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Posts posted by Sceptict11

  1. You cannot "extend" a tourist visa by exiting Thailand overland.

    Nor is there a 90 day limit !

    If you have a tourist visa then it can be extended by 30 days by application to your nearest immigration office.

    What are you intending ?

    Do you in fact have (or are intending to apply for) a tourist visa which will give you 60 days in country?


    Can a farang without a Thai wife also do what I have highlighted in red...??? If so, what do I have to produce at immigration and do you know how much this costs?

    Cheers... xsmile.png.pagespeed.ic.4tUibSscbZ.webp

    Yes !

    Go to immigration with your passport and 1900bht.

    Fill in the form and you will get the 30 days

    No need for a wife !laugh.png

  2. It is good you worrie about this, Mrmoo71.

    Just apply for the double entry tourist visa. You just have to exit/enter Thailand after 60 days.

    I just checked the consulate-general website in amsterdam and they say you can apply for a triple entry as well(to meet your 12 weeks a double visa will suffice). But you have to proof to them you will enter/exit Thailand twice..

    Nonsense !

    The OP does not require or need a double entry tourist visa!

    The OP set out his needs very clearly and he has received good advice smile.png

    • Like 2
  3. Latest info is that they will not do it until you have made at least one report. It varies on how long it takes to get it.

    Does the same apply to visitor here on Tourist Visa ? Submit TM47 ?

    An address report (TM47) only applies to those staying 90 days or more in Thailand.

    Never required from those on tourist visas ! smile.png (Tourists have to leave the country on the 90th day !)

  4. Thanks for the replies, but i still feel worried because of the 60 days that the visa allows...but can be extended at the discretion of the immigration officer part

    There would have to be a VERY good reason(s) for an immigration officer to refuse a 30 day extension to a tourist visa .

    Stop worrying and accept that such extensions are routine.

    • Like 1
  5. Many diabetics are experts in the management of their condition .

    There is as yet no "cure" for diabetes.

    Most people will easily recognise a Quack !

    Do not respond to the provocation(s) !

    By ignoring the nonsense the Quack (or Troll) will starve and disappear smile.png

    If it persists then a complaint to the mods will ensure its removal !

    • Like 1
  6. Apply for a single entry Non "O" visa with your marriage cert. and copies of your wife's ID card and house book.

    The non "O" will give you 90 days and you can then apply for a 60 day extension to "visit your wife" using the same evidence.



    when applying for the 60 day "extension" be sure to take your wife with you to the immigration office.

  7. You cannot "extend" a tourist visa by exiting Thailand overland.

    Nor is there a 90 day limit !

    If you have a tourist visa then it can be extended by 30 days by application to your nearest immigration office.

    What are you intending ?

    Do you in fact have (or are intending to apply for) a tourist visa which will give you 60 days in country?

  8. manarak

    Work permits are of no concern to immigration officers. Violation of immigration rules are their concern.

    "Working" without a permit is a concern of both the Department Labour and Immigration.

    Failure to produce a work permit will result in problems if a person is caught "working".

    Police, Immigration Officers and Officials from the DL often work in tandem in their efforts to identify the "illegals"

    Much the same in your country of origin I would guess.

  9. Your friend(you)xwhistling.gif.pagespeed.ic.YFbFEjGiN5.w alt=whistling.gif width=19 height=18> should open a Thai bank account and gain trust in the Thai economy.

    Every party will benefitxthumbsup.gif.pagespeed.ic.ysn6H7pBDU.we alt=thumbsup.gif width=25 height=19>

    If it was me, why would I need pretend otherwise. He asked me because I actually lived in Bangkok in the late 90's. I worked there. I banked with Thai Farmers to begin with and then BKK bank because I changed employers. I have nothing to hide. The best years of my life to date. I wish I could return....but it's highly unlikely. I'm just helping a mate who'se just been there on holiday and spent most of that on Samui. He is in his late fifty's and retired with a pension. He would like to give living out there a go.

    Fair, so if HE holds a Thai bankcard; the ATM fee will be B20 per transaction, max.

    Withdrawals from a Thai Bank ATM are mostly free if using a local Thai bank card in the issuing banks ATM's

  10. The charge for using a foreign card at most ATMs is 150bht ( approx £3)

    He should open a Thai bank account with the Bangkok Bank ensuring internet access to the account. Providing he also has internet access to his UK account transfers are easily arranged perhaps on a monthly basis.

    All this bank discussion is perhaps premature until the gent decides what /where his future is. If his future is seen to be staying in Thailand the first and most important step is to secure an appropriate visa which will allow a long term stay.

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