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Posts posted by Plus

  1. Why do you say "rip off" - their advertisements are just the same as Giganews or Easynews, and I believe people in Europe get far better speeds from them than me here in Thailand.

    And their client is super convenient, with previews and slideshows for pr0n pix and no manual messing with pars, and they actually have two download speeds - a lot of content is free of charge at under 1Mbps. I let a friend download tons of old music from them and it doesn't cost me anything at all. They do max out HIS connection, but not mine, the only complaint from me.

    Their ads are all over torrent sites, they have grown tremendously in the past couple of years I've been using them and they upgraded their services and their servers and now they keep files for a lot longer, up to three months guaranteed ( I don't keep track, though).

    I agree, usenet is great, but for speed noting beats latest Prison Breaks cached by True,

  2. In Opera it's right-click block content on any page and click away to your heart's content. When you done, click on Details and manually edit some urls to block out anything coming from some websites or folders if you are still not satisfied.

    In a way, it's better than downloading one adblock filter that fits all, and it's not a plugin that requires loading and asks to upgrade itself every couple of days.

    You can also download urlfilter file off the Internet, but more entries means more porcessing time - every link on each page needs to be checked against that file. You can copy your own urlfilter from one machine to another, no installation necessary.

    You can unclutter your default interface with right click-remove button. Google for Opera custom buttons and install anything you fancy instead. Hide menu button is very useful.

    Shift-F12 and reduce icon size and get more screen space by removing status bar and fiddling with progress bar options, and get some skins while you are in that dialog, and change color settings if you like.


    I have google Chrome for incognito feature, but otherwise I have no interest in a browser that can't be tweaked and customised in nay darn way I like.

    Firefox is great, but those endless add ons are annoying. Every time it's new version is available, you need to restart firefox, and there's no easy way to copy your FF configuration from one computer to another, it's alway installing everything from the scratch.

    Oh, and mouse gestures are pre-installed in opera, using little mouse flicks to go back and forward and open and close tabs has become a habit, I always try to do it in IE, too. And Ctrl-F12,Advanced, shortcuts, enable one-key gives you "z" to go back and "x" to go forward, a lot easier than alt-arrow.

    Nah, nothing beats Opera. Nothing.

  3. Since no one of us was there, we can't be absolutely sure what we say here is based on facts, but we put trust in other people who bring us this information, we trust the media.

    It is also true that facts can be manipulated and twisted around to support totally opposite conclusions, but again, we trust the media. We want our verison of the story to be checked out by trustworty people, most of the time journalists.

    If some dude posts a conspiracy theory on the Internet, it is not impressive in the least. Conspiracies are a dime a dozen, creativity is unwanted here, what we need is credibility, and media provides that.

  4. I don't remember anything about wrestling and hamburger joints, but everyone addressed each other as "dude" there, and the cast seemed to be straight out of "jackass" movies.

    Actually there was a very similar kind of movie around the same time - "The hunt for the big foot" or something. Same "dudes", modern times.

  5. Let's petition the UN Security Council over this. Is it true that some Thai language papers quoted Chalerm or not? Reports in English media do not cite exact sources. That is shameless, paranoid distortion of facts. It's time for Americans to send their navy and sort them out.

    Another slow day on Thaivisa - time to pick apart some old stories about serial liars.

  6. So, how is it with vermin question, then? Why tens of thousands of vermin on black lists survived unharmed while others were shot without mercy? Is there difference among them? Shouldn't they all be put in gas chambers or something?

    How about exterminating all their blood lines?

  7. This way you are a losing credibility as democratic government. That is common sense, delusional wishful thinker and true believers try to interpret in an other way.

    From all the outsider reports Abhisit actually gained credibility for non-violent despersal of red mobs. Maybe that one blogger who also writes fro AHRC thought different, I'd go 50/50 with that one, but I don't know anyone else who thought the govt lost credibility there.

  8. At first I thought Win7 copied files faster than Linux, but this morning I saw comparable speed when copying from ntfs external drive to usb fat16 stick. Apparently my linux hiccups were about fragmented usb rather than system itself.

