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Posts posted by Sceptict11

  1. Yes complain ! You will be rejected and rightly so .

    Acute exacerbations of COPD commonly result in a rapid onset of respiratory failure and a need for heroic attempts to provide respiratory support. ( Do not just believe me ! Look it up!)

    The Dr was probably right in saying you needed admission !

    However, you have the right to refuse any and all recommended medical treatments.

    You do not have a right to insist that a Dr. provides what you "want"!

    So "stick to your guns" and accept the possible consequences !

    If you can arrange for your "specialist" to be available 24/7 , 52 weeks a year then good !

    Contact the "specialist" and order the "treatment "

  2. Yes its all changed i can confirm the following:

    Its no longer possible to get Multiple Entry B Visa, from Hull or Birmingham, i called them both and even had my details sent of too London Embassy with everything explained, they just gave me a 90 day entry which is just pathetic as i cant get anything processed in Thailand in 90 days, certainly not my business to get a Work permit.

    Further more the only way you can have a multiple B Visa is if you work for a company NOT located in Thailand? Excuse me but what if you are an Investor with majority shares in many Thai companies and need to go to meetings and have property in Thailand. Now a B Visa is not good enough?

    In all the years i have done business in Thailand i have never seen it as bad as this, its gone from worse to worse and its sad to see they are going to ruin everything before the AEC, already conisdering egtting out now as the current gov hasnt got a clue!

    Maybe the government has got a clue and is clamping down on the scammers !

    No reason that 90 days is not enough to obtain a WP (with the correct paperwork)! The single entry can of course be extended again with the correct paperwork !

    Best of luck ! smile.png

  3. I can say this: I left europe at age 34 with a one-way ticket to Thailand,

    I am also retired due to back problems, so i simply wrote to the thai embassy in my country and said:

    "I know retirement visa is 50 year, but i have a back injury so i'm already retired, with a pension.

    So i wonder if i can get a retirement visa, or if not, a tourist multiple re-entry,

    Thank you"

    So i got my passport back and they had generously given me a 1 year retirement visa.

    Otherwise you will get a grand total of (60+30)x 2,

    6 months in other words, plenty of time for you to find a school and get an ED visa going.

    Good luck, and pm if you decide Pattaya

    This fanciful nonsense !

    Aged 34 and "generously given" a one year "retirement visa"

    I think there are many here who would to know all about the "generous" Embassy in this "country" which is not specified.

    In 2006 I was given a 1 yr Multi-Entry Non-Imm visa that I did not meet the requirements for, from my Embassy in my home country. I won't mention which now for obvious reasons. Wasn't hard, or a scam, they were just generous and helpful.

    Perhaps you have problems with Thai embassies because of your attitude.

    If the country can't be mentioned for "obvious reasons" the question of illegal (criminal?) activity certainly arises !

  4. I can say this: I left europe at age 34 with a one-way ticket to Thailand,

    I am also retired due to back problems, so i simply wrote to the thai embassy in my country and said:

    "I know retirement visa is 50 year, but i have a back injury so i'm already retired, with a pension.

    So i wonder if i can get a retirement visa, or if not, a tourist multiple re-entry,

    Thank you"

    So i got my passport back and they had generously given me a 1 year retirement visa.

    Otherwise you will get a grand total of (60+30)x 2,

    6 months in other words, plenty of time for you to find a school and get an ED visa going.

    Good luck, and pm if you decide Pattaya

    This fanciful nonsense !

    Aged 34 and "generously given" a one year "retirement visa"

    I think there are many here who would to know all about the "generous" Embassy in this "country" which is not specified.

    • Like 1
  5. Maintaining his residence status in Switzerland phrakeaw can remain insured under the compulsory Swiss health insurance requirement and thus would be covered for emergency treatment outside Switzerland.

    I hope that is a well researched piece of advice. As far as I an aware the basic, compulsory Swiss insurance provides minimal cover within Switzerland and Western Europe only!

    I , of course , am willing to be corrected ( refs. please in English !)

  6. phrakeaw

    Je sais que votre belle ville!

    Je voudrais vous inviter à réfléchir très soigneusement avant de venir à nouveau la Thaïlande. Vous ne serez pas en mesure d'obtenir une assurance santé contre une affection préexistante (mal de dos) et vous auriez à trouver un logement convenable qui peut ne pas être facile.

    Alors que vos revenus ne vous permettre de vivre une vie «simple», vous devez également vous rappeler le coût des soins médicaux / médicaments que vous pourriez avoir besoin.

    En outre, vous auriez le besoin constant d'être au courant de l'état de votre visa. Comme cela a déjà été dit que vous ne seriez pas se qualifier pour autre chose qu'un touriste ou éventuellement un visa ED (éducation) rien.

    meilleurs vœux


    Sorry if my French is poor !

  7. @Sceptict11, I live french part name of my city is FRIBOURG. Yes I speak with some specialist of my problem and my back is always in pain if I stay longer in switzerland isn't my best climate change always too. I lived in thailand already I really feel better than in switzerland , that for sure i know by my experience

    I know your beautiful city !

    I would urge you to think very carefully before coming to Thailand again. You will not be able to secure health insurance against a pre existing condition (bad back) and you would have to find suitable accommodation which may not be easy.

    Whilst your income would enable you to live a "simple" life you must also remember the cost of any medical care/medication you may need.

    In addition you would have the constant need to be aware of your visa status. As has already been said you would not qualify for anything other than a tourist or possibly an ED(education) visa.

    Best wishes

  8. @Sceptict1, Im sorry yes only tourist visa and make very month run visa but now is only 15 days extension by land and 1 month by air. If I remember and understand well.

    As I thought. There is no option for you.

    At your age and being single your only choice is a Tourist Visa or an ED(education) visa.

    There are no other "long stay" options available for you.



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