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Posts posted by Boatfreak

  1. it's not unique just to LOS.

    I do recall it is no different in Malaysia, where no ferenghi cannot be in a business, unless it is owned by 51% or more by a Malay

    In Fiji, the indigenous ran the (big-business-man) Indians out of town (many becoming refugees to Australia) , and gave it all to the locals

    SudAfrika had countless property owners lose all their property, and often their lives, to the majority locals

    Financial racism is a world-over problem

    Please do not mention countries you have no knowledge of South Africa does allow one man businesses and yes also if you are not a South African, the rest is propaganda.

  2. Fully agree with you, been looking into that too. They are really cheap to buy now.

    The Thai government should let Farangs buy some of those boats and convert them to live aboards.

    And let Farangs live in a Marina like in Los Angeles or San Diego.

    I lived on a sailboat for a while, great fun.

    In the states old tug boats are converted to very cool second homes.

    But lets sink em'.

    And who care about the future and the oceans collapsing? I don't need oxygen. It's not important.

  3. quote "The implementation of the agreement between the EU and Turkey is working so far"..

    Yes it's working a charm. So far 47 "refugees" have been returned to Turkey from Greece under the deal. No data is available on how many of those 47 hopped straight back on the next dingy.

    There is no way on earth the number of migrants from N Africa to Germany has dried up. They were invited after all. Numbers will ramp up until a more balanced government comes to power in each country. I have high hopes for Austria, there is a good chance they will soon get a grip on the country-changing migration.

    The number will decrease once the west stop bombing this countries or killing their leaders, this will of course never happen as the West needs to continue producing weapons and draining their resources,

  4. The EU and the US are the main buyers. Customers is always right, if EU and US don't want to buy slave labour it is their right to give Thailand the choice between adapting or not selling to them anymore .I am very glad the EU ensure we do not buy slave products or products that would endanger the marine environment. If Thailand wants a Thaixit very easy just don't sell to the EU anymore.

    No wonder there was a Brexit.

    Like the US, the EU can't keep their nose out of anything.

  5. With permanent stays and work permits it will be a completely different issue.

    Can'r see how, as there has been not vote to leave the EEA.

    To the best of my knowledge, the UK actually did vote on it and has to reapply....... But as I wasn´t 100% sure, i quickly googled it and amongst many many pages commenting on this point were the BBC with

    What happens to UK citizens working in the EU?

    A lot depends on the kind of deal the UK agrees with the EU after exit.

    If it remains within the single market, it would almost certainly retain free movement rights, allowing UK citizens to work in the EU and vice versa.

    If the government opted to impose work permit restrictions, as UKIP wants, then other countries could reciprocate, meaning Britons would have to apply for visas to work.

    and the Center for European Reform say:
    After a vote to leave, the UK must invoke Article 50 of the Treaty on European Union, which could lead to several alternatives to membership. One simple option would be for Britain to join the European Economic Area (EEA) – the ‘Norwegian’ option. Britain would then be outside the common agricultural and fisheries policies. But its economic relationship with the EU would not change significantly: it would pay nearly as much into the budget as it does today, free movement of labour would continue, and the UK would have to apply the single market’s rules and regulations without having a vote on them.

    You don't want IN but you want OUT sorry, it doesn't work that way, build your wall and enclose yourself. Happy days to you.

  6. Well, they can always ask to be transferred to a Thai prison.

    I am sure they will appreciate the way they are treated in a Thai prison and enjoy the 5 star food.

    It the prison officers that are striking and complaining. Not the convicts.

    Belgium, the most dysfunctional of the Western EU countries. Great choice to put the EU HQ.

    Well luckily the HQ is not in the UK, might be a problem soon.

  7. http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/703929-20-rescued-as-third-dive-boat-sinks-off-phuket/
















  8. Bunch of incompetent a-holes made Belgium one of the un-safest places in the EU at the moment.

    Made me skip a visit to Antwerp I planned months ago, as I am currently on holiday in Europe, wanted to show the Thai missus the Jewish neighborhood, the diamond trade etc. etc.

    Not really a good idea now, is it ?

    Like for example during transport of extradited terrorist Abdeslam, in broad daylight, he was cheered all along the way by sympathizing muslims.

    How could they know what day he would go ? What time they would travel?

    What route they would take exactly ? Leaks, leaks and leaks of course.

    Lastly, those cheering would have been arrested rightaway and deported out of the nanny state by any reasonable thinking Government, not Belgium's however...

    so what did you do instead? Take a train in Spain, go see a football match in Paris, take a subway in London, go to a disco in Bali? Come on the Sukhumvit and the highway to Suvarnabhumi is still 20 x times more dangerous.

  9. Silly old bugger taking out a boat unprepared.

    The only thing the poor old man was unprepared for is to be chasen away from his quite anchorage place in the middle of the night resulting in a rescue by the same navy a few hours later. What could an old 70 year old man at anchor do wrong? Well done navy indeed :-(


    The story is a week old, and assumedly boatfreak has some prior knowledge regards the back ground circumstances.

    If correct, it's a real worry, with the Thai navy showing indifference to an old man, which could have resulted with the death of the couple.

    Yes indeed as usual the press tells you only part of the story and all our TV readers being very qualified sailors Know exactly how it should be done. The reality is that the poor old man was chased away by the navy in the middle of the night and had no choice but to anchor in an unsheltered place.

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