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Posts posted by hobz

  1. 15 minutes ago, AlQaholic said:

    Round sticker? What is that? I get a square paper as in the picture, which I have to fit behind a plastic sheet slightly larger and then try to stick onto the windshield. After a day or two it falls off and I have to repeat the whole process again. Then I take some alcohol to clean the damned spot where it goes and drink the rest naturally. After a month of this, it finally sticks for another year.

    They sell some Doraemon, rillakuma and hello Kitty suction cup things to hold the registration in place. I have one rillakuma for the registration and one Doraemon for the military pass (Chiang Mai thing)

    • Haha 1
  2. On 5/17/2019 at 7:16 PM, samuttodd said:

    Safety Last


    1/9 helmet/no helmet ratio

    these were taken in the span of about 2 minutes on a local roadway.


    Why don't they put up mobile police photo/radar  trailers at various spots in town?   If a vehicle is speeding,  or moped goes by with non helmeted riders,  a ticket and fine are mailed to the registered owner based on the license plate in the photos. 


    I know it is a shitty deal,  but it would generate revenue for the local police force which could be used to train them and maybe pay them a real salary, and would get people to at least wear their helmets more.


    safety last.jpg






    I think they are working on systems like this.

    They already have automatic camera based systems here and there for red lights and illegal lane changes here and there. I got 2 letter in the mail each 500 thb fine.


    The problem currently is that they have not connected the fines with the database when you get vehicle tax registration.


    Practically this means that nothing happens if you don't pay the fine. Most people simply ignore the fines and nothing happens.

    Since connecting the fines to the database was announced as a work in progress a few years ago we gotta assume that they hired some huge morons to do the job so the system will probably not work in a long time and people will simply keep ignoring the fines and say that there must be something wrong with the system if it's found out.. maybe I'm pessimistic..



  3. 3 hours ago, Captain 776 said:

    Helmet Laws should be STRICTLY ENFORCED~!!


    I cringe every time I see toddler or young kid standing up on the seat between Mom n Dad.


    Need serious penalties for NO HELMET......make it sting

    Any time there has been proposals to increase fines for driving offences there has been public outcry.

    The people simply don't want it. 

  4. 12 minutes ago, Bangkok Barry said:


    A photo I took. It isn't just kids on motorcycles. Here we have a perfect example of the school having no idea about safety, the driver having no idea about safety, and the kids being brought up to have no idea about safety. None of them has a clue, and if they pass by a policeman you know what will happen. Nothing. Nothing at all.

    Road Safety 1.jpg

    They are aware. They tried to make a crackdown on this specific thing and the public backlash was huge. 

    People said they don't have a choice. They can't afford other transport.



    If Thai people want it, they shall have it.


    I think the police should focus on reckless drivers that are putting other road users at risk


  5. 2 minutes ago, hotchilli said:


    You cannot educate people who do not listen.. everyone is aware of the risks posed by riding helmet-less on Thai roads... Thais are just too plain lazy to bother to go buy one or change their ways.

    It can be solved in one week from now.. as Prayut loves 7 day changes.

    Article 44..

    As from 1st June every person in Thailand driving or passenger on a motorcycle MUST WEAR A HELMET !

    No helmet 1,000 baht per person.... yo will see a remarkable change in peoples attitude.

    Job done !!!

    And who is going to enforce this? The cops? And when the cops take small bribes or too lazy to do anything? Who will go after the cops?

  6. 7 minutes ago, Cereal said:

    I find it incredible that an adult needs to be educated about basic road safety, like wearing a helmet. Are they retarded?

    They have a very different mentality than people from "Western" countries.

    In some areas they are IMHO higher level than westerners. Like avoiding conflict and controlling their emotions in certain types of situations. And in these situations they view us westerners as children...

    But in other areas, such as basic safety thinking etc they are at kindergarten level compared to the west.

    Second order thinking.. they seem to have an extremely tough time with this... 


  7. 4 hours ago, a977 said:

    You mean masquerading as a Police force don't you.  Too busy counting the contents of brown envelopes to care about their children, bet if it was one of their kids killed it would be a different story. 

    I blame the cops and the government.

    The cops are clearly incompetent and corrupt.

    The government should clearly see this and fix it. But the government is also clearly incompetent and corrupt.


    If one is negligent and this negligence results in death, this is Called wrongful death and the negligent party can be convicted of negligence resulting in wrongful death. I think this applies to the cops and the government.


    Their inability to fix this is almost treason. They have tons of blood on their hands.

  8. I got two tickets in the mail last month. Both from the same intersection for running a red light.

    The first ticket I actually ran the red light. My bad. Lesson learned.

    The second ticket shows me driving against yellow. Turns out according to Thai law it's illegal to drive against yellow.

    This means that it's ofcourse near impossible to not get a ticket there occasionally. 

    What can you do if it switches to yellow just when you enter the intersection and you don't have enough time to stop?

    Oh and the yellow light is like 1 second Long.

    With the point system and the automatic idiotic camera system like this I will (and so will many others) lose my license sooner or later.

    After getting tickets I've been slowing down when entering intersections even when it's green. Just so that I have a bigger chance of stopping if it switches to yellow just before I enter.

    Despite this I have not been able to stop for yellow 2 times already in 6 weeks. I haven't received tickets for this yet. So maybe the camera system is smart enough to know when it's impossible to stop. If not it's just a matter of time before all my points are consumed by this if they make a point system.

    It's just impossible to stop when the timing is bad. If it switches to yellow like 1 meter before you enter the intersection.


    And I have Also been forced to brake pretty hard some times and I'm waiting to get rear ended and showing the ticket to insurance/police to explain why I stopped so suddenly.

  9. 6 hours ago, Youlike said:

    While in Tokyo i saw the Japanese police writing tickets every day again for cars parked on the road....


    I have never ever seen that in Thailand.


    Without real police Thailand will always stay what it is now....a very dangerous place to be on the roads.

    I have seen cops in Chiang Mai ticket illegally parked cars around the night bazaar area many times. Even putting those big locks on one wheel.

    • Like 1
  10. 15 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

    What a strange world we live in, slaughter in schools and places of worship and now hospitals. I read that in the early 1900's it was standard practice at large football matches to have ONE mounted policeman on duty, not because they expected trouble but just to reassure the crowds, now we need a brigade.

    This is what they call climate change I think.

    I wonder if there is correlation with relative poverty.

    Human adult males tend to become violent and aggressive when put in a situation of relative poverty. (To compete for females.)


    By relative poverty I mean inequality. 

    • Confused 4
  11. 2 hours ago, THE REVERAND said:

    Amazing creative counting. I think some these people counting have 10 fingers on each hand. Has anybody counted how and where the Chinese are spending in Thailand as normally most of their expenditure  is done thru Chinese connections and Chinese business people. Not a lot flowing into Thailand ?

    My friend just reported from Pattaya that the Chinese have taken all the cute girls and that girls are charging double or triple what they used to charge just a few years ago.

    Good for the girls if true.

    Same was reported in another thread here on thaivisa.



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