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Posts posted by hobz

  1. 15 minutes ago, Easy Come Easy Go said:

    Awesome news, I just hope that they manage to roll this out without much mishap and chaos. 
    What would the penalty be for importing CBD after the law is passed? 

    Hopefully just a fine.

    It makes no sense that CBD is illegal for anyone... Should be flowing freely all over the world.. tons of benefits. No high. No harmful side effects. 

    The fact that it's illegal in most countries proves that governments around the world are corrupt and/or extremely incompetent.

    • Like 1
  2. 7 minutes ago, Proboscis said:

    Although my research on this subject is not exhaustive, I understand that the THC content of most medical marijuana (the part that makes people high) is rather low, too low to be of much fun, apparently.

    I think that's not true.

    CBD oil has low THC and is used for various reasons.

    But THC itself has medical use so there is definitely medical cannabis with very high THC content.


    I think for example chemotherapy patients use THC to work up an appetite for food.


  3. 34 minutes ago, Khun Paul said:

    So NOW , we will have DRIVERS of ALL sorts of  mechanically propelled vehicles, not only DRUNk, High on Drugs but also HIGH on LERGAL Medical POT and the enforcement will be done by whom...………………….the RTP are not capable pof dealing with Drunk Drivers, now with this it will be anarchy on the Roads coupled with even more deaths and injuries.

    I think the current regime is on the stuff NOW !!

    Why do you think marijuana use will increase? It's available for cheap everywhere already.

    There is no evidence that legalization increase use

    • Like 1
  4. 4 minutes ago, rowan1981 said:

    I'd say it makes people more cautious, rather than reckless. Alcohol on the other hand.... 

    There's been studies showing that driving under influence of cannabis makes people slow down and drive more cautious. 


    But, it depends on dosage and tolerance. If someone takes a very high dose of cannabis and steps into a vehicle they will not be able to drive at all in some cases. Very dangerous when the onset of effects from example an edible could come up to one hour after ingestion.. 


    Imagine this scenario..

    Newbie eats strong edible.

    Newbie feels no effect.

    Newbie steps into car and starts driving.

    Newbie starts feeling strong effects and sees the devil (so to speak) and forgets he is even driving and starts thinking about other stuff. 


    I've been so high when I was young that I couldn't do anything  it to look at my own hand and laugh for hours.. if I was that high when driving it would have been problematic.


    That being said, it's still safer than drunk driving lol.

    • Confused 1
  5. 9 minutes ago, Falcon said:

    Medical marijuana does nothing to make the user high, it’s in fact the marijuana plant that has had the hallucinary chemical removed. This one , the oil, is simply for chronic paid relief.

    I think you are talking about industrial hemp and/or CBD oil.


    Industrial hemp has extremely low THC and CBD.


    CBD oil on the other hand is one of active ingredients in marijuana. its very beneficial as medicine. It doesn't get you high.


    THC makes you high, medical marijuana may or may not contain THC. THC has medical properties by itself so can be prescribed as medical marijuana. 


    Ps, the high is part of the cure 555


    I want CBD oil. Heard it's great for back pain, relaxation etc and doesn't get me high.

    • Like 2
  6. 2 hours ago, maddox41 said:

    Wow been a farang and looking outside in interesting   

    But these boys will pay brave to say the least 

    I like how they said they will be found  and there thinking be  re adjusted 

    Maybe they mean a knitting needle thru the frontal lobe area  and a bib for later

    They will not be touched. The junta will do nothing.

    And business will go on as usual with the junta in power.

    • Like 1
  7. On 10/27/2018 at 8:37 AM, HAKAPALITA said:

    I rented one last year. Many Americans do just to try as well.First prob was charging. Get to Hotel late and all the bays are full. Not for me, went back to Escalade Tank and freedom. Stupid things bother you, animals wander in front of you,no noise , you keep turning the air con down, watching range left. Its a personal choise , for me never again, but worth a try.  

    Seems like a bad idea to use one on holiday. 

    The key with the whole charging thing is that you need to charge it when you come home..  and then it's fully charged when you wake up in the morning... 

    Until there's charging stations everywhere that is...

    I suspect there will be more and more charging capabilities everywhere as pretty much every car maker is making EVs now.


    Animals wandering in front of you?? Did you take LSD while driving? 


    Air con software is probably updated / fixed already. They push updates like every 3 weeks.


    Watching range left. Yeah, again, better suited for home use where you got it charged fully every time you go out. Until charging stations are everywhere.


    Would you consider an ev from a more experienced car maker like vw or Nissan? In the future when charging stations are everywhere and range is longer?

  8. 3 hours ago, sirineou said:

    after EV car batteries are replaced in about 10 years , they still retain 70% of their capacity.

    They still can be repurposed for home use.

    With the exponential growth of solar cell energy for home, It is estimated that in ten years there will be a huge market for home storage batteries.

    Cool. I read also they can recycle the lithium for other stuff.

  9. 4 minutes ago, otherstuff1957 said:

    Up to 12,394,483 views!  That is almost 20% of the Thai population.  Even my wife, who was a strong supporter of the yellowshirts, is for it! 


    I hope they stay out of jail and keep making statements like this. ????

    YouTube views are counted like this.

    If one person views the video multiple times it's counted as up to 5 views per day per person.

    So the real number is probably slightly lower. But also there's iTunes ...

  10. 48 minutes ago, robblok said:

    Its a Thai politician / junta thing. The thing i hate most is when someone is in power and suddenly thinks we should believe what they are saying even when there is loads of evidence pointing the other way. Its as if when they get power they seem to think they can get away with everything. You see it often in HiSo incidents. 


    And yes Prayut is worse of all.. but they all seem to have this trait.

