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Posts posted by mpdkorat

  1. I must admit i dont see what the problem is by giving your family a bit of dosh if you can afford it.

    My wife's family are not poor by any means but i still contribute to the house by installing AC and making sure there is pumped water at all times. I paid my sister in laws excess hospital bill and set up my niece in her own surgery once she qualified as a vet.

    We have been given land by other members of the family etc etc

    I love the sense of family in Thailand and will play my part.


    oh yes for all you people who are scared of being ripped off by buying property for Thai family here is the answer. have an ageement written up where the property is leased back to you for 30 years at a peppercorn rent or buy the property as a company and let  to the family for 1 baht a year fro as long as you are married, however, i would say if you cant  trust whoever you marry DONT MARRY THEM

    Yes I agree with you, particular the second paragragh. But I find it a little strange that we farangs are alsways the first to be asked for assistance and are looked apon as tight fisted when we turn them down.

    I remember one time I was asked for 20,000 baht to re open a petrol station belonging to an aunt. The sisters were sitting around explaining to me that it would not take long to give me the money back. They were all wearing gold at the time. I said that if they were not worried about getting the money back why did they not porn the gold. Well you can imagine the response I got to that. Non. The petrol station was opened a few days later and they were all still wearing the gold.

  2. I would not try to influence my wife as to how much she should give her family - she can make such decisions on her own and has free and open access to our bank accounts.

    She does not give them a monthly allowance but I know that she has contributed several million Baht over the past few years to help them to be able to fend for themselves.

    That is a very dangerous path to follow IMHO.

  3. Maybe its me but wasnt the question "where are you all from" ?

    Reading through this thread I have seen everything !    From criminal history, family history, every country visited, the next country they will be visiting, there favourite country that they used to live in, where they are living now, bla, bla .....  :o

    This is sure a forum full of people who like to talk about themselves !    :D

    Oh, yeah for me Liverpool, born (but not bread) scouser !!

    This is not a censer this is a discussion forum, nothing ever stays on track.

    Anyway back to business, did you know that Mrs Grundy died recently, don’t tell anyone but it was believed she was alcoholic, liked her port and lemon she did.

  4. Geez Paully, I thougt you'd gone a bit quiet, I didn't know you were crook until today.

    Get well and get the keyboard oiled........

    Your lucky to have your wife helping you, all I had was 2 beautiful hookers to bathe me and take care of me after my op...... :o

    When do you think you'll be tap dancing again?  :D

    Did having two prolong your recovery Ubon :D

  5. It's been touched upon, but how about marriage.

    We got married at 10am this morning - amphur etc. Then Tessabahn, where it took 15 mins for my wife to get a new ID card with my family name on it.

    The reason she changed her name? To bring us closer together.

    I've just been told that the law in Thaialnd was that the woman had to change her surname to the husband's. Not so now.

    I appreciate that there's a big difference between forenames and surnames, but it's still a change for the better, in our case.

    Congratulations mate. I wish you both the very best for the future.

  6. Born in the UK....Midlands....lived near St Albans and also Watford (Carpenders Park) for a couple of years......moved to Oz at age 11 and never been back....in Oz have lived in Perth, Kapooka, Melbourne, Sydney, Canberra (Queanbeyan) and back to Perth....

    Aussie citizen and proud of it.......Carn the Eagles!!!! :o

    Small world. As a kid I lived at 24 Penrose Ave C/P. During the 80's I bought 11 On the Hill Carpenders Park. Anyone got the Who album Quadraphenia, check the cover for the Carpenders Park mention, Pete Townsend lived there as a kid too.

  7. QUOTE(johnh101 @ 2005-07-13 13:20:03)

    QUOTE(Jack Jones @ 2005-07-13 17:07:36)


    Farang roo mak....mai dee!!!

    One of my motivations was to be able to meet country girls who didn't work in the bars. Be able to travel by myself all over the country without feeling like dis-respectful tourist..

    Farang roo mak....mai dee!!!

    This is definately true! It is a power/contol thing.

    I have snipped most of the comments out of the previous posts although I generally agree with what they were both saying.

    These are a few of the comments that have been made:

    They learn English in School

    My wife will not teach me Thai, she does not want me to understand.

    They do not like ‘’Farang roo maak’’

    Thai girls have more motivation


    Many farangs can already speak Thai

    (A comment on the last point: In my experience a very small percentage of farangs living in Thailand can speak Thai other than just the very basics; we all know the words; chuck wow springs to mind. BTW ‘Chuck wow’ means fly a kite)

    We English speakers really have been getting away with this not learning other languages for a long time, no point in mentioning any countries we all know them.

