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Everything posted by Confuscious

  1. Thanks for the tip. Will try it as soon as I get my new passport.
  2. I installed the program to Digitalize the drivers license and being able to read Thai, the installation was a "piece of cake". The program has a lot of similarities to the Health pass, But there are some features that can be very handy. Eg.: It has a built-in GPS location and an emergency call. If you are driving and something happens to you, you can call emergency services and they will get your precise location. All in all a nice peice of software for the mobile phone.
  3. I will need to get a new passport in April and I was thinking "no big deal". That was until I started to rethink what was involved in the change of passports. - As usual, on the reception of a new passport, I will need to prepare some documents and go to immigration for a "VISA transfert". - As the passport number is linked to my "Mor Phrom" health pass, I will need to go to the Maharat hospital and ask them to change the Passport numbers. - The drivers license's are also linked and I will also need to pay a visit to the DLT offices to ask for new driver's licenses. Maybe they will need new "Proof of Residence" documents from Immigration. - My Thai Bank accounts are also linked to my passport and I will need to visit the Thai Banks to change the Passport numbers. What seemed to be "a piece of cake" had suddenly become "a nightmare".
  4. A high amount of the "middle priced" phones have more processing power and more gadgets built in than most people every are going to use. You can easily add programs to your phone to make the phone suit to your needs. Thus, I see no benefit to buy a very expensive phone unless you want to buy one to impress everybody. On a sidenote, I see a lot of people with the latest model of I-phone or Samsung and only use that phone for watching Facebook, youtube or whatever social media that can be watched easily on EVERY phone.
  5. This is indeed the Thai law. When a traffic accident with injuries happen, instead of giving the case to a "Public Prosecutor" and start a Judiciary case, the RTP in Thailand can keep the case for months and even for years before handling it over to the Tribunals. If during the time that the case is in hands of the police a "handshake" with the cops is made, the case will be "Classified Vertically" and never see the daylight again.
  6. Before I moved to Thailand, now more that 20 years ago, there was a reportage on TV about an Englishman who was performing twice a day a monocycle act in front of the Cathedral in Antwerp (Belgium). In that reportage, they asked him if he would give a hint on how much he earned a day. His answer was about 5,000 baht/day on weekdays and up to 10,000 baht/day in the weekend and holidays. 1 baht equals about 1 Belgian frank at that time. Compared to a normal wage of 35,000 BFR/month. he was making a lot of money.
  7. Sorry, but I don't understand how a full grown up, and possible mature person can fall for these scams. I have 2 email accounts. 1 for personal use and 1 for public use. The email account for personal use get almost no scam messages. The public use email receives every day at least a dozen emails about a dying old lady with millions of US dollar wanted to donate her fortune to charity; an unknown family member who died in an airplane accident (with the link to that accident and I seemed to be the only heridairy; my email address won millions of USD on the Microsoft lottery, etc. Everything goes straight to my "Trash" box without reading. The same with my phone. My phone has 2 SIM Cards. 1 for personal use and 1 for public use. The SIM for personal (PostPaid) use get almost no scam messages. The SIM for public use is a PrePaid SIM which get daily about 10 SMS/Calls about the latest phone for sale at their outlets; the latest PrePaid Sim cards available at 7/11 shops; offers from Lazada/Shopee/etc.; Etc. I tend to exchange this SIM card every time the "scam" SMS/Calls get too much annoying. This SIM is set to NEVER make a sound when a message comes in. Life can be so easy when you get rid of all this scamming.
  8. Domestic violence[edit] Violence against women and children has been rising in Thailand. In 2006, 13,550 cases of domestic violence against women and children were reported by Thailand's Ministry of Public Health.[45] Between 2007 and 2015 the total number of violence victims seeking assistance at the One-Stop Crisis Centre of the Public Health Ministry totalled 207,891. Of those, 105,622 involved children those involving women amounted to 102,269. In 2016, the number of distressed women and children seeking assistance from the centre was 20,018, according to the National Economic and Social Development Board (NESDB).[46] Source: Wikipedia In 2006, there were 37 cases per day of dometic violence REPORTED by the MPH!!!!!!!!!.
  9. Error. The sentence should read: "Because MOSTLY......" Most people, killed or injured in an accident, are because of the fault of a moron ignoring the traffic rules and/or intoxicated. When driving on the road, wherever you are, watch the other drivers for moronic behavior and try to stay away from them.
