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Posts posted by hobz

  1. 25 minutes ago, LammyTS1 said:

    The car, minivan & truck drivers are worse. In the last 3 months....
    Done a visa run & the driver of the minivan overtook countless cars on bends just to save 5 seconds of time.
    Waiting at the lights, a car driver nudged my rear tyre. Luckily I had my hands on the brakes! I looked at him & no apology.
    A pick up truck came up behind me from nowhere blasting his horn. Thought he was in a rush so moved to one side to let them past. Alongside me he rolled down his window & shouted abuse to me(maybe going too slow for him). I shouted to him back. Around the corner, he slowed right down forcing me to overtake him. Upon attempting this he swerved across the road to swipe me off the road. Luckily I braked and missed me.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

    I think also the miniwans, trucks and cars are far more dangerous than the motorbikes. Sure the motorbike drivers drive like 8 year old boys on cocaine but they dont create nearly as much danger as the cars etc.

  2. 50 minutes ago, The Deerhunter said:

    Doubly so or more if assisted by Ya ba.  Repressed stress hormones and amphetamines seem tp be the deadly cocktail..   I do not think either one would be as bad wiithout the other.  It is the only conclusion I can come to as to why so many so called quiet types go postal here.

    Amphetamine psychosis and psychosis from lack of sleep (loud music). Double the fun.

  3. 3 hours ago, petermik said:

    Most,if not all bargirls know full well about the job before they take it on through friends/relatives who are already active and willing participants and they are happy to follow them as its much easier than doing a 12 hour stint with just 2 days off per month for a salary of say 8-10,000 baht/month.

    Your comment "getting used as sex toys by disgusting old men almost every night" is laughable and shows a lack of knowledge,to be quite frank.

    It was an exaggeration I admit :)


    3 hours ago, Jip99 said:




    Being a 'dirty old man', I can confirm that there is a greater likelihood of me being used as a sex toy...............

    Haha, good on you :)

  4. 9 hours ago, pegman said:

    Yes farangs are scary. Wonder around any Thai town outside of resorts and you are looked upon as a freak.  This wears off once they get to know us. If not  the girl will refuse a few barfines and will leave on her own or be fired. Again, if you are looking for a crusade get after the fishing industry slavery.

    Yeah, I think you may be right. I certainly hope you are :) 

    I heard about the fishing industry. Sounds horrible.


    Heard also about the more hidden sex for sale scene that the thai customers go to. Probably there's more shady shit going on there with trafficed girls (and boys?) there.

    To be honest im still curious how many seemingly "normal" bargirls are forced/coecerced, i guess i need more solid proof than hearsay... Not sure where to find it though


  5. 22 hours ago, pegman said:

    Very few if any are forced to work in bars. I've spoken to hundreds of them and cannot think of any that didn't have other choices had they wanted to take them.  If they do feel pressure it is from family members and those ones don't last a week. Living as a bargirl is not exactly a tough life. They get up late then head down to the bar to spend most shifts chatting with their friends there and being on their mobile. Beats being bored silly on the farm or working a real job. My girlfriend worked 12 years in a factory with a couple days off a month, 12 hour shifts and lived on site in a dormitory. Next in a chinese tour bus spa, again 12 hour shifts with 3 days off a month. There is no easier job in a country like this. As for any paid sex they don't have the same hang ups about it like some posters on here who were brainwashed in their youth about some nonexistent supreme being who frowned upon it.

    There is plenty of slavery here but it is in the fishing industry so has no interest to the bible thumpers.

    Is it possible that some of these girls start out being forced and then become willing participants once the initial trauma is over? 

    Would you be able to tell the difference? I mean after the first couple of weeks they will submit to their new life of drinking and getting used as sex toys by disgusting old men almost every night. Easy job.

    *edit* is it possible that you have been brainwashed by a bunch of pattaya punters that are justifying / rationalizing their actions until they finally cant hide from themselves anymore and jump off  a balcony from a cheap condo somewhere in the outskirts of sin city? 


  6. 11 hours ago, pegman said:

    Have you ever actually spoken to a bargirl in Pattaya because you sure don't sound like it.


    I'd rather not tell if i have :) thank you, 


    What's your opinion? is the percentage of coerced/forced very low or very high? I don't know, I wonder though....

  7. On 12/15/2016 at 6:06 PM, dunroaming said:


    There are many reasons that girls end up working in bars in Thailand. Rarely a career of choice but some take to it enthusiastically while others suffer in silence.


    Yes, that's right, there's many reasons. and many degrees and types of suffering. this is true. I wonder how many are coerced / forced. i guess there's like UN reports or similar on that to be found somewhere. 

  8. 2 hours ago, bsdthai said:

    Would be interesting to see if the bike had lights, indicators, mirrors and whether the guys had helmets atleast. I worry for farang. Could be one sided unless someone can seriously check these other things out.

    Drinking and driving is stupid but what about the other guys also. 

    All to many times people jump in front of me intoxicated and no helmets and all it takes is a split second. Luckily i dont drink anymore but have had a no licensed underage girl just idiodically drive in front of me. She survived but it was absolutely no fault of mine but i was the bad guy. Luckily one citizen told the truth. 

    Stupid guy for drink driving here though. Needs to be more advertising but i guess that costs money. Needs to be adds/billboards aimed at tourists to warn them that they will never be treated fairly so drinking and driving is a no no.



    Get a dashcam, actually, get 10!

  9. I can only compare SCB and KTB.


    I think krung thai bank (ktb) is the best. Because they offer a verified by visa debit card that you can use online. 

    SCB does only offer mastercard debit cards and they cant be used online. For online use you need a credit card with them.

    Other banks im not sure.


    Oh and ktb let me open savings account + internet banking + verified by visa debit card that can be used online, all with a tourist visa + condo rental agreement.

  10. Didnt the prime minister clean up the taxi mafia in phuket? I remember reports that they illegally used government property etc. The mayor was arrested as well? All back now? What does it take for this country to stop with the crackdowns and start with persistent law enforcement?

  11. Sounds like sudden onset of paranoid schizophrenia. Possibly triggered by drugs, but thats beside the point.

    There is always a percentage of people that suffer from this condition, among common triggers are change in environment. She is at the right age to start suffering from this. Truly terrifying, worse than a bad acid trip. Hope she makes it home safe and gets good treatment.

  12. I think roughly 8 years ago the taxi mafia was not outragous. Then roughly 7 years ago all the taxi prices went from 20 to 200. At this point i promised myself i would never set foot on phuket again and i started telling the same to all my friends and basically anyone i.could find. Looks like i was not the only one.

    Also i think flight prices from europe have increased the last couple of years.

    I know my numbers are off bare with me

  13. Why is this news? People die everywhere - young, old, any nationality. Drugs, alcohol, car accidents, natural causes.

    When a poster can produce meaningful data, such as a statistic that indicates a Brit is ten times more likely to die on Koh Tao than on the Thai mainland, I might pay attention. So far, all I see in this thread are fevered imaginations and well-meant condolences for someone not even known to the poster.

    I'm Australian, 72. If I die in Chiang Mai, I don't expect headlines.coffee1.gif

    Australians never die, they just move the party to another dimension. ;)

  14. sounds like this time the local authorities will not issue any comment until they all agree on the same story so as not to contradict each other every 5 minutes

    Yeah, I agree. Looks like they might have learned a thing or two. For better or worse. Ofcourse the speculation obviously doesn't stop. Atleast innocent people are not being called murderers (yet)

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