US the one they are holding for me now and it will be shredded, I can then come in and getting extra pages if I need them, etc.

    Again this is Thailand so probably different answers different places and of course different answers at the border but I not risking it.


    Sorry but you have been fed absolute nonsense!

    A valid visa remains valid even when the passport containing that visa has expired/been replaced!

    You got good advice here but its your choice as to what you wish to believe!smile.png

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