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Everything posted by Dmaxdan

  1. It is baffling that 79.55% of these accidents occur on straight roads. Perhaps all the roads need to be made about three times wider?
  2. What's the point of warnings. Just implement tougher penalties and be done with it.
  3. Thai pretties conducting random breathalyzer checks would be a better idea. Although the extra caffeine and a dose of cleavage could wake up sleepy drivers...
  4. It's because, for the most part Thais are completely terrified of Covid. However, there is no concern or fearfulness when they take to the roads This is due to a combination of arrogance, overblown self belief and a mindset that "accidents only ever happen to other people".
  5. We have an outside, squat toilet which is away from the house in the corner of our land. So they would be welcome to use that if they really were desperate and couldn't it in.
  6. It is always the same every year. Most of the supermarkets will be heaving on the 31st Dec. You need to think ahead and do your new years eve shopping a few days in advance.
  7. So really is should be "the seven slightly less dangerous than normal days."
  8. I think the days for urging Thais to not drink and drive are long passed. It is time to stop pussyfooting around and start getting tough! They have shown time and time again that they just cannot be trusted not to drive or ride whilst intoxicated. They should be threatened with massive fines, having their vehicles crushed and lengthy jail sentences. This should be done publicly as a warning to others.
  9. It's because being accountable and excepting responsibility for something that you personally own and maintain are extremely rare here. When accidents happen, it is always someone else's fault.
  10. This story would not be newsworthy if this had been a Thai person who was infected and had traveled to their village to visit family.
  11. Parental consent?? My wife recently received a phone call from our grandson's school basically saying that vaccines for the kids were now available but if we decline the offer then he will not be allowed to attend school! He is six years old. I'm absolutely livid about this, and I'm no anti-vaxxer.
  12. Do Thais like to dance? From my experience of living in a rural environment, Thais love to dance and do so at every given opportunity. Whether it be traditional dancing in groups at functions, contemporary dancing to the cheesy entertainment at events such as weddings or dancing in the road in front of a slow moving pickups weighed down by huge speakers, they basically can't get enough of showing their moves.
  13. Try Federbrau, a Thai/German lager supposedly brewed using only natural ingredients and complying with the German purity laws of 1516.
  14. Whatever happened to using your eyes whilst driving? It is clearly a thing of the past for some....
  15. It's the smart phone generation. Kids playing physical games like they used to do are, for the most part a thing of the past.
  16. If you are lucky enough to find your true soulmate then it should be immaterial how old she is. Only people who are incredibly shallow will be concerned with such trivialities as their loved one's age.
  17. I'm sure Pfizer are already working on tweaking their vaccine to give better protection of new the variants. And anyway, aren't the symptoms of Omicron supposed to be milder?
  18. I've found that Thais tend to wai on autopilot when they meet someone new. Their hands are up quicker than a western gunslinger can draw his pistol!! Lets face it, it has been ingrained into them since they were small children. I'm normally way to slow to wai first!
  19. Only Lazada, COD. Seller ratings are something I check rigorously before making my selection.
  20. Charged with negligent driving? What does that even mean here? A slap on the wrist and then told to not do it again? R.I.P the the deceased.
  21. I would add zero patience to your list. Running red lights, moving forward before the lights turn green and overtaking on a bend or the brow of a hill are all really common examples of this.
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