    My wife speaks little or no English although she did spend three years in a lower level Thai university learning cooking (I’m sure there is a posh word for the course). I also believe she learned English in school. When I met her I was able to speak enough Thai for our conversations to be 99% Thai based, although I do get the occasional ‘’Where you go sexy man’’ This has been a great advantage for me as it has forced me to improve my Thai language skills, but she is now finding it a little frustrating as most farang wives can speak English to some degree. Perhaps I’m being a little selfish?

    Like Neeranam I struggled at first to get the hang of the language, in fact I have a VERY long way to go (The rest of my life) In the main it has been a great advantage being able to talk to Thai people in their own language, although like some previous posts have stated some Thai’s don’t like it, but the vast majority of Thai’s do like the fact that we have made the effort and for those that do not Fck em.

    The one disadvantage about speaking Thai is you have to translate for non Thai speaking farangs who are trying to pick up girls. :o

  8. I would agree as we all know that Americans and Aussies can't talk proper English like what we brits do.  :o  :D

    Oh Yeah like you Brits do , you cant even understand you guys because your accent is so harsh just sounds like you are mumbling. Geez some of you brits get to me . Not all but some .

    You obviously also don't understand our sense of humour. Read what Dave said and you'll notice he said "Like what we do" It's called sarcasm, he was suggesting that actually our English is not perfect at all, possibly worse.

    Lighten up no one is trying to start an argument (including me)


    He may be an American they have a few problems with deep humor, they also have great problems spelling innuendo. :D

  9. I find it quite remarkable that the amount of uneducated country girls who are married to Farangs learn to speak English in a relatively short period of time. While conversely the Farang husband makes little or no effort to learn Thai and spends the next 20 years without any real ability to communicate with the local Thai population. How do we get away with it?

    If the Thai wife say went to live in the UK what language would she be expected to learn?

    Are farangs stupid, lazy or both.

  10. Stick seems to be a little jaded.Not a rosy picture he paints.

    I don't normally like Stickman's articles, but I thought the one on Korat was not that far out. He obviously knows Korat and is entitled to his opinion. In this case I think that his opinion was fair. I do not agree but I see his point. The teacher alcoholic bit I'm still trying to get my head around. I'm not a teacher so I must be pissed.

    I did live in BKK for only 6 months. I liked it, but only for two or three days. I like Korat, it is a large city yet it is not impersonal like Bangkok and not a tourist venue like Pattaya.

    If you want to buy something you can normally find it, or you can find away round it.

    I wish I had found Korat sooner.

  11. if someone set up a decent homestay/small guesthouse halfway between kk & korat, i would frequent it for a couple weeks a year as staying at the mil's is a pain in ass what with the giant mossies & no aircon & the hassle one normally gets from a mil :o

    Yes I agree with that. I would like to open such a place myself, but not enough funds. There is a steady stream of both Thai and farangs that would find use for such a guest house/bar/restaurant.

  12. Misses just got back from her mums house soaking wet on the back of a motor cycle taxi. I refused to pick her up. No point in me getting wet too. My Cocker Spaniel is looking very forlorn with his water logged ears dripping all over the place. He can stay outside to he dries off. Don’t want him in the house stinking the place up, that right is mine alone.

  13. Did a quick google and several of The Rose Garden Aprime Resorts in Thailand have an air rifle range.  This would lead one to believe they are legal in Thailand. 

    UK has classes of rifle, firearm, shotgun, air rifle etc,etc

    Thailand, I think, does not make these distinctions.

    You need to get a firearm license.

    However the license is for posession not for use, so your wife could get the permit and then you can use it in your garden.

    Yes your wife could get a licence if she is the householder and she alone would be allowed to use it. If you were caught even holding it anywhere you will be commiting an offence. I believe the Thais refer to this as Pit mur (wrong hand).

  14. I would be very interested in knowing a little more on that one. If there is a back door system going into the Brit Embassy. I for one would be very annoyed.

    Still seems to be plenty going into the UK though,via some kind of mafia operation in BKK.

    They get a visa and have to "work" off 2m baht.

    However do the ladies of the night get visa's for Australia ?  There must be a back door into Embassies.

    You making a joke Doc? :o

  15. If I was God then I could pass judgement on everyone else here  too. Without a clue as to the circumstances involved. It is good ot be all-knowing, isn't it?

    As a newcomer to Thaiand, and my first post on this forum, glad to see there are as many closed-minded, opinionated, preaching know-it-all's here as elsewhere in the World.

    I came to Thailand to escape your judging looks.



    You will find all of the above outside this forum in Thailand. Believe me I’m not joking. This forum is really quite tame. Thailand is not the utopia you think it is, but it is fun.

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