Wise's fee may cost slightly more but using them you will get a much, much better exchange rate than any receiving Thai bank will offer you with a direct transfer using Swift. I'm afraid, at the end of the day it's no contest.
So cheese that has matured for 24 months goes bad after 25 months? I will let you into a secret, aged cheddars can last 6 months to a year after opening if refrigerated.
It doesn't alter the fact that it's highly irregular for banks to ask for someone's personal information via emails. In fact they they go out of their way to tell us they will never do that!
Thailand has much more of a winter/cool season than an autumn/ fall one. Mainly because there are little or no deciduous trees here.
The first time my wife visited my native UK was in November and I will always remember her asking me "why are all the trees were dead"?
You can call me goody two shoes (or worse...) but apart from one occasion when it was an out and out emergency I have never consumed alcohol and then driven a motor vehicle.
If I drive I don't even have so much as a sip simply because I just wouldn't enjoy it and certainly wouldn't feel comfortable doing so.
One of the big problems with bars and restaurants in Thailand is there is a very limited choice of non-alcoholic drinks available unless you wish to partake in the god awful coke and fanta type beverages.
Even my nine year old grandson won't touch those.
I've been renewing my marriage extension at CM for fifteen years now and for as long as I can remember I have always got a bank letter and a statement. I just go to my bank and I get both.
I couldn't tell you if a statement is required or not but I always take everything I think I need plus some things I'm not sure about just in case... To me it makes way more sense to plan for every eventuality rather than get caught out and have to make a second trip.
Put it this way, they have never handed me back my bank statement and told me it's not required.
What I'm confused about is why anyone would place an order and then carry on looking to see if you could find the item cheaper elsewhere. Wouldn't it make more sense to check around first and when you're 100% sure you've found the cheapest, then you place the order?
I'm guessing you've never bought groceries online here? Because if you had you would know that everything you purchase is individually wrapped in "copious amounts" of bubble wrap. So, if you had ordered 20 items it would probably take nearer 10 minutes to unpack and check everything.
This is exactly what should happen and made public to deter others. But in reality, he will just bribe his way out of trouble like they all do and then return to his life like nothing ever happened.