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Posts posted by Sceptict11

  1. Faran

    I am sure you are a delightful and well meaning person.

    You clearly did not like that post !

    I am not offended because you know that it is truthful. The truth is sometimes difficult to accept.

    I would suggest you do a little research in terms of the employability of those with "soft" qualifications.

    Do not live in a dream world!

    "Hard" qualifications in maths, science , physics , medicine, law, engineering etc, will virtually guarantee employment.

    Those who opt for easier qualification will find life difficult. That is not to deny that some will find success.

    Success however will not be found somewhere where a person can not read, write or speak the language and where legal working is virtually impossible.

  2. If your wife needs hospital treatment for asthma every couple of months her asthma is clearly poorly controlled.

    It would be well worth her seeking advise at the hospital she is now registered with.

    The aim of seeking advise would be to reduce her need to seek the emergency "mask" treatment .

    Your wife should ask to see a Physician with an interest in respiratory diseases.

    Your wife should have two inhalers one which is used every day and one , usually blue in colour, which is used when she is short of breath.

    Frequent use of the blue inhaler indicates a need for her condition to be urgently reviewed.

  3. "The Thai's never clean their toilets or wash their hands and only wipe them on the dirty towels.

    What an appalling generalisation !

    Come and repeat that comment to my Thai wife !

    I do not place much of a chance on your not being seriously damaged.

    • Like 1
  4. I have just read through this thread which contains some appalling comments.

    I am sure that those who have contributed crass comments feel very proud of themselves .


    At the moment I feel ashamed to admit to being a TV member .sick.gif


    Guess you have not been in Thailand very long, so you probably do not understand what this

    man has done, and his role in the government. Chalerm basically represents all that is wrong with the power structure in Thailand, and the sooner he is gone from politics the better. Gentleman Jim pretty much hit the nail on the head with his comments.

    You would guess wrong !

    Most of the dross here is being posted by people who cannot speak, read or write Thai.

    They pick up "knowledge" from bars and poor "English" newspapers!

    If you consider Thai politicians to be "bad" what would you call Western politicians who indulge in illegal wars and kill many thousands across the world ?

  5. You clearly did not read the link which I provided.

    This medication has done harm to many children and bought death to some.

    Phenergan should never under any circumstance be given to a child under the age of two which is probably why it cannot be obtained in Australia.

    You have received good advise here and your abusive "keyboard warrior" comment is inappropriate.

    If there is a concern about the baby his GP should be consulted .

    • Like 1
  6. Not a problem, I have done exactly that, flew out from Manchester with Finnair last June with a return flight booked for May 2014, my permission to stay expires in April 2014, I had a re-entry permit and was not questioned when I checked in at Manchester, stopover in Helsinki and when I arrived in swampy immigration stamped me in on the re-entry permit showing permitted to stay until April despite my return flight being in May, I will of course renew my extension and get a re-entry permit ready for my return!

    The point being that you had a re-entry permit!

  7. Does this mean that I can get a Retirement Visa issued in Laos without the financial proof? I can only show $30K a month Soc. Sec. income, but not 400k bat in Thai Bank.

    If you are over 50 you may get a single entry non O visa without showing funds. I am uncertain about your chances of getting a multi entry visa.

    To extend a visa for the purpose of retirement would require an income of 65k/month or 8ook in the bank

  8. Wait ! No "retirement visas" are issued in Thailand so I suspect the OP is referring to an extension of stay.

    Perhaps we should ask if the OP has a re-entry permit ?

    If he has a re-entry permit there will be no problem with the airline.

    This is all bananas. Why would a UK airline check you had a valid visa for Thailand when you don't need a visa to enter Thailand (as you get one free for 30 days when you arrive in Bangkok). Airlines might check your visa status if you are flying to a country that requires a visa (eg. India or China). But this doesn't apply to Thailand.

    If someone wishes to fly without a visa an airline can , and some do, require to see a flight out of the country within 30 days.

    As a matter of information the are many airlines flying out of the UK most of them are foreign! smile.png

    • Like 1
  9. What is it being used for? As that would influence suggestions for similiar drugs. Phenergan is used for several different hings e,.g. nausea, itching, motion sickness....

    Helps to calm and help with sleep. Spoke to my mum wink.png I was the same as my son maybe worse ha ha ha have got her sending me some as I am over wasting my time with pharmacys ha ha

    Please read the very important information contained in the link


    I admire your honesty in admitting the intended use of this medication which is entirely inappropriate .

    Suspecting why the medication was being sought was my reason for not assisting with identifying an alternative.

  10. Promethazine = Phenergan ............. Available in Thailand but only as an injectable medication

    Maybe a stupid question but if your young son is in Australia why not just have him taken to a GP who will prescribe any medication required?

    edit !

    Correction of detail

  11. Old information - Thai immigration has not been there in years. You can get at both airports during departure. At DM you should have photo and copies of passport pages as well as fee.

    Now I am confused as I understand it Don Mueang is an international airport with Air Asia flying in from other countries. How can they not have immigration there. Is visa not a part of immigration?

    The comment relating to old and incorrect information refers to this .....................................

    "If you have an extension of stay but would like to travel outside Thailand for a short period then you will need to apply for a Re-Entry permit. Unlike before that this can be secured at the airport, Immigration rules have changed and you can now apply for a re-entry permit at the following:

    - Thai Immigration located at Suan Pluh, Bangkok"

    • Like 1
  12. When I reced 76 years old, Pacific International increased my premium to 500 Baht per day. Private insurance companies do not like to insure older people and they raise the price to get you off their books. Also, these policies are only one year at a time and they can refuse to renew your policy.

    Expensive !facepalm.gif

  13. A complex and somewhat confused post.

    All "strokes" are "vascular" but may be ischemic OR hemorrhagic

    A CT or MRI scan differentiates the two and very different treatment options are available depending on identified cause.

    This case is interesting in that it appears to span Thailand and Europe!

    I am sure someone will be able to direct the OP to a neurologist but an indication of where the OP lives would be helpful.

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