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Posts posted by Plus

  1. I'm originally from Birmingham so I do know a thing or two about curries!

    It's quite possible that you can't stand Indian food unless it's prepared by British Indian chefs for Birmingham tastes. We had this situation in Pattaya forum a couple of years ago - people were demanding to import chefs from England to cook Indian food here.

    India is a countlry of nearly a billion people and most of them have never tried Birmingham curries and still call their cuisine "Indian" (imagine that!).


    Local restaurants are very predictable, it's always Northern, "mughal" food with menus apparently copied from one shop to another. There are South Indian places but there's little difference between them. too.

    I like coftas at Himali Cha cha, and I like Indian Hut at the end of Suriwong for offering something different, but most of the time settle on generic Indian shops around Sukhumwit. It's not bad and I don't eat it too often to get bored.

    There are a couple of really simple places in the sois off Silom near Wat Kaek, they are like Thai street food - noting fancy but irresistible. One offers 60baht set lunch, I think.

  2. I know very little about linux, but what if you try to log in with the original desktop? It should still be there and you can try to fix network using the original tools. Should be alt-shift-backspace and look for "session" options.

    Afaik network settings load with the kernel, before starting any kind of desktop, once you get them right, you should be online already when you start your lxde.

    Maybe you didn't get all the necessary lxde packages - try task-lxde, it should update about a dozen packages, some are not obviously related.

    I'm installing lxde on Pclinuxos as I type, let's see how it compares with xfce, let's see if it screws up my network, too.

  3. I missed it.

    You miss a lot, but we are used it.

    Anyhow, the is getting again a bit to silly for me. have a nice day.

    Ok, I'll look it up in Yellow pages myself - Deathsquads and raging mobs for hire, since 1976. Democrats can call but satisfaction is not guaranteed. There must be a number somewhere for "the System".

  4. You ignore every proof presented

    What proof????

    You have proof that blue shirt failure after throwing rocks for twenty minutes is similar to village scouts killing students in the 70s and driving all lefites out to the jungles? Or that it was the same system?

    You gave out their contact numbers or what? I missed it.

  5. Ah, "the system". What is a conspiracy theory without a "system" lurking in the shadows?

    I'm curious, if it's the same system that set village scouts in the 70s, death squads in the South and during drug war, why did it fail so miserably when "my beloved Democrats" used it?

  6. If you park in the sun you can roll down your windows a couple of cm to let the hot air escape and the car will be significantly cooler. With "window awnings" there's no problem with sudden rain and most people won't even see if your windows are not completely shut.

    Also in the sudden rain sometimes windows fog from the inside, easy to fix if you can roll down your windows without water getting in.

    Also even at this time mornings are cool enough to drive without air-con, less wind and noise with those "door visors".

  7. Hmm, he might still be disqualified, similar to people who were in prison once but are free now.

    It will be clear soon enough, in about a month or so.

    I don't have much faith in PAD party. If they set it up as normal politicians would do, it would fail miserably. If they set it up so that their new politics proposal gets a proper stage, I don't know how it would blend with their other goals as politicians.

    One thing is clear - one way or another new politics must come through parliament, and so far no one picked the discussion there. It makes sense for PAD to get elected so that they can raise this issue as legitimate lawmakers.

    NP discussion is what would actually be the measure of their progress, not the number of seats.

  8. Nobody talks about "tens of thousands of people". At least not yet, so far, but who knows what the future may hold in store?

    The Blue Shirts were used for one purpose, and appeared for one event in public (rumors of their appearance a week or so previously at the airport made the rounds as well, but there is no photographic evidence).

    There were thousands of red shirts in Pattaya on that day and tens of thousands more in Bangkok. There's no reason to suspect that blue shirts were set up with sole purpose of confronting those reds with violence, even if it came down to that in the end. No wonder they immediately dispersed after violence broke out and have never been seen since.

    It's quite a stretch from what actually happened to alleged govt policy of sponsoring street mobs to beat the hel_l out of red demonstrations. An experiment that went terribly wrong and was immediately dropped is more likely explanation.

    And there were reports, not rumors of blue shirts at the airport.


