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Posts posted by hobz

  1. On 10/23/2018 at 2:07 PM, Jingjock said:

    They brought it on themselves, Africa is one of the worst nation by far for scamming people, I'm still getting at least 5 skype calls every night from this country.

    Did you answer every time and not block them? Did you say "helloo is this Africa again?? Here's three fiddy if you stop calling??!! God damn lochnes monster from Africa"?

  2. 2 minutes ago, fxe1200 said:

    According to the WHO, there are still more than 10% unreported cases, where the relatives of victims are being compensated, cases which are settled without or with minor the interference of the police (envelopes). Contrary to statistics of other countries, in which casualties, due to the injuries suffered, which happen on the way to the hospital or in the hospital up to 30 days after the accident, these numbers do not enter the Thai statistics. Therefore the number of casualties could be plus  30% or more.

    It's more, around 100% more.

    • Like 1
  3. 7 hours ago, cooked said:

    Racial profiling works

    To a degree. But it makes more sense to profile based on country.


    Black people with a swedish passport vs black people with a Nigerian passport...

    When you see a black person selling drugs on the streets in Bangkok, u think they got a Nigerian or swedish passport?

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  4. 43 minutes ago, wvavin said:

    In my opinion, this fiasco is caused by the mentality of the people. Nothing else.

    Yes. But the traffic police has the power to change it but they refuse to do their job correctly. In my opinion they have blood on their hands. And whoever oversees the traffic police all the way to the top. Blood on their hands. Bathing in it.

  5. 7 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:

    If you want safer roads, you need police to patrol, deter bad drivers and enforce existing laws fairly.


    Unfortunately, the police do not do that; until they do, nothing will change.


    11,000? Is that all? I would have guessed higher.


    Thousand and thousands more needless deaths are coming; stop being surprised.



    The actual numbers are around 80 dead per day. 300 x 80 = 24000 dead this far.

    And around 1 million injured every year.


    Lots and lots of Thai blood on the traffic police's hands. How they live with themselves is beyond baffling.

  6. 23 minutes ago, vinegarbase said:

    What convenient timing this comes out as soon as Big Joke takes over. This is on purpose. I keep telling people and they don't want to listen. Every time they crack down on illegal immigration they also make it much harder and crack down in every way on legal immigration as well. Now all you who are married to Thai's are suspect as being criminals and in 'marriages of convenience' Get ready to set up an extra bed in your house for the immigration officer they will soon be assigning you to be sure you are really married. 

    Is there some hidden agenda behind this? Do they want to throw out westerners now? I thought they wanted us here. Asking you because you seem spot on about this issue. 

  7. 11 minutes ago, Prairieboy said:

    And this is perceived as harassment?  And how does one know if the braking was not necessary?  Most  braking is deliberate (as opposed to accidental.)!


    The #metoo movement is overly sensitive.

    If you know how to drive you have a pretty good clue about when to use the brakes or not and how hard / sudden.


    Sudden hard braking usually has a really obvious reason. So when it happens for no reason.....

    Ofcourse it's easy to miss a pothole or something... So yeah I agree.. we can't just take the "victims" word for it .. 

  8. If it's in an area surrounded by other people the best defense is to be as loud as possible.

    Hurting or trying to hurt the attacker could lead to unpredictable (attacker gets adrenaline spike) outcome and just one unlucky blow can cause serious bodily harm to a fragile woman.

  9. 10 hours ago, utalkin2me said:

    You mean the address they filled out on the immigration form (chuckling). ????

    Yeah if that's the only thing they have. But could also be whatever they put in their most recent 90 day report or whatever address they have associated with whatever Thai bank accounts or driving license or whatever .. many places to find addresses... But very easy to hide if u want.

  10. 10 minutes ago, remorhaz said:

    That is an excellent point.  Being married only allows you to stay in country not work legally.  So technically a lady doing this is complicit in helping a foreigner work illegally as well.  Victim?  No...

    To play devil's advocate I would say they are victims of poverty and shitty education .... Culprit being the corrupt rulers I guess.

  11. 2 hours ago, hotchilli said:

    Thx for your reply but guessing doesn't help getting a renewal next year... which is why I put the question out there to get some clarification..

    if it's not ok they will not renew your visa in which case were stuffed !


    My point was as a British subject now living here on a retirement visa I will have to produce evidence of either 800,000 baht in my account for 3 months prior to renewal or 65,000 baht deposited each month

    I have stated I have no wish to have 800,000 baht tied up in a Thai bank so I will opt for the latter.

    If I open a new account in my name only, deposit 65,000 baht into it each month then a couple of days later I withdraw the same to spend as I wish, will this be acceptable?


    I do-not wish for privacy reasons want to show all my other bank transactions, ie deposits, withdrawls including my wife's financial affairs as we have a joint account...

    There will not be any answer. Sorry. Anyone pretending to know is full of sh*t. Nobody knows. We will simply see. And even then it will be different in different immigration offices and even different depending on if somchai woke up in a good or a bad mood..