    They never been questioned in their entire life. 

  11. 1 hour ago, boonrawdcnx said:

    In theory and according to international standards laws passed by an illegal regime that came to power by force can be ignored and must not be enforced by the executive branch of the government - the excuse that they only followed orders is not accepted anymore since the Nazi trials.
    Any non violent action is justified against a regime that committed treason and came to power illegally - pardoning themselves later is ridiculous and that pardon can easily be overturned by a proper court of law.

    What should happen is - The moment there is a new government that pardon should be declared void by the highest court and then they should all be arrested and jailed and this would be the end of this vicious cycle of coups.

    Of course since any corrupt government here is always only replaced with the next bunch equally corrupt nothing is going to happen.

    Since this is not going to happen the next generation of Thais has one major ally - time - they can sit back and watch nature take it’s course.
    All these people who think they are powerful today will turn into nothing but dust - soon these dinosaurs will all be dead and nothing but a bad memory.

    Let’s hope the next generation will use this chance wisely - they seem to be on the right path for the first time in the history of this country a self criticizing song has won the approval of millions of Thais - this would have been impossible just 15-20 years ago. The holy cow has been slaughtered.

    The rappers would have been vilified by the right wing and the lame complicit press in this country as traitors and “not Thai”.

    The good news is once people are able to shrug off the brainwashing they all have been subjected to and start to criticize what they held - mistakenly -sacred there is only one direction the country can go - forward- hopefully into a bright new future.

    The Dalai Lama once said - “lead a good life - so you can enjoy it all over again one more time when you are old and look back “

    These power-hungry, self centered people who are supposed to be Buddhists just don’t seem to get it!

    Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    You think they go away automatically but they don't. The children of the elite class inherits the positions of generals, ministers, CEOs etc. It's not direct decendence but it stays within the elite class.

  12. 13 minutes ago, The traveler said:

    The junta is unelected and he don’t believe in freedom of speech just like the unelected bureaucrats in Brussels.


    the day every country can have a real democracy like USA, Canada,Switzerland, New Zealand and Australia the world will be a better place, not living in a fake tyranny anti-democracy, which in fact is communistic, EU,Thailand are a good example of anti-democratic or the Soviet 2.0 where we silence those who disagree, European countries are being destroyed every year, Thailand are in the same boat...



    I prefer democracy over dictatorship but Thailand won't be much different with or without democracy.

    Thailand had strict and crazy defamation laws before the junta stepped in.

    Thailand had massive corruption before the junta stepped in.

    Thailand had a dysfunctional justice system before the junta stepped in.


    I'm not saying that the junta fixed any of it. But removing the junta won't fix it either.

    That being said I still think the country should go back to democracy.

    • Like 1
  13. 53 minutes ago, dpspike said:

    Perhaps you are correct, but why hasn't this happened in Thailand or other Asian countries that have de facto military dictatorships? This is the speculation to which I referred. Although we might need a new thread for such a discussion.

    Doing nothing is a form of doing (paradoxical I know). It requires planning and execution. It needs to be done by a vast majority and it needs to be done at the same time .. otherwise it will just be bunch of people losing their jobs...


    Planning something like this is illegal....


    • Like 1
  14. 27 minutes ago, boonrawdcnx said:


    The guys already gave interviews - they are not afraid of Prayuth or his henchmen.

    They are intellectually far superior than any of the wannabe dictators who think they run the country.
    They believe in what they are doing and are well aware of the possible consequences.

    Slowly but steady dissent is growing many of the Thai people have had enough of this charade.
    The language used in the song is unprecedented, strong and insulting telling these dinosaurs to go.

    Almost 10 million views on youtube and almost 1/2 million likes - with the threat of prison and fines for every Like it seems people don’t care anymore - I think it’s Prayuth who should be afraid now - something amazing has happened here a new generation of Thais has grown tired of the old ways - and this generation wants to be heard now.

    They don’t need to be afraid as history teaches us - whatever dark chapters different countries had to go through - all dictators have failed sooner or later - in the end the people always win.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app


    What if nothing happens? Like, what if the junta plays it smart and doesn't punish them.. just let it be and continue running the country... 


    For them to step down there needs to be massive protests with people storming / blocking the government buildings / airports etc as usual... And then we will see how the military reacts.. hopefully they step down peacefully and elections are called..


    but what if there are no protests?


    Maybe the military will call for an election anyway as they have promised.. but that will be a mock election where the military will Still have veto powers according to 2016 referendum..

    • Like 1
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  15. 29 minutes ago, kwilco said:

    this is a misuse of the word culture. Road safety is covered by physics. The use of the word "culture" .


    Culture is fluid and not cast in stone - it is constantly changing and is not an excuse for wild anti-Thai generalisations where it becomes nothing more then a substitute for racist generalizations

    What could be the reason that in one country parents think it's very important that their kids use seatbelts and in another country they are not?


    Ever heard of "Mai pen Rai"-attitude? Do you deny it's a part of Thai culture? 


    Different cultures exists. Mindset regarding safety can be a part of a culture.

    I never said anything about race.

    Culture is not about race. And yes, it changes over time. That's why I think over the long term Thailand needs a cultural change regarding safety mindset.

    In the short term they need strict law enforcement with severe penalties.

  16. 29 minutes ago, connda said:

    I think the regime is about to step on a virtual land-mine as they play right into the primary theme of the rap video. 

    Yes, they are just dumb enough to do this.

    How they tried to stop that musician from isaan to stop twerking on stage and it just backfired and made her super famous. 

    It's gonna be very interesting to see how they deal with this..


    I think if I was devil's advocate i would completely ignore it and let them be. Don't give them more publicity and don't make them martyrs by putting them in jail or trying to censor them.


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