  10. Indifferently of the actions of the man, he should be jailed for live. Spilling a beer to pour over the head of woman is a sacrilege and can not be forgiven ... Depending on the brand of the beer (eg.: "Heineken", aka "<deleted> water"), the sentence could be reduced.
  11. Coronavirus: Outcry after Trump suggests injecting disinfectant as treatment (Google)
  12. Was this not the medication that Donald Trump was promoting against Corona? He said that he was drinking it himself if I remind correct ....
  13. Putting a cover on the well after the kid was drowned ........... I wonder if Thais realize that a lot of people OUTSIDE Thailand follow these news reports as well and having a good laugh at their sheer stupidity?
  14. Thai PBS World forget when making this video that there are DEFAMATION laws in Thailand which are more stringent than Traffic laws and can prononce heavy jail terms. But TIT .............
  15. Every Thai shop who accepted the 50/50 scheme deserves what is coming to them. By joining this scheme, they admit that they are running a business and the taxman will have no problem to go back to when they started business but never declared any income. When will they learn that the Government is not giving anything for free?
  16. Most of the people in East-Asian countries only can afford a Motorcycle or a motorcycle with side-car. In India, Cambodia, Philipinnes, Indonesia, etc. Motorcycles and motorcycles with side-car are the dominant means of transport. What makes Thailand stand on top of these countries by number of deaths in traffic accidents are: - the unwilling attitude to learn and adhere to the basic traffic rules - the beliefs that making any vehicle a danger on the road by removing lights or any other security device - the design of Thai roads where it is possible to an U-Turn in the middle of a highway where traffic runs at 120km/hr And not to forget, the attitude of the GFN (Good-For_Nothing) police corps.
  17. No need to use a "Fake" profile. I made a "TRUE" profile in ThaiFriendly.com when I divorced my wife 12 years ago and I still receive now posts from girls/woman who want to meet me and even want to hook up with me. But 95% of then are "Fake" people who use ThaiFriendly for "Business" and ask after a few posts for online-sex or others things. The other 5% are mostly living on the other edge of Thailand; Have an extensive family (parents, kids, sisters and brothers, etc.) living with them and supporting them; or not really my taste (overweighted, very young, very old, etc.). In short, I would not lose my time on a meeting site if I want to meet a girl/woman with a relation in mind. More chance to meet a good girl/woman nearby in a Mall, coffee shop, etc. in less time.
  18. What do you mean with "Classical Music"? Medieval (c. 1150 - c. 1400)? Renaissance (c. 1400 - c. 1600)? Baroque (c. 1600 - c. 1750)? Classical (c. 1750 - c. 1830)? Early Romantic (c. 1830 - c. 1860)? Late Romantic (c. 1860 - c. 1920)? Post 'Great War' Years (c. 1920 - Present)? Most of the "Classic Music" were "Ballroom Music" at their times. A Valse; A Bourree; etc. were dance music and used at party's. The Beatles; The Rolling Stones; Carlos Santana; etc are Classics of the "Great War years" and could fit it this thread as well.
  19. Everybody "speaks" English in dating sites. Except that after 2 phrases you can easily see that they are using Google or any online translator which is f...ing up the whole conversation.
  20. My viewpoint on online dating services: 1. Online dating has changed drastically the last 4 years and has become a place for scammers and gold-diggers. Few real people looking for a real match online. 2. Looking at Facebook dating sites (eg "Find true love with Thai girls") and seeing that every girl/woman can post 1 picture and get immediatly 1,000+ posts with "I love you/Marry me/etc." from over the world, I wish everybody good luck on really meeting that woman. Some of them are from rich countries and don't mind to send 500 USD/EUR to that woman. A woman I know very well started to publish a picture of her in Facebook dating sites and only chose people from rich countries to meet them for a week in Pattaya, Phuket or their own country and she has been travelling the last year over the world for free and coming back to Thailand every time with a lot of plenty cash and a several bank books/CC. 3. Most of these sites are infested with girls/woman who have changed their business from the bars to the online world and are there only to make money. Do you want to meet a girl/woman for more than a "one night stand"? Go out to the places where woman use to hang out and try your luck there.
  21. Name of the "LINE" group? Just to "Block" it before I would go look in it be mistake. TIA
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