    Your main, silly reason to discuss blues here is to somehow argue that they are equal to secret death squads. Initially it was stated as a fact, now it looks like a cheap conspiracy theory.


    Vast majority of drug dealers didn't go through any trials at all - they simply swore off the drugs and at best went through rehabilitation camps, that was their official treatment. Thousands were killed, however, and it's strange to hear some posters say "deservedly so". Even Thaksin never actually admitted they were killed by the govt, but some people here say they should have been. He looks like Mother Theresa by comparison.

  9. And you believe Suthep?

    Between his version - create a new group protesting against reds, and your version - use violent mobs to crash red rallies, I tend to believe Suthep.

    I don't see any substance in your allegation that Suthep wanted to create huge street clashes between rival groups. That would go against any sense or reason in that.

    How could you think that up, btw? Can you even imagine street fighting between tens of thousands of people? And you tell us that was govt strategy? Similar to secret death squads?

  10. That purpose included using violence that the security agencies were not to use, officially.

    Suthep says they were not meant to use violence, you make it sound that beating up reds was their sole purpose. Interior ministry is run by Newin men, btw.

    How's that on par with secret death squads methodically ticking off victims of their list for months wihout a break? Did Thaksin came out after the drug war and explained how death squads were organised and for what purpose?

    And how are Democrats related to said death squads?

  11. Blue Shirts wore blue Shirts, and the death squads wore black, brown and green.

    And reds wore red and were set up without any legal base by the government to harass PAD, and PAD was setup by elites to harass Thaksin.

    Therefore they are all the same as death squads.

    There are other striking similarities as well - they all had arms and legs and they were all Thais of adult age.

  12. Plus' apparent inconsistencies can be explained far more plausiibly by pointing out that Abhisit was..

    For two or three weeks I thought it was a non-story at all and I didn't even follow it. I only took interest when I saw outrageous "hundreds eaten by sharks" claims being repeated over and over again.

    Maybe you brought it here as a red herring.


    Marshbags is right - many were forced to sell yaba to sustain their own habits.

    One of the positive sides was that addiction itself was decriminalised, by Thaksin, of all people, and low level users/dealers were let off the hook completely, after short rehabilitation spell. But now it looks like our own board members argue for killing them all instead.

  13. These outlaws know the implications of their acts, their drug sales, and yet they and the liberals insist on them being punished within the terms of the 'system'.

    Somehow vast majority of them were punished without killing them.

    Blue Shirts: set up by the government without any legal base, wounding several Red Shirt with guns (and most of what Suthep said was trying to justify this the same way how Thaksin has attempted to defend the drug war killings)

    Incomparable to death squads during drug war.

  14. hard to govern when PAD and its military backers are sabotaging everything and fomenting civil unrest.

    They didn't even try, they spent all their time trying to push through Const amendments. There were loud cries that PTP couldn't even set up parliamentary committees in three months.

    They had seven months before PAD occupied govt house, they had plenty of time to prove they were really working for the country. They didn't.

    And I'm sure everyone remembers Samak's own assessement of his cabinet - "ugly".

  15. The whole argument over a few hundred innocents killed is nonsense.

    1. Doubt it.

    2. So what. Like another poster said, you don't make omlettes without cracking a few eggs.

    If killing a few hundred innocents is "so what?" for you, then there's nothing really to talk about.

    We usually argue about who is responsible and how to bring them to justuce and how to prevent similar campaigns from happening in the future.

    You come from a different angle - there was no crime, so let's leave you with your opinion.

    HT, apparently you are right, 800 murders classified as not related to drugs, it doesn't say that they were on the blacklists, so let's leave them.

    How about 1,370 killed without a trial, and how about those publicised cases where clearly innocent people who had nothing to do with drugs were killed - like a couple who won the lottery and was put on a blacklist by their neughbours? Or cases were drugs were obviously planted on dead bodies? Those cases are impossible to blame on drug dealers cutting loose ends.

  16. Suthpe said blue shirts was an Interior Ministry project.

    How's that "same mechanics" as drug war death spree? And how Democrats are related to those extrajudicial mechanics of six years ago?

    I belive this is the connection OMR asked you to clarify - is it just your personal opinioin or you have some facts to back it up.

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