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Posts posted by cbluck58

  1. Visitors should be like weekends - never last longer than 2 days....

    We have quite a lot of visitors from both sides of the family and as long as they clear off before it gets too much I have no problem with them - its the bums that piss me off, and they are both Thai and Farang - arrive empty handed, hang on and on , drink and eat you out of house and home and then go without even a thank you.

    You see these people everywhere , not just Thailand...

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  2. External appearance is very important to most Thais--especially the elderly. They do not really like or appreciate shorts and t-shirts, prefering to dress in what most of us consider to be extremely uncomfortable clothing. Thais, in general, are extemely conservative, which probably seems to be an odd statement for farangs who have never lived in the countryside. There are way too many disgusting, revolting, violence-loving, sick-in-the-head farangs in Pattaya-Jomtien that are giving the rest of us a bad reputation--many have shaved heads and loads of tatooes that make them look like they just escaped from prison. At best, I think most Thais see us as "strange outsiders" w/ "money." The girls tend to see us as walking ATM machines.

    I keep my hair close to shaved and have a lot of tattoos - I also hold down a 340k p.a. job and am a law abiding , mainly quiet and content individual and far from sick in the head .

    Beware of judging people by their appearance and jumping to ill conceived conclusions my friend.......by the way I agree with you about the behaviour of certain sections of faring society 100%.

  3. Since they will only get 25% of the vote anyway , who cares if they boycott it or not.

    Suthep is not interested in Democracy or the electorate, only in his own personal gain.

    Il Duce of Bangkok - he makes less sense that Oswald Mosely did back in the 40s, rants and gesticulates more than Mussolini and makes as much sense as a chocolate ashtray.

    The other side are no better but at least Yingluck is easy on the eye...........

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  4. It's good where I am - usually start on the beach with the family - food, drink , a staged cabaret and of course fireworks at the hour.

    My wife then takes the kids home and I go into town to see my faring friends ( don't bother with comments about chauvinism - I don't care ) to have a more booze related celebration of the year's passing.

    Seems to work - by the way David 48 , Thais do celebrate New Year on Dec 31st/ 1st Jan and have done since I first came here in 74 - Songkran is Songkran, not New Year - note when the year changes in the calendar .

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  5. Most of the serious crime in the news in Thailand is Thai on Thai. Start with the serial rapist/killer who killed a girl named Cartoon.

    Others are Thai on foreigners. Why don't they check taxi drivers for knives and bamboo poles?

    Because if the farangs didn't come then there wouldn't be a problem, they are provoking and encouraging locals to act the way they are.

    Are you on Yabba ?

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