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Posts posted by mpdkorat

  1. What I can't understand is all the guys who live in Thai villages. How on earth did they all meet their wives?

    More importantly, why do they want to get married with this type of uneducated girl? Fair enough the guys who can speak Thai, but how many times have I seen a married couple speaking in sign language. Are these guys not embarassed to have been conned by such uneducated girls. How can they travel  in Thailand, don't they know that all other Thais are laughing at them? Especially the ones who marry Isarn girls who are 10 years younger than them.

    I met  my wife when travelling in Italy.

    Thai people can tell a mile off when a foreigner is with an ex-hooker. That is why us normal couples get such a bad time in Thailand, due to these idiots that get conned by farmers daughters.

    Does your breath smell?

    Or are you just talking out of your A*se?

    yes, all that was very nasty

    nothing wrong with ex-hookers (a pejorative word, maybe bar girl is nicer), and farmers daughters are not all uneducated!! I have a degree from Bangkok, and my father was a rice farmer in Isaan. My elder sister married an American (she met him while working on a cruise boat, not as a hooker) and she/he paid for our education.

    and maybe some guys are not very educated themselves, in spite of being farang. I have met many guys like that, just site workers or plumbers etc, no education, and they fall in love with strong healthy farm girls....suits them fine.

    so, stop being so superior and judgemental, it hurts people

    Fair comment

  2. thailand , like anywhere else , is far from perfect.

    criticism, both positive and negative comes naturally to humans , if the place was perfect nobody would have anything to talk about.

    if you start a topic saying... i think the weather/food/people/bargirls are great here.... and if all the replies said..... yes , i think so too..... there would be no traffic on the site at all , we would all be asleep.

    negative comments elicit positive responses , and positive comments elicit negative comments.

    its called exchanging ideas.

    the fact that you call it whinging just goes to show how judgemental and narrow minded you are. you're the one carrying around all the luggage.

    now what do you have to say about that ?


    What do I want to say about that.

    Well firstly I have no problem with criticism in fact I think that is what I was doing? I was trying to invite comment and you commented.

    As for be judgmental and narrow minded, I had no idea that you knew me that well.

    As for carrying around too much luggage. I lost most of that due to a previous relationship, but still happy and surviving.

  3. Have you noticed in your travels around Thailand how we are constantly winging about Thailand. We complain about:

    The Visa situation

    Various bar girl cons

    Duel pricing

    Sick buffalo’s

    Demanding families

    The inability to own land



    Etc etc…………….

    Why do we stay or want to stay here?

    I for one would rather put up with what I consider to be the small inconveniences of living in Thailand. There are usual ways around most of the problems.

  4. How about this situation.  You (oops) get the girl pregnant, she's a good girl (except she did actually have sex), i.e. not a working girl, 26 years old, has a degree, you like her, you have a kid coming so you marry her. 

    The family is pretty typical, from the south, quite Buddhist, relatively small family.  Since she's prego, have a small informal wedding away from the prying eyes of the village.  The subject of Sin sod came up once before the wedding, the wife-to-be said, what about 400,000 bt?  The husband-to-be said, that's high, what about 200K.  End of story, not spoken of again, until now, a month after the wedding, wife says, 'oh yeah, about that sin sod thing, it's now 499,999 and mom wants it tomorrow".  Husband says, "sin sod is a strange idea, think no need to pay".  Wife says, mom thinks you need to pay. 

    Anybody here of such a situation?  I would love to get a perspective from some of the Thai ladies on the forum.  What to do?????  Constructive comments would be great.  One liners that are clever only to yourself are really not needed as this is a serious request.  Thanks

    500K is not so high for middle class or rich Thai's. This and much greater amounts are paid all the time. In most cases the money is returned to the couple after the Wedding. In some cases the father of the bride will come up with all or some of the money to assist the groom who is struggling to come up with the figure the father thinks his daughter is worth. In poor families they will pay between maybe 10K to 40K. (My brother in law just paid 40K) There are no hard and fast rules on the amount that should be paid. It is all really about face. Asking after the wedding is not sin sod, its rip off. I think the mother in law is putting pressure on your wife to ask you for the money. I would just ignore it and hope it goes away.

