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Everything posted by Confuscious

  1. ASEANNOW keyboard warriors/"would be judges" at their best. Seems like many people have too much time on their hands ...
  2. I guess that hospitals calibrate their bs testers at regular intervals to be more accurate. In my job, I had to test the pH -level of the water in the decanter with strips. Same as the BS level meters. But I needed to calibrate the meter every week.
  3. By the way, I followed the advice of my doctor at the military hospital and my BS levels are now an average of 128 WITHOUT MEDICATION. The latest ha1bc test 2 weeks ago was 136.
  4. Same at a local Thai doctor around the corner Yes Sheryl, my blood sugar levels are very fluctuating. I try to find out what causes high blood sugar levels and avoid the food/drink that causes the high blood sugar levels. Although, my blood sugar levels have improved a lot this way. Only 1 <deleted> in my finger every morning ...
  5. I wonder if it doesn't would be better to go every 2 or 3 days to the hospital and let them test my BS? The price for the test strips and lancets is not cheap. A BS test at the hospital would cost me 150 baht and is accurate.
  6. I have 2 blood sugar meters at home, and I use one of them every day to know my blood sugar level. But the measured blood sugar levels were very different, depending what device was used. I did one morning the test with several devices I had loan from friends and the BS levels variated from 111 (Sinophar) that morning. Very confusing.
  7. Why such anger towards the police? The same police let foreigners drive a motorbike without a helmet or other protection. The same police will turn a blind eye when you drive through a red light, or you are speeding, Would you prefer a police corps like in your country? If so, why are you in Thailand?
  8. "The 55-year-old father, who was identified as Somyot Panprasong, is now charged for causing serious deaths and injuries to others due to negligence and operating the entertainment venue without permission." What is a "serious death"? The opposite of a "funny death"?
  9. Laws are only writings on paper and have only real meaning if they are enforced. In Thailand, laws are not enforced but only used to generate corruption.
  10. Love this post. An answer by a knowledgeable person annihilating most BS post of the regular keyboard warriors here.
  11. Most IT-shops sell USB to external disk cables. If not, simply ask for an external disk housing. Lazada sells external disk housing and cables and delivery is very fast.
  12. I remember the words of a puppet-general who staged a coup and HE WOULD ERIDICATE Thailand from corruption such as this and thers we can see every day. But we see corruption getting at an incredible level after all this years. Thailand is still the laughing stock of the world.
  13. When I went for an extension of my existing NON-O Visa (Korat immigration) I asked for a Reentry Permit as I would need to leave Thailand at the end of this year. The answer from the Immigration Officer was that as long as I stay in Thailand, I would not need a Health/Medical insurance. But if I would leave Thailand, on reentering the country I would be asked at the airport immigration to show proof of health/medical insurance.
  14. What is the difference of a "Health Insurance" and a "Medical Insurance"? I have a NON-O Visa, If I leave Thailand tomorrow and come back after a week or so, I don't need to show a health/medical insurance? Confused
  15. I've read in this forum of people claiming to have a health insurance for under 20k/Bath a year (eventually with a very high deductible). And many others claiming to have found the holy grail. I am due shortly for a Visa (Non-O) extension, and the health insurance has become an addition to the list of documents to have. Cutting talks short, I would like to know from members of ThaiVisa who have a health insurance that meets the conditions of Immigration how much they pay (monthly/yearly) and which Insurance company they use. For the health insurance brokers who will be reading this thread: 1. I am NOT INTERESTED in phone calls!!!! 2. If you want to sell me your health insurance, send me your quotation here or by PM and I will consider it. 3. I am 68 years old and have/had the usual health conditions for that age (Diabetes 2; High blood pressure; Little bit overweight; PaceMaker; etc.). TIA
  16. How things changes over the years. At my time, in a Catholic school where the teachers and the staff were Priests and Monks, it was ""normal" that a student was hit by the teachers. Sometimes with the bare hands, other times with a steel or a wooden rules, etc. Ink dropping on the page (yes, we wrote with self made ink as ballpens were not existing) and leaving a mark on the paper carried a slap on the hands. Objecting the teacher or making a remark about the teacher carried a punishment where the boy could sit on his knees on an Iron ruler in the corner for 1 hour, And once, only once did I loose control and told my father what the monk did to me and I got the same punishment again but this time from my father. Yet, I didn't die from it and I did learn to respect a person. The youth from now is a bunch of softies, most did not even fulfilled their military service, and only know how to gaze at their "smart" phone screen.
  17. A continguent of similar "semi blind" dumb<deleted>ers inspected "Walking Street" in Pattaya and found no sex workers. As long as the brown enveloppes keeps flowing in ....
  18. I asked for the name/company of that insurance myself. I have not received any information about the insurance yet.
  19. Lazada, Shopee, etc. are not any better when it comes to show honesty. A few days ago, I was looking in Lazada for measuring strips for my BS Meter, and the number of people who complained to have ordered strips but received cheap needles instead is amazing. Did me rethink my purchase with Lazada ...
  20. It's called "Take Care (Doo Lae)" in Thailand. Not "Allowance" or "Sponsorship".
  21. I called the English guy a "Sucker" because he needed 3 years of chatting and a trip to Thailand to find out that this woman did not want to sleep with him and/or have sex. I don't need so long time, unless the woman was pretending for 3 years that she wanted to have a "normal" life.
  22. Pity that it took the guy 3 years to decide to travel to Thailand (and spend a lot of money) and meet his "Teerak", but only to find out that his "Teerak" was as cold as a fridge and did not want to sleep with him or even have sex with him. I could have warned him after 1 chat with that woman.
  23. A few days ago, I meet a woman in ThaiFriendly and after a few chats, she gave me her Line Id. to continue chatting. As far as I understand, she meet a few years before an English guy, who travelled from England to Thailand to meet her. But when they meet, she was cool as a block of ice and refused to sleep with him or to have sex with him. At least as long as they are not married. She would like to be "friends" and help each other financial, but not have sex. Poor English sucker. But, at least the English sucker went to Bangkok to meet a girl/woman who "sells her self".
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