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Posts posted by Sceptict11

  1. Staple diet in the province is "sticky rice" and that combined with a probable genetic influence combines thus the increased risk of diabetes.

    Research would probably demonstrate a very low incidence of historical travel outside or into the region which would tend to magnify any inherent genetic traits. Hence the high incidence of diabetes.

    Persuading the rural folk to alter their dietary habits is not for the faint hearted or the non Thai speaker !smile.png

  2. "...and arrange to see a Dermatologist either within a government hospital (free for your g/f if she is Thai)..."

    Telling that to someone who doesn't know better is a bit simplistic.

    Are there any requirements, or can she go anywhere she wants?

    If the said g/f is Thai she knows where she is registered to receive "free " care and how to access such care.

    Her knowledge is far greater than mine !

  3. Very pleased it worked out well for you smile.png

    Me too but the real question is.....what the hell's going on??

    The 800k requirement is the first problem, if married to a Thai it should be 400k, neither for me are a problem except I had kept 400k in a Thai bank acc for years in case of this happening, now I just stuck in another 500k so if next year I re apply in the UK I can show Thai bank book with 900k in....until they make it 1 million.

    Why not just apply for an extension of stay ?

    That cuts out whatever is going on in the UK

    I come back once a year to see parents, it was convenient and easy for me as never know where i will be or when, i will now change it to an extension of stay on this trip as i think what will happen is that this rule will be fully enforced soon and hopefully if i do the 400k extension in Thailand Ill be grandfathered in (THOUGH NOTHING SURE EVER HERE) as tying up 400 or 800k is a bit of a pain.

    If you only return to the UK once a year then a single re-entry permit at 1000 bht would meet your need.

    The other benefit of an extension of stay is an end to the need for border runs !smile.png

  4. Very pleased it worked out well for you xsmile.png.pagespeed.ic.4tUibSscbZ.webp

    Me too but the real question is.....what the hell's going on??

    The 800k requirement is the first problem, if married to a Thai it should be 400k, neither for me are a problem except I had kept 400k in a Thai bank acc for years in case of this happening, now I just stuck in another 500k so if next year I re apply in the UK I can show Thai bank book with 900k in....until they make it 1 million.

    Why not just apply for an extension of stay ?

    That cuts out whatever is going on in the UK

  5. Thx for feedback. but no receipt lol she was asked by the official to bring it in today, and like i said it was within the alloted time so when she asked for the 2000 baht guess what my pocket was empty, but just incase in future i will ensure that reporting is done within a 6 day period seeing as he or she thinks it was a overdo report. or as lopburi3 stated it may have been in his eyes a late report from a nominated person.

    But then again he informed my gf that the report was a day late,so interesting scenario if it doesnt apply to a nominated person.

    Interesting !

    My wife occasionally does my 90 day reports. She is well aware of the "rules" and would never be caught by a scam such as is alleged.

    The officer could have refused to process the report in the absence of money to pay the fine.(if indeed the report was made outside the time frame allowed.)

    Have you checked the date stamped on the 90 day report receipt ?

  6. As said above it will be from last entry into Thailand as always for those already on extensions of stay. Don't forget to get a re-entry permit prior to travel to keep your current extension alive for the December return.

    Suspect jcnbkk is already outside Thailand which is why I raised the issue of a re-entry permit.

    If jcnbkk does not have a re-entry permit he will only receive a 30 day visa exempt entry and will have to restart the process of obtaining a non O visa and subsequent extension of stay

  7. It is likely your g/f has a "keloid" scar.

    This type of scar is very common among those with brown/black skin colouring.

    Many Thai people will have at least one such scar (often seen in the region of the shoulder)

    Treatment tends to be ineffective and can sometimes make matters worse.

    If your g/f wants to seek medical advise stay away from "clinics" and arrange to see a Dermatologist either within a government hospital (free for your g/f if she is Thai) or one of the larger private hospitals.



  8. FBN, thanks for the reply and the link.

    No, I am not confusing a full MRI body scan with this. Full MRI body scans are carried out on a lot of people, my question really was how useful are they. The more I read about them, the more I was suspicious that it may be a bit of a waste of time and money. If not a complete waste of time, then very misleading.

    This thread has convinced me not to go ahead with one anyway - so it has been most useful. Thanks a lot.


    Here is a link to one of the adverts typical of these 'Wellness MRI Body Scans' - there are many more like this - like I say, I was sceptical about its claims anyway and won't be booking one anywhere soon!!


    These organisations cater to the "worried well" and basically are "scams"

    Differing areas of the body require different imaging techniques there is not "a one size fits all" type of scan.

    Often these organizations will "discover" the need for a more focused (and of course expensive) follow up scan !

    Do not get hooked !

    If interested go here !


  9. Prior to undergoing your hip surgery a full physical examination will be undertaken .

    This will be combined with an ECG (electrocardiogram) and a range of blood tests which will include a full blood count and other investigations such as blood chemistry.