  5. My wife and I are expecting are first child in December. I for one am very interested in all your experiences. Education is a bit of a worry, but I have a few years to work on that problem.

    Most of my friends that have Thai kids have worked very hard to ensure that their children are bilingual.

  6. What I can't understand is all the guys who live in Thai villages. How on earth did they all meet their wives?

    More importantly, why do they want to get married with this type of uneducated girl? Fair enough the guys who can speak Thai, but how many times have I seen a married couple speaking in sign language. Are these guys not embarassed to have been conned by such uneducated girls. How can they travel  in Thailand, don't they know that all other Thais are laughing at them? Especially the ones who marry Isarn girls who are 10 years younger than them.

    I met  my wife when travelling in Italy.

    Thai people can tell a mile off when a foreigner is with an ex-hooker. That is why us normal couples get such a bad time in Thailand, due to these idiots that get conned by farmers daughters.

    Welcome to the Forum, Saraburioz. Not a great way to make friends but perhaps you can redeem yourself by sharing with us your definition of 'normal couple'. :o

    Met mine about 2 1/2 hours ago in bar. I hope she stays with me to 6pm, then I will be able to take her home. Save me paying for her taxi!!

    I consider us to be a normal couple........... :D

  7. . Watch out for mongolian chicks though.

    Ah yes! Good advice in the mongolian chicks from Blake7

    Why.... ???

    totster :D

    They are well known as scam girls. They get you hooked, then get you to lend or give money, then bugger off. A friend of mine fell head over heels over one girl. She persuaded him to lend her $10,000 US. He did, she was never to be seen again.

    The Power of love……… :o

    Not like Thai BGs then.......... :D

    They tend to hang around with repeat requests! :D !

    Just curious mdp but why did your friend give her $10,000, do they have Sick Buffalo Syndome in Mongolia too? :D:D !

    I'm not sure I was ever told exactly how she managed to extract the money out of him. In fact it took me quite an effort to get him to tell me the exact amount that he gave her. He was very embarrassed. The girl was VERY cute though. On the whole the Chinese girls a bit smarter than the average Thai bar girl. You can also get lead into a false sense of security thinking these girls are not bar girls, but in fact they really are, just a different technique.

  8. . Watch out for mongolian chicks though.

    Ah yes! Good advice in the mongolian chicks from Blake7

    Why.... ???

    totster :D

    They are well known as scam girls. They get you hooked, then get you to lend or give money, then bugger off. A friend of mine fell head over heels over one girl. She persuaded him to lend her $10,000 US. He did, she was never to be seen again.

    The Power of love……… :o

  9. I've just picked a few quotes out not targeting anyone in particular.

    I'm glad about that, seeing the first quote was mine... :D

    Is'nt it bad enough that most Thais have a stereotype of all falangs being loaded and throwing money around, Do we falangs have to reinforce this? Do all falangs here have to be rich, even if you are is there anything wrong with wanting to pay the same as a local? or hang out at the same places as the locals?

    Personaly I like value for money and a lot of the time(espacially in BKK) I'm more comfertable in the "Thai" style places. I tip like a thai and I expect thai prices. I dont see why falangs as expected to throw money around just because they are falangs, or do we all have to try and maintain the image that all falangs have money to burn?

    I don't maintain that all us expats (or falangs) have an affluent image to maintain, but to put my quote in context... I consider people to be "kinneow" or "cheap charlie" if they think nothing of spending all afternoon shopping for DVD's and T-shirts in Walking Street, and buying their heinikins (and lady drinks) in the beer bars, then go to one of those all-you-can-eat for 89 baht Korean style BBQ places, then head off to the go-go bars... :D

    That's the context of where my quote was lifted from... OK? :D

    Personally, I spend more time (and money) in Thai restaurants and entertainment venues than falung venues... because I prefer to. I enjoy the food, the company, the service, the music, the respect and recognition... and I pay Thai prices and tip Thai style too... I always greet and joke with the service staff and management of my regular haunts... and am greeted and respected in return.