    I mentioned elsewhere that even with Win7 support for DivX codec, the best application so far was linux based SMPlayer. Just yesterday Win7 refused to play a movie at all.

    Linux gives me a lot more headache, though, nothing seems to work right out of the box there.

    Right now I'm typing this in XP with "silver" theme, and it looks ok to me, and EVERYTHING works like a clock. Most Xp installs don't have any nice themes and no free alternatives, only shareware.

  9. Sondhi has been officially declared bankrupt. It's a big question if he is even eligible for running, even if it happened ages ago.

    PAD can judge its popularity by the number of ASTV subscriptions in each constituency, btw.

    Phue Thai is a headless chicken, without credible leaders and a platform. Last time they campaigned as Thaksin proxy, in the days when Thaksin still had a relatively clean image of a coup victim. Situation has changed dramatically, their one year stint in power didn't convince anyone of their abilities, and Thaksin has bored everyone to death with his self-serving agenda and bloody revolutions.

    Now some of their MPs openly protest against Thaksin's choice while others say that it's time they found a leader on their own.

    I don't think even their supporters believe that PTP can revive golden age of TRT.

    PTP is heading for a huge electoral disaster.

  10. so actually Chamlern never told a story of a cambodian passport or a german passport. it's all paranoia by some local media

    They were quoting him after his visit to UAE.

    He told them Thaksin had a German passport with Shengen visa, which is impossible as Germany IS part of Shengen agreement already. If Chalerm couldn't provide details - how's that "fantasy" and "paranoia" by Thai media?

  11. I believe 800 out of all killed had no relation to drug dealing at all. That's a lot of "collateral damage" in three months. Those who were vermin, didn't deserve to die either, as thousands of their fellow vermin survived just fine.

    But I guess it's pointless to argue the value of human lives, innocent or vermin, with some of our posters here. Civilisation apparently hasn't reached all yet.

  12. Public discontent within Asean might prompt China to step in and resolve the matter - it's part of their duties in the region now.

    Indians have just kept the same party to power, I don't think there will be any changes in their Burma policy, but they are not the ones to go against world opinion, they'd rather keep quiet and sit it out.

  13. Acc to Nation's report the supporters begged Sondhi to reverse his no politics stance.

    It's still no clear how he is going to sell his media empire, which is essentially broke.

    Re. land reform - I somehow think that giving land to every poor farmer would endear pad to local socialists.

    I'm personally not in support of a party, it might turn out a flop - in politicis no one will let them play honestly, and if they slip up, no one will ever forget it. It's a dirty game, like wrstling with pigs.

  14. Thailand will buy their gas with or without junta.

    It won't act or talk alone, however, without some big Asean partners on board the junta won't listen and Thailand will only end up hurting itself.

    Thailand's position will not be ignored by the rest of the Asean, there's a good chance that others will not sit it out, too. If they can manage to get China's ear, the junta will have to start taking it seriously.

  15. Sure lots of users were rehabilitated, for the first time there were not treated like criminals. Thousands went to police stations, pledged to stay off drugs and all was well for them.

    We can speculate now if they would have stayed clean if not for daily murders of less lucky ones. That must have increased their motivation. What if those killings were the cornerstone of the program's success?

    Yes, the drug war was effective, if you ignore thousands innocent people slain without mercy. Apparently even in the 21 century there are people who put lives on a scale and weigh them against benefits.

    Incidentally, Thaksin was threatening to destroy Burmese production facilities, he was fuming and banging his fist on the table and had satellite images of their drug towns. In the end he preferred killing his own people instead.

  16. Justice is justice. Right is right. Convicting people with no proof of guilt whatsoever ---- is neither !! Whatever justification you can come up with for your position (not necessarily unsound) one irrefutiable principal should override all ---- before anyone can be convicted for any crime they must be proven guilty.

    Negligence could also be a crime, if something happens on your watch, you take responsibility.

    Also don't forget that we are not talking criminality here, no one went to jail or anything, they simply lost their jobs.

    You can lose a job for a lot less.

    I also hope you realise by now that they take responsility only for wrongdoings of fellow executives acting in official capacity on behalf of the party, not for hundreds of individual candidates trying to secuer their own little wins.

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