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Everything posted by Confuscious

  1. You seem to forget WHERE you are. This is THAILAND, a third world country with third world people and education. Most of these "parents" are brought up under the same system. Be obedient, don't question anything, have respect for your family no matter what, have respect for the religion and the religious, etc. Most of the "parents" have grown up in the rice fields in a temple school where they have been teached primarely the religion. I live already more than 2 decades here and have seen enough of this. Even in International schools, the Thai students were crammed with 60+ in a class room, not being allowed to ask anything, and if they were required to go to the teacher, they were required to walk on their knees with their head bowed down and not look up. Nothing has changed in 2 decades. Keeping the masses dumb is the first rule of every country to thrive. Of course, you are always free to send your children to a school in the USA where they are shot with an AK47 or any other automatic rifle from time to time ...
  2. I read here the "many" replies to this topic of foreigners with words as "Capital punishment", "Give the teacher 30 cannings to his grown", etc. But has any of them think twice about their reply? Agree, the punishment by the teacher was "over the top", but what do you prefer? A punishment by a teacher to show the little prat that he did go a little bit too far or and up a few years later in jail because nobody teached the little prat how to behave? I see many children, boys and girls, without respect for the law, the environment, their own parents, etc. and ended up being smashed in a traffic accident or end up in jail. All this because punishment by teachers are forbidden and being punished by their own parents can end up bringing you in shallow waters. The children of today are cultivated without respect for anything and they think they can go away with that (till the day that they and up in court). How many children of today would do house work like we did? Emptying the cesspool with buckets into the garden? I can understand the Thai mentality to accept to punish their chidren in school when they behave like spoiled brats. After all, Thai children are raised up to take care of their elders when they are not capable to take care for themselves anymore. Name it a "Social Security System".
  3. Not condoning what this teacher did ... But I remember when I in school in the early '60's (A Catholic school run by Catholic monks and nuns), the teacher "Religion" beat me on my hands with a metal rules so hard that I could barely hold a pen for a few days. Coming home and telling to my father what the monk did, my father took a ruler and hit me again on my hands. "If the monk has hit you, he surely had reason for it and you should not complain."
  4. There was no change of address!! I live already 21 years in the same place. IO did not to process my visa extension without an update to the "Notification of address" in my passport. And like me, several thousand others. By the way, when I asked for a reeintry permit a few months ago, I asked what to do when I came back. The answer was very clear: "Just start to count for 90 days at the date you enter the country and report then for 90 days stay". So, now it is a NEW REQUIREMENT and I need to go for new Notification of address" every time I leave Korat.
  5. They know their laws. Their law says that for every new report, several photocopies are required from the boot next door which means extra $$$$ for them. Not to forget the new department and the material which means also extra $$$$. The law of money
  6. Every year, as i apply for my visa extension, my believe in God sinks deeper and deeper.....
  7. Or maybe tell that to "Big joke"?
  8. Go tell the f****ing IO that Wish you succes with that.
  9. Same in korat It seem that korat immigration put up a new state of the art office to handle this new requirement. At my visit to immigration, somebody's id-card fall into the only printer and jammed it. 4 ladies working on the printer to get rid of the paper jam
  10. A few days ago I went to Immigration in Korat for my Visa extension. I had everything ready according to the latest requirements, but as always, i was expecting that something new would be required. As the ladies from the immigration were going trough my application, they noticed that I had left the country and did not report it. I said that it was made clear to me by immigration at the demand of a re-entry permit that the TM6 was not anymore required and that I needed to do a 90-days report from the date of arrival. WRONG!!!!!! The lady told me that I was required to report my entry in the country and ask for a new "Notification of stay" every time I left Korat. So, be prepared for this requirement.
  11. You reep what you saw .... Som nam naa
  12. Surely when a motorcycle driver takes the bulb out of the the rear light, making him invisible to other traffic.
  13. I would like to know if somebody in Korat knows of an Aerobic group for Seniors, or somebody who has the knowledge to start such a group? I would prefer Tai Chi, but any Aerobic would be nice. TIA
  14. "Lack of enforcement"? My own wife changed her name and the name of the children at the Thetsabaan without my knowledge because a monk said to here that the names were "not auspicious". Go figure ... Anyone can get a new identity in Thailand if they want.
  15. Why does he need 9 cardboards full of paper when everybody can read everywhere of an "Visa agent" who can guarantee a Visa extension without the needed requirements? A big joke, Mr. Joke ...
  16. When I came to Thailand, more than 2 decades ago, the house next to mine was owned by a woman whose husband was working in Korea to make money to pay the house and take care of his family. One day, the guy came back from Korea to visit his wife and his children, and apparently the house was sold to another person who was married now to his wife and his children were now on this person name. Seems that the wife reported the husband as "died on an accident while working abroad" and sold everything. Strange, but such things are possible in thailand.
  17. Thousand of kids and youngsters living in the same sad circumstance in thailand and open for everybody to see (who want to see with their own eyes). That's the other side of "Beautiful Thailand". A country which earns billions of bath yearly on tourism, but don't have a little bit money to give proper child care to their citizens.
  18. This reminds me of a Divorce case in my country. The woman went to a shelter, where she had a free (very good) lawyer and free court hearings. Prior to the Court hearings, the lawyer adviced the woman to make a towel wet and hit her body several times with the wet towel until she developped marks on her body. The next day, she went with the lawyer to a hospital to let a doctor notify that she had been "Beaten" by her husband. A few days later the case went to the court and the husband was jailed for abusing his wife and she won everything. Things are not always what they look like at first .....
  19. Thais have less decency in threating woman than Muslims. Muslims will throw stones at them instead of setting them on fire and stabbing them.
  20. No, but they are elegible to vote in my country.
  21. Why are you afraid of a pasport control? Sending a flag to watch for a bus traveller on overstay?
  22. That's what I said from the beginning of this incident. And I am not a "Director" of a juvenile training center. Maybe, just maybe, Thailand should start with becoming "The HUB" of Juvenile Trainings Centers?
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