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Everything posted by Confuscious

  1. Indifferently to many responses here, YOU SHOULD KEEP YOUR HANDS OFF FROM THINGS THAT DON'T BELONG TO YOU. Some people think that it's ok to search trough another person's properties.
  2. While the couple on the 3 wheeled bike were driving on the wrong side of the road, the pickup driver will be charged with wreckless driving causing harm to others. Standard practize here. You should always take care of the traffic conditions and adapt your speed to the traffic conditions. I had an accident similar to this (luckely nobody died) but was charged with wreckless driving.
  3. When boarding a plane, a short tutorial is presented about the safety rules. They say very clearly that in case of a sudden air loss in the plane, oxygen masks will automaticaly be deployed. FIRST put your own mask on before helping others (eg.: your children). Care about yur own safety before helping others.
  4. Guess the vehicle had no dashcam recording the accident?
  5. Using his car as a murder weapon? That's something new. Hope nobody will follow his example.
  6. I just read the news of a car ploughing into people in London on Christmas day. Read several newsmedia about this but none of them mention the nationality of the driver.
  7. I remember last year, when I was visiting the Temple of Truth, my Thaifriendly account was flooded with foreign freelancers in Pattaya offering their services. 99% of them were too ugly to respond to. That place must be full of foreign freelancers.
  8. You mean like this? Lucky they had no smartphones at that time ..
  9. She wasa driving with one hand and aparently not looking at the traffic on that moment. She went straigth to the truck instead following her path. Maybe distracted by her phone.
  10. Despite the posts of the "Thai boot lickers", the common knowledge with Thai Immigration is that theywant to shift everybody to use Visa Agents and pat big $$$ for their business with Immigration. More foreigners are skipping 90 days reports altogether and chose to pay a small fine when they get caught instead of dealing with the Thai Immigration.
  11. Condoms are a nice invention to stop children with that behavior. No need to shoot them.
  12. 15 yeard old and Thai juveniles justice system? They are back on the street before you blink an eye.
  13. I was discussing yesterday about this, which is not only in Thailand but in almost every country. Most of the retired expats are too old and will not be bothered with the problem. But their children might face the situation where they are called to serve their country in a war. Suppose that WW3 would start, how likely are you going to serve "your country" or let your children be "canon meat" for your country. The people which I had the discussion with yesterday agreed unanymous that none of them would be willing to go to fight for a country that let them down for so many years. Your opinion?
  14. Guess he is a military or an ex-military and escapes normal trial. Will get a military soft treatment. The day before Christmas, "Slow down, I am not a murder".
  15. Same as everything in Thailand, this law is meaningless if not enforced and properly dealt with A slpa on the wrist will not benefit the child in any way.
  16. Not quite rught. The Belgian health care system was already invented in 1800's. The workers on the mining company created a funds to help the unfortunate people who lost their job or had health problems. Later, the workers in steel factories, garment factories, etc. created each the same idea. The health care funds is now a compulsory system in which the worker put 12% of their salary jn the funds and the employer put also 12% on the funds.
  17. Quick, make Thailand the hub of UFO sightings.
  18. Depends on the amouts of cash in the enveloppes (donation to the police coprs).
  19. True, on these aspects Thailand is cheaper than most western countries. I would have stayed in Thailand if that was the only point. But as you grow older and suffer with health problems like me, Thailand is way more expensive. You only need to look at the people resorting to a GoFound.me in case of an accident and hospitalist is required. The price can be in the millions of baht. I can get no insurance at my age and with my previous ailments.
  20. Thailand = Land of the FREE. Authorities can make as many laws as they want, it is up to the individual to respect them or not.
  21. Youths below 16 years of age = UNTOUCHABLES
  22. Thai Poilce investigation = exchanging brown enveloppes. The daughter stated already "He should come and apoligize". So, this will end in a basket of Chinese health drinks and a wai. For the police, it will be a big brown enveloppe. Next case ....
  23. Watch the next ASEANNOW edit about an UK citizen releasing a book titled "My 5 years in a Thai prison".
  24. 25 years ago, while working in Rayong, a guy from a German company flew over to install the PLC software and get it running. The guy was working in a famly businness which was very successful and had many jobs on their list. He was married and had children. One weekend he wanted to see Pattaya and the bar scene and he asked me to go with him. We went to Pattaya and went fro one Go-Go bar to the other. Finally, in Soi 10, he saw a girl dancing and he was lost. Spend lots of money on drinks for the girl and was talking about marry that gil and take her to Germany. The bar had the lights outside the Go-Go dancers very dimmed and he could hardly see the girls face. Altough I was warning him not to get to close with a bargirl, he took the girl to the hotel and slept with her. A few days later his job was finished and he flew back to Germany. But he kept in contact with the girl. A few weeks later, he received a message from the girl that she was pregnant and she wanted him to take responsability. He flew back to Thailand, arranged a Visa for Germany, and took the girl to Germany. His wife was not pleased with what he did and filed for a divorce. A few weeks later, the company was bankrupt; his marriage went to the dogs and he ended in a misery. Most foreigner who come to Thailand seem to rent a locker where they put their brain in and only think with their dick.
  25. The life of Brian, Monty Python. Watch it over and over and tears are rolling from laughing.
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