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Posts posted by hobz

  1. Let's say they do another paris style attack with machine guns in a crowded area. Let's say Thai police are already there, patrolling (standing around, sleeping?). Do you think thai police would join the rest of the people and just run away from the terrorist scumbags, or would they pretend to sleep? Not sure... RTP track record is pretty shitty, hell, they are even scared to confront teenagers without helmets on their scooters..

  2. This is what happens when people can no longer afford to live , its not an excuse , its a fact. crime is out of control ,

    It probably has more to do with drugs or gambling?

    Interesting point.

    I think that depression / economic crisis can increase drug abuse. Unemployed people getting drunk / high seems plausible to me.

    The violence? That obviously comes from ANGER.

    Anger and frustration go hand in hand.

    Drugs can fuel this anger.

    But the anger probably comes from the fact that their parents are home drunk and being abusive, they themselves can't afford the stuff they want. The perceived "need" for "stuff" also increases when one already has low self esteem. Trying to find self-esteem in external stuff. Being angry, being frustraded, getting high to try to "cure" the bad feelings (self medication). All leads to this. Violence. But go ahead, blame the drugs if it makes it easier for you.

  3. Another BS headline from the media to get peoples backs up. There's a huge difference between being used up and being lost.

    The guy said it was used up and for that reason it was lost.

    The media grab the word LOST and jam it down people throats and get everyone crying frame up again......They have no interest in justice their only interest is selling papers

    I agree and I disagree. Yes, the proper headline would have been LOST and USED UP.

    If you read the article carefully you will notice that a piece of hair was actually LOST. While the rest of the evidence was "USED UP" .. Either way, the case is a farce.

    Now justice in this case is at great danger, two innocent people could get a long jail sentence. Or two guilty people could go free. I don't know. But seems like the police in this case was incompetent about how they handled evidence, since the start, just look at how they let "random" islanders on the crime scene from the start.

  4. I experience torrent throttling with both 3bb and sinet in chiang mai (i have both). One way to get around it is by using a nice and solid vpn connection.

    The throttling is not consistent,, and sometimes it seems like it's only for thepiratebay,,, when i can't download torrents using 3bb, i just switch to sinet, and usually that does the trick.. Recently i have been able to download pretty fast using sinet. Popcorn time does not work at all with 3bb,,, but works fine with sinet...

  5. Chiang Mai tourist police inspector Pol Lt-Col Asavatorn Wongsawat said complaints came from local people very often of Chinese tourists breaking traffic laws, thus causing frequent road accidents.



    I think what the police inspector meant was that the chinese break the rules in a different way then expected, causing extra incidents :)

    • Like 2
  6. The sudden death of a previously healthy young individual is a rare but tragic event. Every year about one in 100,000 people aged between one and 35 dies suddenly of a natural cause.

    The vast majority of sudden death cases in the young are caused by diseases of the heart. In about 70% of cases, an autopsy reveals a structural abnormality of the heart which led to a fatal cardiac arrhythmia.

    ......and your point!!

    • Alcohol and prescription painkillers

    Even though this combo causes slightly fewer hospital visits than mixing drinks with benzos—15% of visits involving alcohol and drugs, versus 21% that involve anxiety drugs—it may be growing in popularity.

    She had all 3 of these - tramodol (strong pain killer), valium (anxiety drug) and alcohol whilst suffering from a severe chest infection.

    Don't you think that this concoction might have been responsible for her death?

    It seems EXTREMELY likely that she died due to mixing alcohol with drugs..

    But as long as mafia is controlling Koh Tao, the rumours will continue spreading and people will have their second thoughts about anything that happens.

    How did she get valium? Was it prescribed by a doctor or illegally sold over the counter in the pharmacy?

  7. Summary of the "honda click situation" in Chiang Mai smile.png

    There are several shops that sell brand new honda clicks.

    1. Nat motors on huaw kaew road.. pretty close to Maya shopping mall on the opposite side of the road.

    2. Nayom Panich ,, they have atleast 2 branches,, one near the airport. one near tapae gate.

    3. There's a big honda only dealership between nawarat bridge and the bus station ... on the right side of the road if you are coming from nawarat bridge.

    Nat motors and Nayom Panich did not have honda clicks in stock when i checked 1 week ago ....

    BECAUSE : There is a new honda click model that came out this weekend !!.. Nat motors have it ,, so does the honda dealer between nawarat bridge and the bus station... Nayom panich claims to get it in stock this week!

    The new model is has combi breaks, idle stop, and something called "revolution a.t." not sure what it is ... however.. Nat motors sells it for 54000 including insurance, helmet and license plate and 5 free service/oil changes..

    The shop between nawarat and bus station quoted me 56000 but went down to 55000 when i said nat motors sold it for 54000 ... LOL

    Also i spent some time looking for those "1 year old honda clicks for 20000" and found nothing even close!!

    On second hand chiang mai facebook group someone is selling a 2008 honda click with 28000km for 24000THB ...