    It is very rare for a whole body scan to be indicated on clinical grounds.

    If you have other issues apart from the hip mention these to the medical staff and they will advise what is required.

  10. There are English speaking doctors in Chiang Mia.

    Perhaps someone will offer a recommendation or ask at your school.

    As your sickness began on the plane it is very unlikely to be some "exotic" tropical disease.

    Saying your symptoms were "non specific" was not intended to be a criticism just a statement of fact thumbsup.gif

    Stay away from pharmacies and self medication other than for very simple issues (something your parents would not bother a doctor with)

    Hope you find the help you need and recover soon.


    Just noticed this !

    "I got tested for HIV about a week ago in school, I'm clean for that.. I'm kind of worried about getting blood tests done in case of getting HIV to be honest"

    Are you sure about this ?

    Whilst tests are available which do not involve blood they are not "gold standard" and I have not heard of them being used in Thailand or in Schools.

    ​You are at no risk of contacting HIV from a blood testing procedure undertaken in a Government or Private hospital in Thailand

  11. Maybe I do andyou don't. A cure is when that illness is no longer found.... (putting it very simply for you as it is obvious to me you are no doctor sir)

    Anything....can relapse.

    I dtill practise and own over a dozen clinics in Australia sir. Please don't lecture me until you can validate your professional expertise in such matters. Of course relapsing to bad habits will facilitate the return of any illness

    Sent from my GT-N7000B using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    We've heard it all before from all manner of quacks and it always ends the same way, where's your link showing independant medical proof that Diabetes Type II can be cured, by any means?

    Moderators, please!

    I given up dealing snd advising those who know it sll from google. Cure thyself. Heal thyself.

    Sent from my GT-N7000B using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    From marcusd own profile !

    "Business man owing Medical Clinics and employing lots of lazy people who want too much money stiopping me retiring early.

    Very opinionnated because I worked with Government agencies in the past and life is just one big wheel and we are all going round and round. So when you get aged, you have been round and see same shit different people." (sic)

    No need for any futher debate !smile.png

  12. Its always best to start at the beginning !

    So how old are you ?

    male or female ?


    Ever been abroad before ?

    How long in Thailand and whereabouts ?

    Where and what are you studying?

    Any previous medical history ?

    Taking any medication (including OTC or "alternative" medicines)

    How long have you been experiencing your present symptoms ?

    All these questions need answering and you also need to see a REAL doctor.

    If your host family will not help then ask at your place of study.

    If you need further advise then you are welcome to ask but as your symptoms are relatively unspecific this may not be the best place to seek advise.

  13. I am a doctor. Go to a hospital. These arewide open symptoms. The is bird flu back again and it could be this or just too much garlic..though I doubt it. It coukd be ANYTHING but you deserve to have it seen to. Go! Immediately in case it is serious

    Sent from my GT-N7000B using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Direct copy from marcusd profile !

    "Business man owing Medical Clinics and employing lots of lazy people who want too much money stiopping me retiring early.

    Very opinionnated because I worked with Government agencies in the past and life is just one big wheel and we are all going round and round. So when you get aged, you have been round and see same shit different people."

  14. You are getting an unbalanced idea of how common difficulties are, because people mostly post here when they have a problem, understandably enough, because they want help and a solution.

    If you can meet both income and bank balance requirements you should have no problem whatsoever.

    I obtained an O-visa and have extended my stay by a year twice now, using the bank balance method, without a hitch, and each extension took a single 2 hour visit to immigration. Providing you have the correct documents, and know what you are doing, there should be no difficulty. Everything you need to know and do can be found by searching this site.

    The British Embassy are completely familiar with the requirements for income verification letters, and charge you for doing them, so as long as you have the right documentary evidence to show them, again no problem at all.

    You have to report your address every 90 days. This means filling in a form with your address on it , going with your passport to an office, and handing it in, and waiting about ten minutes. That's it. You are not asking to stay longer by doing this so no worry is involved. You will already have your extension valid for one year before you need to do 90-day reports.

    While every immigration office is different , and all my experience is with the very straightforward and efficient one in Bangkok, there is no reason to be apprehensive, as long as you actually do meet all the requirements.

    Thailand is an incredibly easy country for a non-citizen to move to and stay in, compared to the EEC and the US, for example.

    EDIT: just wondering why you call the Malaysian retirement visa program easier than the Thai? Don't you need more money deposited/income?

    Here is the Malaysian "My Second Home Project"


    Individuals can make their own judgement smile.png

  15. Even if you were right and it was not your fault, she would have still blamed you. I remember last time I got into an accident in Thailand, the woman got out of the car after hitting my motorbike and started to educate me on how I should do this and that next time while riding so I would not get into an accident again. She was quick to make it clear that it was not her fault. I was about to put her into the trunk so she could shut up but the cops arrived. No matter what the case is, the first thing they do is make a statement: ahhh I have nothing to do with it.

    and the cops did what?

    Accepted the bribe.

    Paid by who and for what ?

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