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Everything posted by Confuscious

  1. I lived in KORAT, not CW. Different Immigration offices and different requirements. I prepared every year te required documents for an extension according to the rules at that date. Also, I prepared every year a new 1 year rental contract with a new TM30. And this was always accepted and the extension was always granted without problems. But in 2024, with new immigration officers, Korat immigration had become a nightmare for almost everyone. I will stop this discussion here as it has nothing to do with the original post.
  2. I went to immmigration for my extension fully prepared. Just like the other 24 years. But the new immigration officers were asking for all kind of copies which were not needed. Many people living in Korat complained about the new immigration officers here and other forums. Requirements are very straightforward, but the number 1 rule still reigns in Thailand: "Every officer is allowed to ask for more documents outside the ones listed if he/she deems it necessary". The TM30 was the same as the years before and had always been accepted by Immigration.
  3. Did they found a valid VISA And TM3 or did they enter Thailand illegal?
  4. I am aware that it was a "legal" insurance policy but made virtually inalid due to the excessive own risk deduction and other clausules. But I don't know any insurance company which allows such policies. Hence my question, which company would allow such contracts?
  5. This list is about insurance companies but not specific about "throw away insurance policies". Which insurance company produce such insurance policies?
  6. Once a person is "Flagged" to be killed by Muslims you can not hide anymore. Nowhere in the world you will be safe as you can be killed by any Muslim performing a "Honor" killing. I know of a similar case in Belgium, where the girl was put under police protection, but finally was killed by a Muslim boy in the school.
  7. Slightly off-topic, but what is a "throw away insurance policy" and do you have any links to where to obtain such insurance policies?
  8. The biggest problem are refugees/illigal immigrants of the second generation and succeeding immigrants. Many of these illegal immigrants have found a girlfriend/wife in these countries and made children. These children are brought up with the same disrespect to the country and follow the Islam religion. But they can not be forced to leave the country because they are residents by nationality. In most European countries, children born in the country are automaticaly residents. Also, in the countries I am familiar with, the biggest error was to let the legal immigrants create "Ghettos" by allowing them to group in one city. They should have been forced to spread to avoid creating Ghettos.
  9. I can only answer this question in regard with KORAT immigration last year. On my yearly extension last year, I was already using a walker and had difficulty walking longer trajects. Nonetheless, the "students" who were doing a preliminary check of the documents had fun in sending me to the copy shop for additional copies (which were in fact not needed). After 2 hours walking up-and-down and making the queue for photo copies, I was admitted to go the immigration officer at the preliminary check to get a queue number. This immigration officer (a grumpy old lady) looked at me and asked me "why are you still alone after living so many years in Thailand" and refused my extension because my TM3 was not valid. That was the point where I decided to use an agent to do the extension and start my exodus of Thailand.
  10. Not only Ireland, but many European countries are fed-up with the illegals. This will not end well ...
  11. Damage is done on many fronts and recovery will be hard for Thailand. The Chinese kidnapping; The new TAX laws; The "crackdown" on foreigners; The "crackdown" on opening bank accounts; The crackdown on visa agents; Etc. It seems to me that Thailand is shooting itself in the foot many times in a row.
  12. "When Naree entered a hotel room and accepted the money, she was arrested" Did Naree entered the hotel room draped with a towel? Maybe Naree took a shower outside the hotel room first? Confusing ....
  13. There is NO PROSTITUTION in Pattaya. This was confirmed by the RTP after a personal visit to the bars.
  14. What wonders me are the amounts published in these scames while most Thais are living in "poverty". 91 million baht is a lot of money for most Thais.
  15. Not quite the same logic, but I never get to understand the logic behind "LESS cost MORE". And this is not only in Thailand, but in most countries as well. 1 liter of Soya Milk = 40 baht 1 liter of Soya Milk WITOUT ADDED SUGAR = 45 Baht. So, you need to pay the worker who is ADDING SUGAR 5 baht a bottle to not add the SUGAR.
  16. https://www.rd.go.th/english/23517.html 4. Application for exemption or reduction of fine and surcharge A taxpayer has the duty to file his tax return and pay proper taxes on time. Should he fail to do so, he will be subject to fine and surcharge on top of the tax due.
