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Dmaxdan last won the day on May 17 2018

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    Cloud Cuckoo Land.

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  1. I'm afraid I have to disagree. The road are in fact appallingly designed. There are many roads around me that are rural two lane highways where you have businesses such as 7-elevens and gas stations that are right on the side of the road. This means you have vehicles slowing and stopping, then pulling out from stationary on the same piece of road as cars and motorcycles driving at 120KPH plus, and changing lanes erratically. It's's complete madness! And don't get me started on U-turns. Vehicles turning slowly broadside on to ones bearing down on them at high speed? Who ever came up with that idea should be lined up on a wall and shot!
  2. Not according to my local tax office. I was told only foreigners who work here or invest huge sums of money have to file tax returns. And for the record, this was only last week. They didn't even want to view my last year's bank statement which I'd paid 200 baht for!
  3. Last week I went to my local rural RD office with last year's bank statement about a load of other paperwork and after a 5 minute chat about remitted income,180 days etc was firmly told that I don't have to file... Not unless you remit large sums of money, one million baht up for example. Of course, some "online tax expert" who's been brainwashed by all the bovine excrement that's been banded about by the English speaking media will probably quote me and say that the revenue department employee we spoke to was just plain wrong...I can't wait! I've tried, I've failed, I'm now moving on to more important matters.
  4. I'd hand him over to his murdered wife's family. Let them decide how justice should be carried out...
  5. Bread - Mostly my homemade bread. As for toppings. For breakfast I like to ring the changes. Anything from marmalade, nice fruit jam, Marmite or peanut butter. The latter has to be one of the 100% peanuts ones with no added salt, sugar or stabilizers. On the rare occasions that I eat toast for lunch I would choose cheese or occasionally baked beans. And if I make some homemade soup then just good old butter.
  6. The original Thai article that the Thai Examiner's article and subsequently that ASEAN Now thread were based upon doesn't even mention foreigners or remitted income at all. All the big boss said was to remind "Thai" tax payers, particularly young entrepreneurs to file their returns by 31st of March. The Thai Examiner twisted the RD's Boss's words around the suit their own purposes. Scaremongering basically...
  7. How would the Bangkok Post (or any other local news source) know who has and who hasn't filed a tax return? Does the RD stamp your forehead once once your return is complete?
  8. I think it's sad that people are jumping ship because of this. Especially when you bear in mind that the Thai revenue department aren't even enforcing this "new tax law". The only people that are, are the English speaking media and unscrupulous foreigners trying to sell you a service that you don't need.
  9. Yes because the COVID 19 vaccine is to blame for the death or every single person that has died globally since the pandemic...
  10. He may have had travel insurance but presumably didn't feel the need to pay extra and buy a policy that would cover riding motorcycles.
  11. Can anyone confirm that you need a certificate of residence in order to obtain a Thai TIN, if you don't own a yellow book or Thai ID card? Thanks in advance 🙏
  12. Genius insights? Have I missed something?
  13. Wise's fee may cost slightly more but using them you will get a much, much better exchange rate than any receiving Thai bank will offer you with a direct transfer using Swift. I'm afraid, at the end of the day it's no contest.
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