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Posts posted by mpdkorat

  1. According to my wife and my limited research on the matter, the taller one is for the spirits of the house and land, whilst the smaller one is a shrine to someone in particular. My wife's case grandmother and grandfather. I think however that everything's got mixed up in passing time as they were only originally adopted by the thais.

    Try this site gives you some ideas


  2. Again taking time to think about this. The book that I have read the most and without doubt had the most positive effect on my life was The London A-Z.

    Have you got "the Knowledge" then, mate?

    "Leave on the left Ladbrook Grove.... " What knowlege?

    If you want to be a London Cab driver, you have to take an exam on the The London A-Z and the routes through London, called "the Knowledge".

    No "Knowledge" - no job.

    Hi Tom

    Yes I understand that. When you learn the knowledge you have to learn several hundred 'Runs' first, meaning from one place in London to another, reciting street by street. After that you have to learn specific points, meaning say the Iran embassy. The very first run you have to learn is Ladbrook Grove to Queens Club Ground. I believe it takes about 3 years now. And the cabbies are complaining that there are too many licensed drivers. BTW I did do the Knowledge and got down to 21 day appearances, but after very close reflection I decided not to complete it, much to the dismay of my friends, as I was so close to getting the license. Instead I carried on in a job that I was not happy in and reaped the rewards there instead.

  3. Yes actually I do......

    I have only been member on tv a couple of days.

    But I am already annoyed about the amount of negativ post's . :o

    I thought this was a site for people who actually like thailand...

    just my satang worth.........


    No Ken you are wrong. It is a platform to exchange ideas & knowledge, take the piss out of each other and generally to have a bit of fun while learning.

    And as far as I'm concerned you can keep your satang.

  4. Freedom is the greatest gift anybody/thing can give to you.

    But actually nobody can give it.

    We can give the credit to many beings, but freedom can't be classified.

    It comes from within.

    What does freedom mean to you?

    After careful thought over several days I have decided that freedom is being allowed to go to The Mall and drink beer with the Asahi girl. Unfortunately my wife has a different view. Hence I have NO freedom.

  5. What compounds the stupidity is the fact that although by law that booze is to only be sold between the hours of 11.00-14.00 & 17.00-Midnight, the Police and Government issue directives that all drinking dens and the like must close and stop selling at 01.00.

    So basically the law says. "You must in no circumstance sell alcahol after midnight, but if you do you must in no circumstances sell alcohol after 01.00"

    That never occured to me till you just mentioned it. T.I.T

  6. kringle wrote:
    Gin is my friend and would rather have that than anything else. Hard to find places that have a decent Gin though> I'm a fan of Bombay (the old style with the Queen on the bottle). Price being what it is in Bangkok and I drink Heinekin or Chang.

    Gin is a very good friend indeed. :D

    I am partial to, in this order, ...Tanqauray, Bombay, Seagrams, Beefeater or Gordons, etc.

    I can even drink floor-dripping and rotgut and enjoy it (alot!); but once I step up to a higher grade, there is no way I can 'lower myself' in the same night.

    There are some surprising bargains with gin in Thailand if you are willing to go base-grade. Not much more than 150 baht a bottle at times. About the same price as the Jinro brand that I bought while I was in Korea. A fine ditiller they are too; and that was for a 26 oz'er bottle...


    PS. With beer it's Leo or Japanese (preferably Asahi).

    I have found myself drinking Asahi recently, as the new Asahi girl in The Mall is very persuasive & cute

    Very cute indeed! :D ! :o

    You cad Sir!! She said she only had eyes for me. Might see you there this afternoon.

  7. kringle wrote:
    Gin is my friend and would rather have that than anything else. Hard to find places that have a decent Gin though> I'm a fan of Bombay (the old style with the Queen on the bottle). Price being what it is in Bangkok and I drink Heinekin or Chang.

    Gin is a very good friend indeed. :o

    I am partial to, in this order, ...Tanqauray, Bombay, Seagrams, Beefeater or Gordons, etc.

    I can even drink floor-dripping and rotgut and enjoy it (alot!); but once I step up to a higher grade, there is no way I can 'lower myself' in the same night.

    There are some surprising bargains with gin in Thailand if you are willing to go base-grade. Not much more than 150 baht a bottle at times. About the same price as the Jinro brand that I bought while I was in Korea. A fine ditiller they are too; and that was for a 26 oz'er bottle...


    PS. With beer it's Leo or Japanese (preferably Asahi).