    The "kinneow" falung that think nothing of spending up on copy goods and bargirls, then opt for the cheapest meal possible, is not in my opinion the type of falung that is likely to earn any respect from me or the Thais. :o

    Oh no!! I'm a ''Cheap Charlie'' I'm off to a Korean BBQ tonight with an Auzzie friend and our wives. 100 baht an order plus live music and Tiger and Singh beer girls. All for less the 10 quid (Split two ways though)

  10. I lived for over 4 years in China and still return about once every month.

    Food is great - of course depend son the region. In actual fact Beijing food is probably the worst but as the Scampy doesn't like foreign food Beijing cuisine which is quite bland may be up his street.

    Beijing in Summer is miserable though. very dry heat and sand storms from the Gobi desert.

    Nightlife in Beijing is good - imho better than Shanghai  as it is more friendly. Watch out for mongolian chicks though.

    I spent two years based out of Shanghai. The place is exploding economically. Once you get there you might find it difficult to leave, as you will no doubt meet many expatriate contacts and one job will lead to another.

    I do not really know Beijing, but I can tell you that in Ma Min Lu, Julu Lu and the other expat places in Shanghai a whisky and coke will cost you at least 40 RMB.

    If you go native China is still very cheap. But the more upscale social life is quite a bit more expensive than Thailand/Bangkok.

    I never got on with the food there in general, but that’s just me.

    Ah yes! Good advice in the mongolian chicks from Blake7

  11. Apart from that....

    I am 100% an Englishman and if anyone fecks with my country or people, I will kill them stone dead.


    So your 100% English are you. I'm English too; but I have to say that I have had a bit of Irish, Scottish and even a bit of Spanish in me. I know this is not the platform to talk about one’s sex life, but I just thought I would clear this obviously inaccurate comment up.

    Just being a nob………

  12. You must start to make arrangements to return to Thailand together sometime in the foreseeable near future. She must be a willing party to the trip to visit family or whatever reason you can think of that she will accept. Don't just throw the idea of a trip to Thailand at her, introduce it slowly, if possible get her to suggest it.

    Meanwhile, do not antagonise her. Go out of your way to maintain the happy side of her character. Deal with her "bad periods" as best you can.

    Never let her know your plans.

    Sleep with one eye open.

    Work towards getting on the plane and freedom.

    Thats what I would do. Best for everyone.

  13. Mr Bojangles, don't you understand we are talking about the death of two people. Ok I didn't know them but if it was your wife and child I would like to think I was concerned about them and the result on you, even I don't know you. "lighten up" is an easy thing to say. When I was living in Indonesia in 97, it was this attitude that allowed so many atrocities.

    You’re not a Catholic Missionary are you? BTW I’m English. I think that your girlfriend knew you were a bad driver, that is why she gave you her very powerful Merc; you were probably boring her as well and she felt it was the quickest route to getting rid of you. I personally would rather be run over than spending time talking to you.

  14. Don't get to excited just playing with an idea of a farrang only market in Udon. I have pretty good idea or at least I think I do what Americans would enjoy having available. But there are so many nationalities in Udon one would really need to go beyond the knowledge I have. So I've noticed the forum has been slow lately and you guys are the best source I know.

    So what would like to see stocked?

    You might find this site useful


  15. I'll be 56 on Friday and my girlfriend is 31. I met her while sitting in a bar. I guess we're not going to be friends, are we Uncle Paul?

    Happy Birthday Mike. If you are at the Passinee today I will buy you a drink.

    You can buy me one too!!

    I'm 47 wife 25. I live in Thailand. I'm a luck man............

  16. Hello all from Lampang. I have lived in Thailand now 5 yrs, married for 4 yrs. We are soon expecting our first baby. I am English, no intension of living in the U K again, very happy and settled here. The question to you all is, "does having a baby make any difference at all with regards my Annual visa"?

    I was told as the U K and Thailand are both "Kingdoms" its impossible for the Child to have dual Nationality, is this so? Any of you had this situation,Thanks

    Have a good Weekend

    Best Regards

    Pip In Lampang


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