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Everything posted by Confuscious

  1. Europ Assistance is an insurance paid by the health care for European citizens on holiday. That's the part of the involvement of Europe in this. "Chose" is a typo and should be "Chose". But as most of you are out of Junior school, i guess you knew this already.
  2. They guy is a BRITISH citizen and the insurance company who refuses to pay for a repatriation is a BRITISH insurance company. Nothing to do with THAILAND. Sucks that the UK chise to leave the EU?
  3. When the UK was still in EU, British holiday makers could go on holiday after taking an insurance with "Europ Assistance" (an insurance of the health care providers) which would repatriate him always. But the UK chosed to leave the EU ...and go for "Go Fund Me".......
  4. There is no excuse for holding someone against their own will and forcing them into prostitution. No matter what their age is, it is the same as Kidnapping. The people who have done this should be locked up and condemned to forced labor. The younger people are hardly indebted. It are their parents or the people who are supposed to take care of them who get indebted and if they sell a kid because of this they are as guilty as the people who take advantage of them and shall be punished as well..
  5. Lucky we have now anutin screaming that foreigners are filthy pigs who take only 1 shower a day
  6. Thaksin is not a dumb man. He is old and needs a lot of medical care. If he dies in a cell, he will be a "Martyr" and Thailand will go down in a never ending war between the North and Bangkok (fuelled by Thaksin's family). If he is treated well, he will cost the country lots of money and he will have control over his followers from the country within, which will throw Thailand back to 2006. Any way you can chose, it as win-win for Thaksin. Thailand was much better off with Thaksin abroad.
  7. Who needs ennemies with friends like this?
  8. https://youtube.com/shorts/xyyMgSbr11U?feature=share3
  9. Huh????????????? I thought that Italian was a sign language. You need to use your hands, and sometimes your arms to speak Italian.
  10. My girlfrieend send me pictures of the house today. It looks really nice and cosy. Ready to move in.
  11. From the Embassy: Legalisation of documents Legalisation is official confirmation that the signature of the civil servant that has signed a document, or the seal or stamp on the document, is legitimate. The enbassy will only legalise that your signature is legitimate. NOT your declaration.
  12. Sorry, but i am also trying to lose some weight desperately. 95kg at this moment, but should get 85kg. But fasting will not shred any weight unless i do that for 1 week or so. My intention was to clean my body and reduce my blood sugar and apparently it did that for me. My daughter (35 years) went from 135kg to 55kg. But that was with inplanting a quench into the throat at the stomach entry.
  13. Blood Sugar = 112 The best result I had in ages. Simply perfect
  14. I never said that I achieved the state of Ketosis. But the overall benefits of 72-hr fasting were very satisfying for me. I will discuss these results with my Physician on my next visit (14 April) and wait for his advice. I am a Diabete -2 patient and I need to take care with such experiments. Next time, I will try it again, but cutting also the pwer drinks. FYI, the sugar drinks I took and the coffee contains NO SUGAR.
  15. What foods don't break a fast? A List of Foods You Can Eat Without Breaking a Fast Water. Black coffee. Plain tea. Salt water. Non-sweetened electrolyte water. Non-sweetened sparkling water. Lemon juice (1 tbsp or less) Apple cider vinegar. Feb 28, 2563 BE A List of Foods You Can Eat Without Breaking a Fast - Bella All Natural
  16. Reading advices about Health Care, I came across the “72-hours Fasting”. The deal was to “No food” for 72 hours. Only drink plenty of fluids (water) and take eventually some power drinks. Also, according to some websites, drinking coffee or tea was also allowed. I wanted to try this, and started on Monday 26 March at 00:00 hrs. Here the course of my 72-hours fasting: Day 1 (BS=131) 13:30 Drinking a lot of water. Not hungry yet. 15:30 Drinking a coffee (Americano without sugar or sweetener) Everything is OK. 23:00 Bedtime. Everything is OK. No hunger; No dizzyness Feeling good. Day 2 (BS=136) 08:30 Wake up, take medicine. Feeling normal. 13:00 Little bit hungry, not too much Go drink a green tea. Too hot inside the house. Go to Central Plaza drink a coffee. 22:00 Bedtime Didn't feel hungry, although I was in the middle of restaurants and people eating. Feel better as other days. Drank a lot today. Day 3 (BS=120) 09:00 Feeling good this morning. No problems about food. 13:00 Make ready and go to Central Plaza drink a coffee Still doing fine. 16:00 Something strange happened. A few minutes ago, I was having something like a "Hypo". "Hypo"= Blood Sugar level too low. Start to sweat heavily; Losing concentration; Watery and troubled vision; Etc. But the feeling lasted only a few minutes. After that, everything was back to normal. Strange, I feel much better as before and my sight had improved. At night on day 3, before going to bed, I was taking a shower and noticed that my protruding “belly button” had disappeared and was back to normal (see picture). Blood Sugar level this morning: 113 The ideal BS level from anyone of my age and my condition (69 years old). Resuming: 1. I would surely advice to try this to everyone who is fit enough to try it. 2. No significant weight loss, but feeling better. 3. Although that I live alone and had nobody to look after me, I would not advice anybody to try this without the presence of someone who can intervene in case of something would go wrong (see Day 3). Lucky for me, I was at that moment at the coffee shop and had enough people to help me if something would go wrong. 4. From now on, I will try to do this every 2 or 3 months. Good luck to everybody who want to try it.
