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Everything posted by Confuscious

  1. Read the thread about the murder of the Swedish girl and repeat then that this guy will spend the rest of his life behind bars.
  2. Just read the news that Argentinia is cutting their export of Soya beans with 41 % worldwide. This will have a lot of implcations of the price and the amount of Soya worldwide in the shops. Wonder if Thailand is also importing Soya products from Argentinia. Link is not published here as it is not allowed, but the newsreport can be found in Google.
  3. Most bars check the girls before engaging them. The bar owners don't want to get in trouble. These "underaged" girls are mostly working "freelance" or working for a "mama san".
  4. Read this line so many times, after another innocent person(s) is (are) murdered. But don't worry, he will get again Royal Pardon at the end of this year and then he can murder another innocent person. TIT ...............
  5. Why has the term "plain premiditated murder" changed lately to "ungrateful son"? Name a "spade" a "spade" and stop looking for excuses.
  6. Meaning: Will end up in the "Vertical classement bin" without charges ...
  7. I don't condone what the dogs did to this kid and I am not a fan of "people who never grown up out of the 7 year stage of their life" to keep dangerous animals as pets. This said, every story has 2 sides and I would like to hear the side of story of this kid. Was he doing something that had provoke the dogs? If he was with other children gone fishing, why was he attacked by the dogs and not the other kids? Hope this kid will get a good recovery and learned a good lesson in life about avoiding trouble with someone who is stronger as you are.
  8. Me too Too many scammers online (mostly Chinese).
  9. That's the Thai population control. No condoms needed. Rip to the baby that will never see this world
  10. I try to learn more on Keto. Sounds interesting. Heared from many people how they started to feel better with a Keto diet.
  11. FYI, I read and took all the advice seriously. What you quote is an article that says that higher blood levels are normal in older people (like my doctor said). Why should I take the advices here as the only right advice? This article also talks about KETO and even forbid exercise when KETO levels are above normal.
  12. From https://www.singlecare.com/blog/normal-blood-glucose-levels/: Adults who are 20 years or older will have blood sugar levels that range between less than 100-180 mg/dL over the course of a day. When you wake up in the morning, your fasting blood sugar should be at its lowest because you haven’t consumed food for about eight hours. If you’re an adult and struggling with glucose control, your healthcare provider can help you develop a treatment plan to manage your blood sugar better. Many people won’t start to experience symptoms from high blood sugar until their levels are at 250 mg/dL or higher. The highest blood sugar level that’s considered safe will depend on the person and whether they have diabetes, but will typically be between 160 to 240 mg/dL. "Only exercise if there are no ketones present in the bloodstream. You can check if you have ketones with a urine test or blood glucose meter."
  13. Will send you a PM later from home with the details. What is HB1Ac? Can I request at the hospital next month q HB1AC test?
  14. Most of these things are not in my regular menu. I don't drink beer. Only every week 2 gkasses of white wine (meeting at the local restaurant with friends). I have a BS tester and I use it every day.
  15. Salt and sugar free diet (food and drinks). Exercise is forbidden for me unless is it light ecercise which is not putting strength in the heart. I eat normally: 1. A light breakfast (toast, corn flakes, non processed meat and eggs). Sometimes also beans in tomato sauce and/or french fries. 2. A full (mostly Thai) meal at midday. Mostly a scoopr of rice with 2 selected (sugar and salt free) toppings. 3. At dinner I eat mostly yoghurt or fruit salad. I drink with most of these meals Unsweetened Soya milk.
  16. I have a kidney disease since birth and I take medication for that kidney disease. At this moment, I am in grade 3.5. I also have a hereditary blood disease for which I take Worfarin. My blood vessels have been replaced from the Heart to the legs and to all organs in 2018. I have also a Pacemaker since 1997 and I an FORBIDDEN to do any exercise that would put strengt on my heart. I have at the moment Diabetes 2, and I take medication to reduce the BS level. But I would like to know if there is a NATURAL medication to help reduce the BS level.
  17. The high BS was detected today at the hospital in a monthly checkup. According to the doctor there is nothing to worry about at this point as such BS levels are normal for a person with 68 years. Last month BS level was 126.
  18. Like every month, I went today to the hospital in order to do a monthly checkup and to receive my medicine precribed for another month. My Blood Sugar levels are rising a few months already, and today it was 198 BS. I would like to know if other members know a product (preferred are natural products) to lower the blood sugar levels. TIA
  19. I have a gmail account and I can access it trough the Browser. If I do a search on a Keyword (eg.: "Lawyer"), i get all the emails that contain the Keyword. But I can not find a way to download the selected emails in group. Only 1 by 1. I have also Mozilla Firefox to group all my emails and news accounts. But here the same story. It is possible to do a search trough the emails on a keyword and I get all the emails containing that keyword in a separate window. But I can find no way to download them all in once. Do you know how to achieve this? TIA
  20. Let's face it, we are on the brink of WW3. Europe can not simply stand on the side and look a war started at one of their sovereign neighbours and their citizens being sloughtered. Soon, Europe will be involved in this Russian-Ukraine war. And it's only a matter of time before the USA will start to send troups to the war zone. With this in view, I and many others have some savings on a bank anywhere. Inflation is skyrocketing and soon the saved money in a bank will be worth "Nothing". My question is: "What would be the best investment for bank savings that could be chosen in order to save some value"? Gold? Housing? Crypto?
  21. Why don't he starts cleaning his own front door? Plenty of corruption going on there. Ask the "watches" man.
  22. The best remark I read here in a long time. And I know more than a couple of Westerners that adapted to the "Thai culture" and need to gorgle every day a few bottles of Leo beer down their troath and drive home on their motorbike (mostly with their Thai girly on the other seat?
  23. Is there already a declaration of war by Russia. Some newspapers I read say that the invasion of Ukraine is a declaration of war. But the Thai newspapers doesn't mention a war. What will the impact of a possible war Russia - Ukraine be to Thailand (and most important to the expats)?
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