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Posts posted by pilm

  1. ^ so, in a situation (hypothetical) where paying under the table would save you a lot of money, possibly your freedom from incarceration, you'd still be firmly lodged aloft calmly reading your book upon this high horse you've ridden in on……. I don't know you personally, but, well, human nature and all that……..

    Completely different. In your hypothetical situation there is no offical set price/fee that one should be able to pay to prevail of the posted service.

    Around 2 years ago I crossed the friendship bridge at Mukdahan going in to Laos. All locals 'have to' pay the Laos stamper 40b. Some of the foreigners paid upon it being demanded. I refused.

    Do I get an official receipt?

    No. No receipt.

    Then no, I'm not giving it to you.

    Okay. *passport stamped* and returned.

    Was there a few months ago and this time all the locals were paying and not one foreigner was asked.

  2. Very strange OP. The OP seems to think that he can pay them what HE thinks and not what they charge.

    Why not just make a post that says: How much is a visa now at the border?

    Visa at the border is officially US$20. Paid in UD$.

    The thread title is the question:

    How much do Poipet try to charge nowadays?

    My esperiences are that they have in the past tried to charge 1000b (five years ago) and 800b (about 1 year ago.)

    Still confused? huh.png

  3. Nothing to do with being a cheap charley. All about integrity, morals and honesty. After many years here I still have them, luckily enough. smile.png

    Odd that what you would find humiliating, not giving in and paying cash to dishonest, criminal officials acting illegally, because they are dishonest, criminal officials and told you to do so, I would find the complete opposite. A dishonest, criminal official demanding you give him money for no other reason than he is a dishoinest, criminal official and he sees you as a patethic mark and you just give in with a bow and a yes, Sir.

    No thanks. Much rather a 'No, thanks' then sit down and read a book for 5 mins in front of them, calm as anything.

    Different fols I guess. :)

    • Like 1
  4. Doing a 90 day border run on my multi-entry Non-Imm next week.

    Mastercard was just used for fraud, so is cancelled, so no Cambodian E-Visa.

    Couldn't be bothered going to the bank to get a $20 note.

    How much do the Cambodian officials try to get you to pay nowadays if in baht?? Years ago they used to try to demand 1000b.

    Last time I went there around 1 year ago I had a $20 note and they pushed a piece of paper with 'Visa 800b or $20 + 100b' I politely said 'no, sorry' and sat down, passport back 5 mins later with Visa.

    Anyway, has anyone been there lately and seen what they try to charge?


  5. Why do you think the threshhold,for retirement visa is Bht 62,000 per month.

    Not Bht 40,000.

    Bht 80,000.is comfortable.

    Because most of the farangs have to pay their wife/gf a salary and can't live without hanging in the bar 8 days a week.

    Deduct thes two expenses and most save 50.000 Baht a month.

    "Most of the farangs"?

    I think you may actually be quite surprised.

  6. Question:

    If one already has a 5 year motorbike license, do they still have to do all the computer tests and everything else if applying for their first 1 year car license??

    I would presume everything is the same except for the driving around a course part, but wouldn't be surprised if one has to watch all the videos and do all the multiple choice tests again. :rolleyes:

    Anyone know what they usually do in such a situation?

  7. I haven't seen any cans of Guinness in any retails outlets in Thailand for some years...

    If some company has the import license for retail distribution, why in the world aren't they using it?

    You'll have to ask them.

    Find out about Taco Bell too. Yum Rest. Int. (Tricon Global Restaurant Corp. at the time) bought the rights to run TB in Thailand, and were apparently planning to launch them before the '97 crash. They shelved it and have yet to plan a (re)launch.

  8. The OP is an advertisement for people who are not able to live peacefully in Thailand.

    I predict many years of anger, frustration and hate building up inside.

    Actually, I feel very much at peace and appreciate every day that I get to be in Thailand.

    Yes, very much at peace.

    "I pushed my wife into a confrontation with the girl at True TV."

    "As far as being "contentious, argumentative, annoying, and slightly egotistical" these are latent qualities in my persona that I constantly struggle with."

    "it's rush hour, everyone's trying to flag a taxi, rain is coming (after which getting a cab will be impossible) and in a 20-minute period 3 taxis have

    declined my particular destination, that's about the time I run out of patience. So yeah, chalk this up to my personality flaw; fair enough."

    "try teaching higher math to a cab driver, much less teach them driving skills."

    "Maybe a better to way to say it is they have come to accept p-poor customer service. Either way, I agree with you; it rubs me the wrong


    A perfect image of someone at peace with Thai society. :cheesy:

  9. Little bit of info for mr know it all its not a 500 cc engine

    Again you're confused.

    Reading back in the CBR500 thread, about all the info upon release.

    Honestly, I think it's better for you just to stay quiet when people are talking mate. :D

    little question for you too if my wife is driving our car through issan does that make her from issan then?

    Yup, staying quiet would definitely serve you an advantage. :cheesy:

    • Like 2
  10. Considering you never even met our talked to the the guy how do you know he is from issan and earns 200 bht a day have you magic powers?

    Or maybe just a low opinion in regards to Thai people.

    Isaan truck driver = someone who drives trucks through Isaan. I'm not reading back but the OP met him at a stop in Isaan iirc.

    Use one's head a little bit, ask your self who exactly would have genuine inside knowledge about a future release such as that, even knowing all about the frame and shocks and whatever else was being 'discussed'.

    Of course though, it isn't anyone at big wing or any where else, it's a rural intercity truck driver! biggrin.png

    I was just reading back and this guy was adamant that Honda were releasing a 400 instead of 500 when everyone else was saying it's a 500, because his local puncture repair man at the local puncture repair shack was informing him of it.

    No offense to anyone, but use one's head and not one's heart eh.

  11. Isaan truck driver who happens to know in-depth Honda company secrets about future releases! cheesy.gif

    You couldn't make it up.

    Oh wait......

    You weren't riding up there to tend to a sick buffalo by any chance?

    What are you saying people that drive trucks cant work for honda?

    Come on.

    A regional truck driver has inner knowledge of secret future Honda products with amazing detail on their specs. Knowledge that anyone with would likely be contracted to secrecy, and not driving trucks around the country for 200b a day.

    Sure mate if you want to believe it that bad, go for it. :whistling:

  12. But with True, their system only generates a log-in prompt every time asking you to open your browser and go thru their log-in routine. It's kind of a pain in the A**!

    I think this is true for all cheap wifi only package. I had 3BB 99baht package before and it's the same deal ... browser login only.

    Yes, every time you turn on the tablet and open the browser the login screen comes up.

    Can't say it's that much of a PitA really. Just touch the password box then press enter. 1 second for most people.

  13. Rather than topping up from the 7-11, you could do it directly, on your tablet, via internet banking!!

    Yes, did that already through my PC and my K-Bank account. Pretty cool.

    Be very, very careful folks. My Wife bought similar from Truevision and was horrified to receive a bill for 1,800 and then 1,003 baht for a package that was meant to cost 150 baht per month. She queried this with the local Truevision provider who said they couldn't explain it (my Wife is Thai!) but she had to pay the bills. The Truevision person who owns the franchise got so much hassle over problems with these packages and was even threatened with a gun(!!), so moved premises. Hopefully they have sorted out this problem and with luck your package will not have any unpleasant surprises at the end of the month.blink.png

    Er, I think you're confused.

    You walk into a 7-11, but a Sim Card anonymously.

    Top it up anonymously.

    The username is the sim card phone number, and password they then send by sms.

    There is no bill, address, name, anything.

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