  17. Example 1: A friend of mine, 75+ years and living in Korat, is posting every day pictures about how cheap it is to live in Thailand. He lives on a NON-O visa, Thai wife. He purchased a house (on name of his Thai wife) and feeds the Thai family. Yet, about 7 years ago, he start having a head ache. He went to several hospitals, but everywhere they told him that it was nothing serious and send him off with a bunch of Anit-Biotics. After 2 months of ordeal, he went to Belgium and was diagnosed with brain Cancer. He got help from the FREE BELGIAN HEALTH CARE, and is now still alive thanks to the FREE BELGIAN HEALTHCARE. He lives now 9 months in Belgium (medical care) and 3 months in Thailand. Nevertheless, the 3 months that he is in Thailand, he keeps postiong pictures and claiming how cheap life in Thailand is. Example 2: A friend of mine, an 80+ old german guy, was diagnosed with AAA at the same time as me (2018). He had no health insurance. When asking for the cost of that surgery, he got an estimate around the 1 million baht. He chosed to take the risk and skip the surgery. I went to Belgium and had the surgery done in Belgium. He died about 1 year later from a rupture of his aorta. I am still alive and kicking. Example 3: A friend of mine, 75+ years and living in Korat, was posting every day pictures of the house he purchased for his Thai wife and the good life he was living in Issaan. One day in 2023, he started to feel a bump in his neck. He went to the local hospital (where his wife was working) and they said that it was nothing serious. Gave him a bunch of Anti-Biotics and if he symptoms did not improve with 3 months, he would come back. But 2 months later, the bump on his neck start to have the size of a golfball and was hurting badly (see picture). Back to the hospital, the hospital took a sample of the bump to anaylize. When he went 1 month later to the hospital to ask for the results, the sample was lost and never send for analysation. By that time the bump was already very big and the only option was to remove it. I spare the readers from the picture after the operation which costed him 400K baht. He send me a message asking how I did it to have a big surgery in Belgium while I was living in Thailand and I answerred him that as long anyone is living on a Belgian pension that person is also registrered for the Belgian healthcare. His answer was: "I did'nt know that. I was told that when I chose to leave Belgium I was not anymore registred in the health care". Anyway, his Cancer was too much advanced to return to Belgium and he dies short after that. I have a lot of examples after living 25 years in Thailand, but I will leave it here. The cost of living in Thailand is not only the price of food and dring (and bar hopping) but also the health care and other costs which doesn't occur on a weekly or monthly base.
  18. My advice would be to get professional help from an accountant and fill in the form. Not doing so might bring you into a difficult situation, and if you want to keep living in Thailand, you better avoid that. With your income and possible DTA you have nothing to fear.
  19. A few weeks back, I was proposed by a group about "Moving to Spain" to use the application "DeepL" to translate documents for the Spanist authorities. I tried it, and the translation with DeepL was accepted without the requirement the have the document stamped as a "True Copy" and translated by an official translator. DeepL is somewhat similar to Google Translate, but it seems to add a higher level of security to the translation.
  20. I remember long ago, when the first multiblade razors came out, there was a brand of razors which had a little white push-buttin at the top. Simply push the button and the space between the blades opened to clean them. They disappear and never saw them back.
  21. A lot of Social Media Dating platforms are infested with underaged girls and boys offering explicit photo(s) and video(s) and some of them even offering life movies. Thailand is no exception. It is the task of these platforms owners to veryify that their users are complying with the age laws.
  22. NEWSFLASH Read a new thread from a Brit about how awfull Thai prisons are in a few weeks.
  23. When the Belgian Embassy stop to issuing affidavits of income, I asked the Belgian Pension department for a signed and stamped pension overview. Belgian pensioners receive every year, in the beginning of the year, an overview of their pension revenue for tax purposes (the relevant tax id numbers are marked on the letter). I asked the Belgian pension department if it was possible to send me the same letter, but signed and stamped. A few days later I received the same letter, signed and stamped by the pension department by email. Translated that letter (500 baht) and it was accepted. Cheaper as the embassy.
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