  17. I guess that the Embassy letter is the "Affidavit for marriage" in which you declare to have a certain "minimum income" to be able to marry in Thailand. This "Affidavit" has no relation to the "Proof of income" from Immigration, which requires a declaration from an OFFICIAL INSTANCE IN THAILAND of a minimum income of 40,00 Baht or the sum of 400,000 baht in a Thai bank account. The "Affidavit" is based on YOUR declarations, while the "Letter of Income" is a signed letter from a Bank director in Thailand.
  18. In 1986, I went to Ibiza (Spain) for a holiday. The place was full of british hooligans whose only passtime consisted in starting to drink in a pub as soon as it opened. The sit on a barstool and drank beer until they fell down from their barstool. The first who fell down, had to pay the drinks for the others that session. Admitted, besides being loud and arrogant, they did not smashed furniture or other peoples belongings. But still, it was a pittyful sight of the tourists. I meet an older British couple there, and they were "disgusted" with the behavior of their fellow "young" citizens. According to them, the UK was sponsoring their trip abroad to avoid this behavior being displayed in the UK and needing to pay for the costs of repair of things.
  19. Yes, for example Belgium. https://ibz.be/en/registration-and-reporting-obligation-general#:~:text=If you wish to stay,months of arriving in Belgium.
  20. My girlfriend showed me on Saturday a mail from a friend of her who is selling her house. The price was not expensive. It's a free standing townhouse (1 bedroom & 1 bathroom) near a river. My girlfriend asked me if I would buy this house for usm and I said "Yes", but under the condition that I could out a 30-year lease on it. Whch she agreed. Are there any other things I need to consider before buying this house? TIA
  21. Richard, I understand your failure to read and comprehend English and I can not help you with that. I said many times that I DON'T CONDONE BEATING WOMAN or CHILDREN. Firstl, you are in Thailand and your ramble about muscles doesn't fit in this country. If you want to have your culture, go to your OWN COUNTRY. You are not in your place here. Second, the way this boy (or his parents) handled this case has ruined his life. The teacher will continue being a teacher. In the same school or in another school. But the boy will never be accepted in any school anymore and even his future will be a big question. This is the same everywhere in the world. You don't start to publish or sue somebody who is higher than you and who can decide of your future life. There are other ways to settle such things. And that doesn't include the big talk of Westerners about their "muscles". More than enough examples on that. Like the other US guy who was making a big story about a fruit factory. I stop my presence in this thread here and leave it to to big westerners with their big muscles and their automatic rifles.
  22. I want to see which school will take this student after his rant on education .... Maybe there will be a lot of thaivisa members that will sponsor his schooling abroad?
  23. To make it clear, I DONT CONDONE BEATING ANYONE. Children or mature persons. I am raised as a good Catholic with the mind that we are not entitled to decide what is good or wrong. By the way, I make a difference between "slapping" somebody and "BEATING" somebody. A slap with the hand doesn't have to be violent to make your point. It's sort of what the Koran says about punishing a woman. "You are allowed to punish a woman, but only by using the bare hands and not leaving any marks." I lost count of the times I slapped somebody in a friendly way and get slapped my self with a smile. They are kids and kids like to play. Sometimes without knowing what is acceptable and what is not. When they are going "too far", they should be made aware of that before it turns into anarchy. There is also a BIG difference in punishing a child in Kindergarten age and punishing a child in Secunday school. The children in Secondary school are not "Children" anymore in my books and many Western countries threath them as adults when it comes to a punishment.. They need guidance from the adults? I can tell from that that you are a foreigner and don't know that you are in THAILAND, a third world country. The adults have never had any education besides being obedient to their religion and their superiors. Why don't you go back to your country where everything is soo nice? OK, from time to time there is a big shooting with AK47 and automatic rifles leaving dozens of kids and teachers dead, but that is due to "their adults" who are responsible. Sure, the vast majority of the "children" with age for secunday school are good citizens, driving in a motorbike with a helmet and having a drivers license and insurance. That's why there are every year 26,000+ deaths on the roads and over 1 million othere maimed severely. I see daily 8 year old "children" driving a motorbike with 3 or more passengers without helmets or insurance. But that's all due to their "adults" who leave it to the authorities (AKA Police) to punish them to make 20 push-ups. Now, I grew up in the '50's. We, like many others, had a little hut in the yard with a heart carved on the door where everybody went to do their services. In spring time, everybody got a bucket to dig up the <deleted> and spread into the garden. That was "normal" at these times. By the way, the first REAL toilet as we are used now, came into our houses in the '70's, but there was no real connection to any drain until the mid '70's. We use to call them "English toilets". To finish my "rant", I grew as a Music Teacher. I had always dreamed to be a teacher and finally made it. One day, a fellow teacher, was taken away by the Police on the accusation of having sex with a girl on the school. The life of the poor guy was completely shattered. His wife and children believed the accusations and started a divorce with the interdiction to visit his own children. To keep a long story short, he comitted suicide a few months later. AFTER his suicide, the girl (14 years) admitted that she made the story up because of a bad examen result. Nice "children"?
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