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Posts posted by Boatfreak

  1. Silly old bugger taking out a boat unprepared.

    The only thing the poor old man was unprepared for is to be chasen away from his quite anchorage place in the middle of the night resulting in a rescue by the same navy a few hours later. What could an old 70 year old man at anchor do wrong? Well done navy indeed :-(

  2. I am a (freelance) inspector accredited by the European Commission, if Thai manufacturers want to export products which falls under the Directive I work for, they need a certificate which I happen to deliver. I have worked in several countries before which were quite happy to host me and offer me permanent residence as it boosted the export economy for millions of Euro. Well guess what Thailand said? A big No no you cannot work here and help us export our products. I don't really care as I make enough money with all the neighbouring countries which are very happy to have an inspector in the vicinity, but please Thailand don't wine that your export is reaching an all time low.

  3. Why did so many seemingly intelligent countries give up their national sovereignty to this EU? It's not only going to break them financially, but the open borders are going to overwhelm their traditional citizens.

    Good bye Europe.

    Thanks to the EU for policing, otherwise all multinationals would have a tax free heaven while the rest of the people work their asses off to pay taxes.


    If each country was responsible to only itself it could make its own rules. Many times corporations have been given tax breaks to encourage them to move in and create jobs. Then the economy improves and taxes are paid by the workers and at the cash register. Many people think that more jobs and more people paying taxes is a good thing.

    If you absolutely hate corporations including the jobs they provide then this doesn't work for you out of your own prejudice. But if you look at the numbers, places who have enticed big corporations to move in and provide a lot of jobs have usually prospered.


    Jobs with a salary so low that the workers can't afford to buy the products they made. Remember it is not the corporations who create the jobs it is us the buyers, no buyers, no corporates.

  4. '“I don’t really know what is a tax haven is. To me a tax haven is a place where everyone pay their share. In that respect I am not quite sure we are in a tax haven yet, but we are trying, actually we are doing our best,” ...' To create a tax haven?

    So, will the UK be next in line? There are enough multi-nationals gaming the system there. Not to mention the likes of HSBC, and its tax evasion scheme in Switzerland.

    I don't know what a tax haven is but I know what a Patriot is, someone who pays there taxes. There are not that many Patriots in Greece. whistling.gif

    Why Greece? The Netherlands seems to be the tax heaven of Europe http://www.theguardian.com/business/2011/oct/19/tax-avoidance-in-netherlands-becomes-focus-of-campaigners

    http://www.iamexpat.nl/read-and-discuss/expat-page/news/netherlands-tax-haven-fortune-500-companies but thet surely enjoy blaming the little Greek pensioner for paying to little taxes.

  5. Why did so many seemingly intelligent countries give up their national sovereignty to this EU? It's not only going to break them financially, but the open borders are going to overwhelm their traditional citizens.

    Good bye Europe.

    Thanks to the EU for policing, otherwise all multinationals would have a tax free heaven while the rest of the people work their asses off to pay taxes.

  6. http://www.rwth-aachen.de/cms/root/Die-RWTH/Aktuell/Pressemitteilungen/Mai/~dtyy/DFG-Foerderung-50-Jahre-marokkanische-Z/lidx/1/ "Following the signing of the recrutiment agreement on May 21, 1963, about 170000 Moroccans came to Germany. And as far as I am aware Morocco is still in North Africa

    "...there was no reason to believe the perpetrators were refugees." Right. They were probably native Burmese.

    if you read the entire article (on other sites) you would have known that they were Germans of North African descent, the third generation in Germany, the one that grew up with Wurst, Sauerkraut und Bier. They were "imported" to Germany in the seventies during the labour shortage in order to increase the German production and clean their streets. Just like now where Germany with a natality of 1.3 child per women. The Syrian refugees are probably going to be the one changing the diapers of the retired neo-nazis.

    So your solution is that everybody that is not named Herbert, Albrecht or Fritz leave the country? Who is going to take care of the aging Müllers? Will they all have to come to Thailand to get a decent care, as it is already happening now?