    I have found myself drinking Asahi recently, as the new Asahi girl in The Mall is very persuasive & cute

  8. There is no doubt about it.

    It is a remarkably dumb law.

    You have to assume it has something to do with the morality campaign.

    Prohibition light.

    Make up your minds, either alchohol is legal or it is not.

    Wine is also part of this brilliant law.

    How do you spell that: 'wine' or 'whine'?

    Just stock up during the right time a few days in advance and dont worry about it. :o

    That's true. it aint the end of the world as we know it. it's like where I come from in the states; you can't buy beer after 8pm or on sundays and holidays. trust me, you can't always plan around the times so you find other ways around. in the case of CT, where I'm from, we cruise a half hour to the NY border and buy our brewskis. in the case of thailand, you cruise the 7/11 or the china dude at the corner store. I can dig, can you?

    I do not think that finding alternative places to buy alcohol is the whole point of this thread. I too find the new/old law to be a little if not completely stupid. It’s only the big store/chains that are affected at all. I can not see children going into Lotus to buy alcohol, they are far more likely to go to 7/11 (also effected) or the corner shop (not effected) to get their fix.

    I personally have been caught out by this when I dashed out to get some goodies for a BBQ. I tried to purchase some wine and was reminded I couldn't till 5pm. Frustrated I thought about driving to NY, but settled on going to a friends restaurant and borrowed a couple of bottles. Frustrating!!

    Stupid law Connecticut + Stupid law Thailand = Stupid law

  9. Guys thanks for all the comments but it is perhaps best for me to give you guys some feedback and to close this post.

    Taking on board all the comments made and having given the matter a lot of thought I have decided its time to walk away from her  ......the past two weeks have been painful because these TG's can get right under your skin and she certainly did that .....but I have worked overseas long enough to know it is best to take an objective view......I have got messages through to her family for her to call me.....she hasn't......she has also had opportunity to be in contact over the last two weeks becasue TG's can come out of the temple during the day, if that's where she is ....but she hasn't .............in my book no answer is an answer and no point in digging deeper........I enjoyed it for 2 years but all good things come to an end...........its her decison so no point in trying to change that............the thing to do now is to move on.......... I very much appreciate the forum and the comments made / advice given.....it has been a big help  :o

    Good luck mate!

  10. I live up-country in Isaan. Since I have lived in my present house, I have had many requests to find farang husbands for neighbours.


    I know that their are marriage agencies around, and internet dating services. The women around here  can't speak English or let alone afford a computer.

    Has anyone ever done this kind of business?

    What do all you guys reading this think?

    Do not do it, if you value your peace and quiet. If you do you will have hassle for years to come. A friend of mine visited me and I introduced him to the local tart. 3 years later I'm still being askled if he is coming back.

  11. Contrary to popular opinion here, I have to pick the following:

    1. AC/DC-For those about to rock, we salute you

    2. Guns N Roses-Welcome to the jungle

    Not the highly used radio picks like most picked on here but better IMO.

    I love driving listening to Welcome to the jungle, calms me down :o

  12. I feel a little left out here. I have never had a major problem that I have not been able to cope with. Not that I have not had any problems, it's just that they have not affected me.

    I shot someone (UK)

    My friend was shot three times for having sex with his neighbor wife. I was there. (Thailand)

    Nearly died in Motor cycle accident. (Thailand)

    Lost three lots of savings, now working on the new life, hope this is the last time. (UK/Thailand)

    My monkey died 8 months ago in an accident in the home involving a collapsible chair. (Thailand)

    It IS affecting me. I feel it all starting to poor out. Thank you guys.

  13. THAIVISA has somehow strict rules.....so I wonder why they cannot ban such psychopaths as CHOWNAH forever.....there are many other boards where those people can post their nonsense....but please keep TV free of such a rubbish....

    Sorry did I miss something.

    Why is Chownah a Psychopath ?

    I missed that too.

    Chownah if you really are a psychopath you are invited to my dinner party with Hinge and Bracket and The Gentleman Scamp. Bring a bottle of wine and an open razor.

  14. If you had to choose six dinner guests; one of each from the following categories, who would you choose?








    Actor - Bela Lugosi

    Musician - Ozzy Osborn

    Politician - Vlad Tepes

    Comedian - Idi Amin

    TV Member – The Gentleman Camp

    Author - J.K. Rowling

    Sportsman - O.J. Simpson

    Following the meal would be a short piano recital by:

    Dr Evadne Hinge & Dame Hilda Bracket

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