    A big second hand seller near meechok plaza sells a 2 year old with 7000km for 42000THB ...

    They sell the older honda clicks for 30000-35000 ...

    so yeah.,... Sparkles you really tease us with your 20000 baht honda clicks and then give us no info on where to get them... i reported your post.. hopefully the admins will delete it .. but it would be best if you just provided more info for future people looking,, as surely your prices totally destroy all the other prices...

    *edit* I previously claimed that Nat Motors had a honda click for 50k with combi breaks and idle stop.. I was wrong.. It did not have idle stop... my bad..

  8. Not sure why anyone would want to buy a new motor bike these days.You can buy a 12 months old Honda for a tad over 20,000 baht as my neighbour just did.

    The market is flooded with reposessions available at auctions around CM or see on various social "buy and sell" sites

    I check buy and sell sites every day,, and i have not seen a honda click for months! ...

    when you come in with an off-topic reply,, please atleast provide an example of a repossession auction ... otherwise you are just providing useless AND off-topic reply...

  9. Not sure why anyone would want to buy a new motor bike these days.You can buy a 12 months old Honda for a tad over 20,000 baht as my neighbour just did.

    The market is flooded with reposessions available at auctions around CM or see on various social "buy and sell" sites

    The reason is that i have no clue how to check if the bike is in good shape... They could easily have changed out all the expensive parts and put in cheaper ones and i would have no idea ...

  10. 54K was with the idling stop and combi breaks thats why the price is higher then what you got quoted at nat motor .

    i got quoted 47k at one shop with no idling stop or combi breaks but i was going to buy five of them the shop on kwang sing road .

    Nat motors had idle stop and combi breaks for 50k,, idle stop and normal breaks was 48 or 49..

  11. Niyom Pannich <-- I think this is the place near the airport? Right next to the toyota dealership? They didn't have any honda clicks. They had like 1000 honda waves though....

    Where is "Thannon Ratchadamnoen" ?

    *edit2* The only Niyom Phanich on google maps is very close to tapae gate..

    *edit3* It turns out the place "near the airport" is a branch of Niyom Pannich .. I did not know that they had multiple branches. I will check their other branches! Thanks!

    You said "Niyom Phanich and _places like that_" .. what other places are there like that?

  12. I have checked Nat Motors on Huaw Kaew road, they only have two honda clicks for sale,, one is pink and the other is 2013 model ..

    I checked the place near the airport, they don't have any honda clicks (1 month order....)

    So... am i missing something or what? Are there no dealerships that sell honda click scooters?

  13. Koh Maffia is riddled with bad police and maffia, as is I expect many other thai islands (and the mainland)

    The police cant be bothered to investigate these murders.

    "Dont come to Thailand, Shut up and leave us alone, dont bother us or expect civilisation or sympathy"

    "If you were not in Thailand this wouldn't have happened"

    Police in thailand IS mafia ..

    • Like 2
  14. So much for social media, be it Thai Visa, CSILA or whatever... at least cases like this come out in the open

    Frenchman found hung in Koh Tao: foul play suspected


    Isn't it just wonderful for the family and friends of the deceased to have creeps falling over themselves to come up with the wildest theories as they gawk at and share among themselves the pictures of the body?

    Whereas you think it perfectly acceptable to give families and friends false hope with suggestions that we should all expect a transparent and fair trial to ensue the investigation, so they should just take a back seat and let the police do their thing until such time as the case reaches a courtroom at which time we will all see how the evidence presented stands up to scrutiny.

    The fact is that unlike some posters who are speculating as to what may be the actual passage of events leading to a person's demise, hopefully with the intention of providing a warning to others who may face a similar situation in the future, or else to raising concerns with the verdict that is given in the courtroom, you are offering imaginary comfort in the form of outright lies by suggesting they should leave everything in the hands of the judiciary and they will take care of everything, when the reality is you know that the judicial system here is about as transparent as a piece of wood and about as honest as a Beach Road katoey.

    So, having taken your expert advice exactly how do you explain to the relatives of the deceased that despite it being a somewhat unusual ruling, their loved one stabbing themselves in the chest 7 times has now been ruled as a suicide which has naturally invalidated their life insurance and so the grieving family members are now not only forced to deal with mental distress of losing a loved one, they are also now liable for all costs associated with their loved one's death, including repatriation...

    But anyway, keep on with that strategy of yours of it keeps the attention away from whatever it is that you care so much about on Koh Tao. Oh, and make sure you keep us informed as to how that strategy works our for you.

    So now the man stabbed himself seven times in the chest? rolleyes.gif

    "The fact is that unlike some posters who are speculating as to what may be the actual passage of events leading to a person's demise"

    No no, the fact is you and your pals are the ones taking wing on flights of fancy, concocting scenarios out of pure speculation and make believe. Please, don't reply until you can string more than two thoughts together in a sensible manner.

    *edit* self censoring :)

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