    Really wrong, North African Arabs were never imported to Germany. Those were the Turks.

    The rapists were all North African Arab refugees from countries like Algeria, Libya, Tunesia. Even the government controlled German media - normally 100% pro Islam - are saying that those are North African refugees.

    Be assured that every uneducated Muslin in Germany will not have a bright future. Because every single job which needs an unskilled worker will be replaced by a robot.

    In our future world where every moderate task will be done by robots, I will get my ass cleaned by a robot called Eve instead of a guy named Ahmed.

  7. "...there was no reason to believe the perpetrators were refugees." Right. They were probably native Burmese.

    if you read the entire article (on other sites) you would have known that they were Germans of North African descent, the third generation in Germany, the one that grew up with Wurst, Sauerkraut und Bier. They were "imported" to Germany in the seventies during the labour shortage in order to increase the German production and clean their streets. Just like now where Germany with a natality of 1.3 child per women. The Syrian refugees are probably going to be the one changing the diapers of the retired neo-nazis.

    So your solution is that everybody that is not named Herbert, Albrecht or Fritz leave the country? Who is going to take care of the aging Müllers? Will they all have to come to Thailand to get a decent care, as it is already happening now?

  8. I am for opening all the borders. Think about it, Europe does not have many mineral resources nor farming land. The welfare of Europe was made with the colonial wealth. Now Africa is running their own, if they want to come to Europe welcome as long as I am allowed to go to Africa and legally start a business there. There is much more resource in Africa than Europe, let's just swap.

  9. ....the guy who asked if he's eating too many eggs get's more mail than this? Where's the outrage? I thought there'd be 40 pages by now....

    ....this is a crime and it's effecting millions of people....I don't buy Palm Oil "EVER"....

    I personally also don't buy palm oil for that reason but unfortunately it is used in many, many products of which we are not aware (eg Nutella)

  10. You are not that far away from reality , every visiting yacht must be equipped with an Automatic Identification System (tracker) nevertheless they succeded to let an illegal fishing trawler escape "an eyeblink and he was gone"

    Visa reporting, registering of mobile phones and now monitoring on internet traffic.

    Talk about xenophobia gone mad. Thai people will wise up sooner or later for sure and no amount of government imposed restrictions can stop that,,, unless of course you abandon democracy all together (yikes).

    Thailand want all the benefits of International trade and cross boarder relationships but also want to keep their boarders as closed as they dare and now restrict what you can realistically do online here.

    A recent post said what company is going to be comfortable knowing that the Government has installed a single gateway,, well none of course.

    Vietnam looks more and more to be the country to watch out for in the Asean, if not then perhaps indonesia,, Thailand is going to fall behind for sure.

    Very sad, I have grown to like it here but there's only so much dictatorship I will stomach.

    You forgot to mention that if you have overseas guests stay with you for a couple of days, you have to report that to immigration.

    Likewise, if you fancy a few days off and go to visit and stay with a friend somewhere in Thailand, he/she is supposed to report that to immigration.

    Give us the bloody wristbands with GPS chips. At least we will be free of all the paperwork.

  11. The European Refugee Crisis and Syria Explained:


    Only 5% of the Syrian refugees would be hosted in Europe the rest is in the neighboring countries. You hate ISIS but you also hate those that are persecuted by ISIS, even Christians.

    If we would take ALL syrians that is 4 000 000 then the percentage of muslims in Europe would rise from 4 to 5 %, what a scary thought, a real invasion.

  12. What amazes me is that there actually foreigners living in Thailand on visa exempts only.

    Who in their right mind could be bothered having to go to a border every 30 days to stamp in and out. That is no life.

    Does anyone know anybody who actually does this?

    I don't get why anyone would.

    A trip to your local immigration office every 90 days VS a visa run every month???

    seems like a no brainer to me

    Let me guess: you are over 50?

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