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Posts posted by Sceptict11

  1. Strange how they have changed the information link to their Visa Service. They had a dedicated section explain everything in detail. Now its just basically a flyer.

    As ubonjoe says, perhaps they scaled back their advertising which I find bizarre, wouldn't you say?

    There have been recent reports of a "toughening" attitude toward the issue serial tourist visas !

    Maybe the "scaling back" is related to a more rigorous enforcement of "rules" at the Consulate ?

  2. The "clue" is here " I completed secondary school in the UK about 30 years ago and took CSE/O'level exams"

    This tell us that the OP probably left school at the age of 16+ with a minimal record of academic achievement.

    After 30 years even if the old school attended still exists the old records will have long ago been destroyed. If the OP has retained his CSE/O level certificates they are verifiable (depending on the awarding body)

    No "central register", to my knowledge, exists and certainly not at the Ministry of Education!

  3. Hi ,

    if you are still looking for Papaya leaf juice ,Lanna Herbs has it in chiang Mai and it cures dengue in few days.

    My name Eezy

    Hope you have conclusive, evidenced based proof of that assertion .

    Dengue is a potentially fatal illness.

    An individual may, of course, choose to treat themselves with a "Quack" cure but to encourage others to do the same is reprehensible !

  4. I have no idea about Hep C treatment in Thailand.

    As a general rule a person with Hep C would require a full evaluation undertaken by a Hepatogist (Dr who specialises in liver disease).

    If following this evaluation it is determined that treatment would be beneficial then treatment in the form of anti viral medication is available ( Once again I do not know if it is available in Thailand.)

    The cost of treatment is very high and most insurance companies will insist on pre approval.

    You may find the following link helpful


  5. It will be quite interesting, dare I say amusing, to see the reaction on here, if the Thai Revenue started trying to tax inward remittances ( pensions etc ) which I would think the revenue code allows them to do.

    Probably they haven't thought of it yet.

    Maybe soon they will.

    I doubt izz

    It would seem the concept of "Double Taxation Treaties" is beyond the comprehension of some.

    • Like 1
  6. This sounds like an all round bad idea!

    If you or the boys father is concerned about his well being then a discussion with the boys Australian school together with (if necessary) social services would be more appropriate than bringing the boy to Thailand.

    It will be virtually impossible for the boy to continue his education in Thailand unless you can afford the fees associated with an international school.

    You talk about "home schooling" !

    Are you qualified to teach the boy and if you are following an "education course" when are you intending to teach the boy?

    I would urge a serious re think of your plans.

  7. It all depends on what you actually have in your Passport.

    Visa or Extension of stay.

    It is a Non Immigrant "O" visa

    A one year "visa" means you have been doing "border" runs every 90 days.

    An "extension of stay" means you have been doing 90 address reports at immigration.

    Specify which and you will receive appropriate advise



  8. A Doctor is not within their rights if confining a mentally competent patient to the hospital against their will.

    Absolutely agree

    .If someone attempted to "detain" me against my will I would be making a very serious complaint to the police !

  9. Nothing at all to be ashamed of smile.png .

    But please do not invoke the "law" when the "law" will not provide support.

    You may have disliked your Drs attitude but she was within her rights !

    As I suggested previously make sure your "specialist" is available 24/7 , 52 weeks a year . You will then be able to make direct contact and ensure you receive the treatment you want .

  10. 1. http://www.medicine....t_right_eng.htm

    Interesting but not "law"

    2.http://whothailand.h...th Act_2007.pdf

    Again interesting but show me the section which directs Drs to do as patients want/instruct

    Just one informative extract for consideration

    "In case he or she refuses to receive service, no person shall provide service to him or her."

    ​I look forward to learning about your successful "legal action" against the Dr/Hospital you are complaining about !

  11. "In declining admission but expecting apropriate(sic) medical acute care in ED I am expecting complience(sic) with the law"

    What "law" as a matter of interest would that be ?

    Point me to this "law" as clearly I need to inform myself !

    Doctors have "rights" and they can , legally, decline to treat someone whose condition is not, immediately , life threatening.

    ​The only "legal" obligation Dr's have in such a situation is to direct a patient to an alternative source of advice.

  12. I can say this: I left europe at age 34 with a one-way ticket to Thailand,

    I am also retired due to back problems, so i simply wrote to the thai embassy in my country and said:

    "I know retirement visa is 50 year, but i have a back injury so i'm already retired, with a pension.

    So i wonder if i can get a retirement visa, or if not, a tourist multiple re-entry,

    Thank you"

    So i got my passport back and they had generously given me a 1 year retirement visa.

    Otherwise you will get a grand total of (60+30)x 2,

    6 months in other words, plenty of time for you to find a school and get an ED visa going.

    Good luck, and pm if you decide Pattaya

    This fanciful nonsense !

    Aged 34 and "generously given" a one year "retirement visa"

    I think there are many here who would to know all about the "generous" Embassy in this "country" which is not specified.

    Seems a claim that "generosity" resulted in a "one year retirement visa" ........... Nothing to do with visiting "family and friends"

    There has, as perhaps could have been anticipated, been no response from the poster .

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