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Posts posted by Sceptict11

  1. A nurse is generally not the problem, but the cost for hospitalisation can be very high. ICU care is not cheap.

    Also consider what one takes his parents away from: al the friends that are left and at that age not easy to start all over again making new friends in a new, strange enviorement.

    I would urge that the OP gives very careful thought about the wisdom of relocating an 89 year old .

    Judging from the post the lady already has some medical issues and all medical care will need to be accessed on a private basis.

    Has the issue been discussed with the elderly person? Does she wish at an advanced age to relocate ?

  2. Any hospital laboratory can undertake routine investigations relating to blood chemistry............... just ask for "Urea and Electrolytes" .

    This test will be cheap and the results available on the same day.

    If you need something other than routine chemistry you must first of all determine exactly what "advanced" tests you require.

    Just stating a requirement for "advanced blood/urine/hair tests" is meaningless.

  3. Thought most countries were getting 30 days even at borders. Sure it was on here a couple of weeks ago.

    Only applies to G7 countries, of which Sweden is not one.

    To avoid encountering similar grief in the future, the OP might wish to consider obtaining a multiple-entry 60-day tourist visa from the Thai Embassy in Stockholm before setting off on his Asiatic travels. Details at http://www.thaiembassy.se/en/visa/types-of-visa/36

    There are no Multiple entry tourist visa.

    You can get a single, double or triple entry tourist visa.

    Multiple entry is only available for non-immigrant visas.

    The Royal Thai Embassy, Stockholm actually states on their web site...............................

    "There is no multiple entries for tourist visa"

  4. You, again, must present proper evidence of income or funds, just like the first year you did it. There is no way to avoid that. A retirement purpose "O" visa is based on the fact that you should have money to live in Thailand, therefore you have to prove it.

    The OP had a multiple entry non-oa visa he got from a embassy that gives a 1 year entry.

    You are referring to an extension of stay based upon retirement from immigration (it is not a visa).

    I'm not familiar with getting a Thai visa from outside of Thailand. I have a non-O visa obtained in Thailand.

    Where in Thailand did you get this "non-O " visa" ? Does the visa give a one year stay ?

  5. When applying for a 12 month extension to live with spouse

    a foreign lady does not need to show financials while a foreign man does.

    A Rough Guide.

    (6) In case of marriage with a Thai lady, the husband who is an alien must have an average annual income of not less than 40,000 baht per month or a money deposit in a local Thai bank of not less than 400,000 baht for the past 2 months for expenses within a year.

    Letter from your Thai Bank showing balance and up to date bank book.


    If income from outside Thailand: Letter from your Embassy showing income. Now may also need proof of income as back up.

    If Income from Thailand: Statements showing Income Tax receipts.

    Marriage Certificate. (Kor Ror 3)

    Marriage Registry entry. (Kor Ror 2)

    Wife's Tabbien Baan and ID Card.

    Your Passport.

    Copies of everything.

    Photos of you and your Wife in and around the house.

    A map showing the way to your house.

    Passport size photos and 1,900 Baht fee.

    Take your Wife to be interviewed.

    One or two witnesses may be required.

    You will be given a 30 day under consideration stamp.

    Go back in a month and get the remainder.

    I understand this applies for local immigration office but what about Thai embassy - does it need the lesser requirement? For instance, can Kor Ror 2, letter from Thai bank, and the presence of Thai wife for interview be omitted?

    The very best that could be hoped for would be a 12 month multi entry visa requiring border runs every ninety days. These visas are virtually impossible to obtain.

  6. Sceptic please take your comments elsewhere. Thanks anyway.

    Sheryl I appreciate your comments and it app rears you may of know some labs. My ND can work with those labs and cherry pick what she can use.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    I appreciate your thanks smile.png but saddened by your addiction to Quackery !

    Any scientific , peer reviewed, published ,in reputable journals only , evidence of this "intestinal permeability aka leaky guy." (sic)

    Thanks in advance . I am always willing to learn !

  7. Myself take 2 tables Norfloxin 400... cheap at Pharmacy

    years ago used to have Immodium but then they may do the reverse and cannot go for a few days

    Norfloxacin is only licensed for the treatment of urinary tract infections.

    It is a medication which is known to have potentially serious side effects

    Self medication with antibiotics is always a bad idea.

