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Everything posted by Confuscious

  1. Not "OR". 1 to 5 years in the monkee house will give her a lesson not to steal.
  2. Thai police at their best. Good for nothing.
  3. Mark Zucker's yacht emits more CO2 than a car would emit in a lifetime. While we all try to reduce the CO2 emission, hundreds of politiians and rich people fly around in private jets that emit more CO2 than a whole city. While we all try to reduce the CO2 emission, Quatar is burning thousand of tires in the desert. The list is endless.
  4. I was in the same situation and can relate my story: 1. I was on the birth certificate of the child, but being on the Birth Certificate DOES NOT gives you automatic parental rights. Parental rights, in some extent, have to been granted by a COURT ORDER. 2. Even with an court order, Issaan "laws" grant the mother FULL RIGHTS over the child until the age of 21 years. Example: if you would buy a house on the childs name, even with a court order that the child would be the only beneficiary of the house, the mother will have the FULL CUSTODY over the child and his/hers belongings. In 2011 I needed to go to the City hall to apply for a ID-Card for my child and, even while I had the FULL CUSTODY over my child on the divorce certificate, the clerck at the city hall wanted to see my wife to sign for the ID-Card of the child.
  5. I had every month a blood test, for over 10 years, at the Military Hospital in Nakhon Ratchasima. The blood test was performed on orders from the doctor trough a "blood test sheet". It included everything you asked for. But: - You needed to get an order from a doctor. - The blood test was not free. See enlosed document.
  6. I remember in 2007 while shopping in Big-C in Nakhon Ratchasima the PA system was warning the parents to keep a close contact with their children. Several children had been kidnapped in Big-C while their parents were shopping.
  7. I had a Chevrolet Optra with ABS and had exactly the same experience. Always drive without problems until one day I had to brake and the brakes felt like metal on metal. No brakes. Luckely, I was able to pull my handbrake and slow the car down. Drove to the Chevrolet station, but the brakes were working fine and the chief mechanic asked if I had been drinking.
  8. Does she mean the "full top set" or the "full bottom set"? I read somewhere that Thai man have the shortest penises on earth.
  9. Me about 15 years ago. I could spend hours curling my moustache while sitting in font of a cold beer and pondering about life.
  10. I can not shave with the regular blades. Need at least 2 blades to shave clean. I used the white/orange single blades from the 20 baht shops. Cheap and good. I also used to like the blades cut in half like the hairdresser. But as I grew older, and my hand was shaking, my face started to look like a battlefield and I went back to the 20 baht blades.
  11. I think he was joking Yao yen yen
  12. That is also my understanding. Thai (Asian) woman don't like hair on a man's face. I wear a moustache since hair started to grow on my face and I wear it proudly. But I was ask many times to get it off as it was not "Thai". Thai man don't shave. Instead they use a small mirror and plucking device to take the hair out 1 by 1. It's a funny sight when they engage in a hair plucking seance. I used to joke and answer when somebody ask me to shave my moustache that they don't know the pleasure of eating a pussy and enjoy 2 weeks from the smell and the taste everytime I lick mu moustache. Their face is hilarious.
  13. I see many pictures of elder celebrities, with a beard. Before they were clean shaved but as they grow older their shaving equiment seems to have retired. Not only celebrities, but many people in Thailand (and in Spain now) show the same behavior. I agree that above a certain age, 65+, shaving becomes very difficult and can sometimes be a PITA. But it's not the end of the world. Besides that, it's very easy nowadays to be clean shaved (laser hair removal). So, did you grow a beard at your older days and why?
  14. Abuse a woman and beat her? No problem. Pay a fine upto 40,000 baht and continue your behavior. TIT
  15. No word of driving under the influence of alcohol? Just pay 400 to 1,000 baht? TIT
  16. IF convicted .... will surely be never convicted after the exchange of brown envelopes ... OR if convicted, the scam agent will pay the fine and the brown envelopes ... THAI justice is a joke
  17. How about making FACEBOOK pay for people who are scammed as well. FACEBOOK prioritise revenue generation over public safety very clear.
  18. "HE (the ladyboy)" followed the foreigner to the toilet demanding an apology and threatening to report him to the police. "HE (the ladyboy)" has caused the attack and that's the end of the story.
  19. Easy does it. That's the usual Thai police system. The culprits are offered the opportunity to go to the police and surrender volutarily. If they admit to be guilty, the sentence is reduced by 50%. A win-win for both parties.
  20. Anutin plans seems to work well. No problem.
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