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Everything posted by Confuscious

  1. Yeo, good to see that the Thaksin's are back in power and doing their RICE bussiness.
  2. As far as I know, the embassy's affidavit was ONLY confirming the signature of the declarant. At least, that was what the Belgian Embassy was doing. Not the claim in itself.
  3. Excellent effort. Now this casualty is not marked in the list of traffic accidents He was already dead on the spot, but let's carry the poor lad to the hospital and let the hospital declare him death SHORTLY AFTER his arrival. You need to love the Thais for their ability to fabricate their lies.
  4. You are only posting blablablabla. I posted the proof of 1000baht for a steak. You on the other hand are only posting crap without proof. Not worth to have a discussion with.
  5. I was talking about a <deleted>hole in issaan. We now have 280g Australian Picanha Wagyu Steaks marble score 8/9 cooked to your preference served with either chunky crispy chips & side salad or creamy mashed potatoes with broccoli, carrots & cauliflower both come with either a peppercorn or bearnaise sauce. 1000 baht https://goo.gl/maps/KUVoRKPnKHnNzNXP7
  6. Even in korat, a <deleted>hole in issaan, a good steak cost 1,000 baht. The people who try to portrait Thailand as a cheap country are the usual Thai bootlickers.
  7. It seems impossible to have a decent discussion with the "Thai Bootlickers". YES, Thailand can be cheaper if you consider only food and housing. But if you need healthcare and other expensive items, sooner or later you will be confronted with them, Sherryl is not the cheap solution to your needs. Neither is "GoFund.Me".
  8. Read my post again. I said "MAINLY", not everybody. You found a "pretty lady"? Good for you. Next
  9. You paid for the house, so if you divide the cost of the house by the months you are here your rent would be very high. And I am sick and tired of people on LOS saying that they build a house. Yes, you build a house, but it is not yours and it will never be yours. Lost investment. The only thing you can legally have is Condo where 51% of the block is in Thai hands.
  10. If you read the requirements of monetising social media, it is extremely difficult to make a decent living on Social Media alone. It's not only the "Clicks" or "How many times your content was displayed" but you need also to have a minimum "Subscribers" and you need also to "Interact" with the users (which means that you need to be constantly reading your post and respnding to users). You need to post a long time before becoming another "Mr. Beast" or "Andrew Tate".
  11. There are mainly 2 kind of people travelling to Thailand and nothing has changed in this matter. 1. The elder people who are alone and can get no girl/woman in their country anymore (except woman of their own age) and travel to Thailand to get a young girl to take care of them. Off course, against $$$$$$$. This type of tourist used to travel to Pattaya or Phuket, but you can see them in Issaan and other cities as well now. 2. The backpackers who are enjoying their youth before starting a carreer in their own country. They con't care about safety rules, tourist rules or anything. Their goal is to enjoy life to the fullest for a short time. Off course, many of then end-up returning ti their country while missing a few limbs or in a box.
  12. When I was iin Thailand, I used to buy the single blade razors in a 20 Baht shop. But most of the time, I simply went to my hairdresser and let him shave me (30 Baht and SUPER CLEAN SHAVE). In Spain now, I buy the same single blade razors at a 1 EUR shop. Still the best for me.
  13. When I came to Thailand, 25 years ago, I and many people in my office would handle their Credit Card to a motorcycle driver who went to pay all my bills and do the shopping for me. Never been scammed by the motorcycle driver. I wouldn't try to do that nowadays.
  14. And you had to pay in US Dollars with new bills. No bending allowed.
  15. Living in the west or other countries is not cheap. I live now about 4 months in Spain and can compare the prices of living in Europe and living in Thailand. But in the long term, Spain is cheaper than Thailand for me. I walk every month into the hospital, visit a few specialists and get my medication FREE OF CHARGE. I go many times drink a glas of wine and get a Tapa of my choice free. Total price for a glass of wine and a Tapa (food) is 3.5 EUR. I stap on the bus and can go anywhere FREE OF CHARGE. So, living in the West can be cheaper as Thailand. And best of all, NO HASSLE WITH VISAS OR 90-DAYS REPORTS. Times are changing fast and Thailand is not the country it was when I came living there. In a few years time, Thailand will become a very expensive country for most expats.
  16. That is the most annoying thing. As soon as you click on something, you are flooded with that particular item. Many times, I click on something by mistake and my screen is flooded with advertising about that item. ANNOYiNG!!!!
  17. It's almost impossible to open a Social Media site nowadays without being submerged with the clips from "yet another tourist". Standard clips are a stroll down Beach Rd and discussing with the Ladyboys about their tarifs for a short-time, walking down Soi 6 while being groped by the bar girls and strolling in Walking Street asking the girls if they are a Ladyboy. Most of these clips have barely 500 viewers and thus no moneytising value. But they are becoming a PITA for the Sociak Media readers. Is this the meaning of a tourist vacation? Shooting a standard clip?
  18. I had exactly the same experience with Bangkok Bank a few years ago. I opened a Foreign Devices account with the head Bangkok Bank in Bangkok back in 2004 in order to get my Visa based on Retirement. The required sum was 400,000 Baht. ce A few years later, when the required bank deposit, changed to 800,000 Baht, I went to the same Bangkok Bank to top-up my balance to the new requirements. The same lady who opened my account told me that the bank rules had changed and I needed to get a "Letter of Reference" from the embassy and a proof that the money was legally earned. I tried to convice them that I was not asking for a new bank account but only top-up my current account, but only to meet a "NJET". I had an account since day 1 in Thailand, but they had refused to open a Foreign Devices account in 2004 unless the minimum deposit was meet (4 million Thai Baht). I went back to the UOB bank to ask to open a Foreign Devices account and that was suddenly no problem. Thailand or "Change with the wind".
  19. Today, I wanted to add some documents and pictures in my Google Drive account. This was done before several times without problem. But today, as I wanted to upload a picture from hard drive (hard disk), a message showed up asking me to ENABLE cookies first (See picture 1). I clicked on "Learn more" and the message was "I need to enable cookies if I wanted to use my account" (see picture 2). Google warned that enabling "Incignito mode" or disabling "Third Party cookies" in order to "work properly". I fail to see why I would need to enable Third-Party cookies to upload an image from my own computer. Seems that Google wants to push their advertising to the limit of what is acceptable.
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  20. Under the condition that you will never leave your house without underwear ....
  21. This "law" only achieved a selective lose of income to the bigger outlets. During the "Not allowed to sell alcohol" hours, everey little "mom amd shop" kept selling alcohol as if the law didn't exists. This law is hurting only the bigger outlets, not the alcohol drinkers.
  22. With all the money Pattaya is earning from the tourists, they could surely afford to put a few public toilets along beach road. Pattaya gets the <deleted> they are deserving.
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