    But. I will repeat my personal experience with Thai beuracracy.... They have stupid rules and crazy illogical enforcement... But, if you smile and make an honest attempt of following the rules and play along with jumping whatever extra hoops they want you to jump this will go a long way... And you are clearly trying to follow the rules.  now just practice the smile and odds will be in your favor..

    Again, nobody knows.




    Oh, and I would let go of the principle of privacy if I really wanted to minimize my chances of trouble. 

    They will probably not respect your privacy but rather find you annoying if you start yapping about privacy and you don't want to annoy beuracrats that hold power over you...

    • Like 1
  12. 2 hours ago, utalkin2me said:

    And how would they find say a cambodian worker, or whoever, who came in and was 90 day reporting? Most people living illegally in a country will most likely be hiding. They aren't reporting their current address to immigration every time they move. But yes I do see your point and that could very well be how they are finding people. 

    They would go to last known adress. Last known place of work (if applicable). Ofcourse it won't be easy if they have moved...

  13. 1 hour ago, utalkin2me said:

    I think if they offered a reward:

    1) culprits would be running for the hills even before anyone got a chance to report them

    2) the people who knew a person was staying here illegally would report it


    It would do a very good job of almost completely solving the entire problem in no time. 


    The funny part about this is, how do we think people are caught now? They round up 20 people, how were they caught? It is probably largely because people who know someone is not legal phoned in. I am just proposing they augment that mechanism. 

    They have records of people who came in to the country and never left and never did 90 day report.. 


    Or they can check people that did 90 report and suddenly stopped doing it and never left country... Assuming they have a good system .. huge assumption ????

  14. 9 hours ago, hotchilli said:

    Just a question regarding the rest of us who are here legally...

    I've lived here continuously for the last 10 years on a retirement visa... home country being England.

    As of the 1st January 2019 the British embassy has stated it will no longer supply a pension statement letter, which I have used before to support my renewal.

    The immigration office has requested that we now show one of two things:

    800,000 baht in an account for at least 3 months prior to the renewal/application or

    65,000 baht deposited each month...

    As a personal preference I do not wish to deposit 800,000 baht in my Thai account so my option is to go with the 65,000 baht per month.

    However I am not happy with showing all my monthly deposits/withdrawals within my bank book which I consider to be my private business, also I'm sure the immigration office will ask for photocopies of the bank book for records which I also am not happy about because that makes them privy to anyone who cares to look at my private financial affairs.

    So if I open a new account in my name only, deposit 65,000 baht at the beginning of each month and then withdraw the money to do as I wish with it... will this suffice ????


    It will probably be fine at least the first time.. and if it's not ok they will just tell you what you have to do until next time ... I'm just guessing .. and rules in Thailand are always interpreted and enforced completely randomly.

    • Like 1
  15. 1 hour ago, smileydude said:

    Thing is, these tickets they are talking about are often issued for minor offenses like crossing a solid line while lane changing, parking violations etc while more serious violations like driving multiple shifts (minivan drivers falling asleep at the wheel), driving under the influence of alcohol or amphetamines (truckers and minivans) are not being seriously addressed.


    The RTP is whining because they want the money, not because they want to solve the pressing issue of why Thailand is top ranked in traffic related deaths.


    Their priorities are never right because the whole RTP system is based on cronyism, power trips and incentives, not to serve the public.

    Yeah.. it's baffling that 22k-30k dead Thai and 1 million injured Thai is not enough as motivation to fix this.... They must be mentally handicapped or so corrupt and rotten to the core that it's disgusting... They have blood on their hands... Hell, they have blood up to their knees! They are bathing in it.

  16. 2 hours ago, Bangkok Barry said:

    Police frequently carry out roadblock checks near my place  - you know, the ones that the PM told them to end - and they seem to be looking mostly for those without the registration in the window. What happens to those without, I know not. Maybe they issue a fine that won't be paid ????:cheesy:

    No registration = no insurance.. what happens when they have accident and no insurance?

  17. 6 hours ago, berrec said:

    Re: “ 

    raiboon said he had instructed the IT team of the Royal Thai Police to work out with the Land Transport Department to link the PTM and vehicle registration”


    Thailand 4.0, 5555, another knee jerk reactive feel good PR stunt,  by the time, if ever,  they get this database Intergration working effectively the offenders will be long gone from this world. 


    Knee jerk reaction implies some sort of speed... This problem has been known for years... If your knee takes years to react I wouldn't call it a knee jerk reaction...

  18. 23 hours ago, markytarky said:

    So, then you will have 11 million vehicles with invalid registrations. What then? 

    They will be in really really big trouble! And receive another ticket.. and if they dont pay that one they will be in really really really big trouble... 


    This is what happens when there is no consequences for anything and the best part is that it's extremely predictable for anyone with a basic low level Western education... Makes the People in power here seem completely incompetent... Incompetent is not even a strong enough word.. it's more like they are  mentally handicapped .. but that's disrespectful to people with actually handicaps... I don't know man... Not easy to have hope for road safety in Thailand... They have somewhere between 22k and 30k deaths in the roads every year and 1 million injured every year.. and they can't even figure out how to fine ppl correctly..


    And this is not news btw.. this has been known for years that nobody is paying..  what has the so called it team been doing? Sniffing glue???

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