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Posts posted by hobz

  1. 4 hours ago, geoffbezoz said:

    Well the "experts " on this forum have been denying it for ages, mainly I suspect because they invested heavily and don't want to admit they will lose money. Also many of these self same "experts" have been predicting that the Thai economy is sound under the current regime and won't falter.


    Well let's see once the Thai economy goes into free-fall due to the policies of the current puppet government including spending on military hardware yet wanting a 2020 fiscal budget with higher deficit forecasts,  exports suffering due to the policies of the last few years artificially ensuring that the baht is too strong, let's see how the many experts fair then.


    It would appear that several voices within Thailand are now becoming realistic as to the Thai economy's weaknesses and the reliance upon foreign buyers, notably the Chinese, to artificially increase demand, thus pushing up condo prices, so all I would ask is ;  Where are the shops selling those rose tinted glasses that once worn eradicates all common sense and economic pointers ? Perhaps those so called "experts" on this forum could advise where they bought their own from ????



    Realying in Chinese investment... This is the most interesting part. What is your prediction? Will the Chinese economy continue to grow or will it crash?

  2. I know some people that did this by going to Vientiane and getting double entry tourist visa.

    Cross by land to Thailand. Get 2 months stay.

    Then extend 1 month in immigration.

    Then make a border run to activate the 2nd entry. Get 2 more months.

    Then go to immigration again and extend 1 more month.

    Then go to Vientiane.

    Repeat this 4 times or so and then go to your embassy and apply for a new passport and then do it all over again.

    One friend got a red stamp in Vientiane and only a single entry instead of double and then he just go a new passport and got double again.

  3. 20 hours ago, luk AJ said:

    I agree, but comparing with alcohol is the wrong approach. Probably if alcohol would be invented today, I guess it wouldn’t be legalised at all. Of course I support the use of cannabis oil as a medicine. And indeed, as you suggest, maybe heroin if it can comfort dying people.
    I just don’t feel comfortable that people outside their homes are under influence of whatever drug and become a potential danger to others. I imagine that smoking pot and driving is not the best idea. If this makes me a dinosaur so be it and educate me.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    If you want less drug users out on the streets then you should want decriminalisation of all drugs like in Portugal. Because drug use went down as a result.

  4. 20 hours ago, bkk6060 said:

    A bunch of potheads mostly with fake reasons to get high.

    Big mistake loaded high drivers just adding to the carnage here.

    If you are someone who is for this do not complain when they crash into you or God forbid, a family member.

    It is a big problem now in the US especially California high drivers getting into major accidents.

    Very stupid to even think about allowing weed here.

    I think we should not punish everyone because some people will break the law and drive under the influence.

    In my humble opinion, getting high should be legal (it's my body, it's my human right, in my opinion,to explore my consciousness, as long as I am not harming others).

    Driving under the influence should be illegal.


  5. 3 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

    My Thai is limited. They literally just do not expect it. It takes them completely off guard. When I start spouting the law and wanting to talk to the captain and start talking about Facebook they seem to get scared and really unsure of themselves. 


    I think the bottom line if they are always looking for an easy mark. And that is what they are accustomed to. Pushback really works. I have used it with cops who try to extract speeding tickets too. Usually I am able to negotiate the fine way down. 

    How did you get caught for speeding? I've yet to see a patrol car in Thailand. Only checkpoints.

    • Like 1
  6. 7 hours ago, BritManToo said:

    Could have gone the normal route of plaster and no plate. Just as effective and 1/10 the price.

    Surgery and metal plate is a scam, most breaks don't need it, and the plate may cause problems later.

    Lol, my elbow was shattered in pieces, but yeah, maybe I should have called you to come let you glue it together and duct tape it.


    But ok, I get the point, u can't even trust them with the actual medical decisions..

  7. 3 hours ago, Sonhia said:

    These people are scratching now because the signs are so clear, foreginers have enough!


    Two days ago, I was pysically attacked at the Royal Garden Plaza shopping mall in Pattaya city by a jumped up, egotisic, racist Thai secrutiy guard on first floor near the information desk because I had gone to the first floor to have a browse and was unaware that the mall opens at 11am, it was my first and last visit there.  After the attack I telephoned 191 the Police, who attened the scene and took the racist crazed Thai egotistic to the police station in soi 9 Pattaya for questionings . Subsequently, I reported the attack to the tourist police Pattaya plus filed a formal  online complaint to TAT as well as wriiting letters of complaint to various Thai governing bodies including my Embassy.


    It is not drugs and massage rourists want, they want egual rights, much more respect, far less extortion, fraud, lawkessness, pollution where do I stop.


    This certainly is not Paradise!


    Time to pull heads out of the sand.


    Get out...

    I think you are confusing expats with tourists.


  8. 2 hours ago, PingRoundTheWorld said:

    I like this guy. Laugh all you like but for many westerners Thailand's image really is a lawless land where you can relax with a massage and a blunt. One of the main reasons westerners aren't coming is the previous TAT trying to change Thailand's image to a clean, orderly, "family destination".


    I'm not sure if it'll work (damage's already done), but at least this guy is realistic which is a good start. Also AirBNB being illegal is a huge problem both for hosts and guests. Make it legal, and leave it up to the condos to decide if they allow it or not.

    How is Airbnb a problem? Aren't the hotels all empty? Is lack of accommodation really an issue here???

  9. 16 minutes ago, sunnyboy2018 said:

    A tad hysterical rant full of fault lines and so many inaccuracies its not really possible to respond but basically the above irrational diatribe suggests it  might be adviseable you seek counselling before you start shout back at the your television. 

    Yeah, he thinks visa requirements for Thailand are hard.. if I show him the phone book thick Schengen tourist visa application my Thai gf did recently he would probably have a heart attack. 

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