  8. Not possible, as that is only done in the course of getting a 1 year extension of stay. For the conversion you must comply with the rules for an extension of stay, which you don't.

    You might get a non-O visa abroad, but immigration won't give you an extension of stay as you do not meet the financial requirements.

    The 60 day extension can be done on any entry, with visa or without a visa.

    Can the sixty day extension be repeated on a serial basis ?

  9. Was just in Satun in Oct and made a visa run to Wang Prachun, it about1 hour from Satun, Once u trun off the main border its very scenic

    Market is ONLY on thai side Sat/Sunday, nothing on the Malay side. very easy border and can drive.

    What we did was extied thailand and then drove a day in Malasyai an re entered Thailand At Betong

    Or u can go to Lankawi if u wish by boat ( of course)

    No formalities associated with taking a car from Thailand into Malaysia ?

  10. Also... I got my double entry Thai Visa from the consulate in LA with a round trip ticket that read August (departing) to May (returning). No issue and no questions and no I did it myself this time. At check in I was not asked about it and never once did the check in staff member even look at the Thai Visa on page 9 of my US passport! So it might just be the way things actually work rather than the way they are supposed to work. Furthermore it is the individual's responsibility to abide by the local laws... not the airline to play policemen. The worst thing is that they will have you sign off on their disclaimer so that you cannot hold them responsible if you are refused entry due to the length of your return ticket, as I have already said. The trouble some of you have had in Japan and the Philippines is beyond me as I have traveled to both many time and actually I had no out-bound ticket when I entered the Philippines. In Japan I just walked straight through with no problem... maybe because of my US Passport? That could have been the deciding issue for both. I have no idea.

    Probably. A US passport is one of the best to hold.

    Holding a Sri Lankan or Pakistani passport for example virtually requires you to possess an outbound ticket for every destination you attempt to travel to, notwithstanding how difficult it is just to get a visa to say, Thailand for nationals of those countries and others like them.

    Most "Western" passport holders have huge travel advantages over those holding so called third world passports.

    Even if a visa is required my "Western" status is an advantage .

    People complain about having to "jump through hoops", they should experience the brick walls those without a Western passport have to break through.



  11. Best bet nearby for anything more exotic is probably Singapore.

    I would doubt the regulatory authorities in Singapore would permit a facility such as Cyrex Labs to operate within the country.

    There are , of course reputable, conventional, immunologists available for consultation within Singapore.

  12. Here you are .............The link will inform of "advanced hair tests" !xsmile.png.pagespeed.ic.TZt5dYe8BC.webp


    yes hair is not enough, it has to be combined with urine and stool tests

    if you get a high level of mercury on the 3 tests, it means you have abnormal levels of mercury in the body

    it could come from the teeth (the main source), the vaccins, or from products from the sea, and there are also some other sources

    Where is it possible to learn more about these abnormal levels of mercury which you say comes from teeth , "vaccins" or sea and other products?

    Are there any references excluding , of course, Quack and Crank websites ?

  13. It's autoimmune testing. Autoimmune will trigger various responses in the body if you have intestinal permeability or leaky gut. Looking for blood tests where the results confirm the triggers. This is beyond testing vitamin levels or cholesterol. smile.png. I've heard these tests are available in India but I need a visa and flight. Rather do it here if any ND works with a Bangkok lab.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    If you wish for someone to help you must specify what you want to access.

    Which tests are you looking for ?

    The Cyrex Labs you quote have an extensive menu of tests ! Do you wish to have all of the tests or just some ?

  14. "I sold my running business in good faith to a person I had known for several years in Pattaya. We drew up an agreement with monthly payments until full amount was paid. Every payment was late and last 2 payments were never made, and he refuses to pay the debt which is now 8 months old. The buyer is well known in Pattaya and owns several businesses. He is known for having done the same trick to a number of people and so far has got away with it."

    Says it all really !

    Selling a business and accepting the promise of "drip" payments from a known cheater !

    Sad !

    • Like 1
  15. "testing " every 2 weeks and "advanced blood/urine/hair tests" ?

    All sound a bit exotic and probably based on Quackery .

    I would hazard a guess that the OP is looking for the elusive "Toxin"

    Get your head out of the sand. Some of us are looking for serious replies not from Quacks telling us it's quackery. Grow up

    Here you are .............The link will inform of "advanced hair tests" !smile.png


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