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Posts posted by hobz

  1. I really hope this brings and end to all the speculation. This should be conclusive.

    It seems that the unfortunate woman was raped before being brutally murdered. If so this is where the DNA sample of the perpetrator(s) will come from.

    I doubt if the Myanmar guys "fluids" can be placed after the event.

    I also doubt the British police will allow any sample to be analysed outside their control. Otherwise why bother?

    Allow me a stupid question!!

    Would there any difference in the DNA tested from fluids, skin or hair??

    What I mean is, would it be possible to get a DNA swab from the suspects saliver and claim it was retrived from the sperm found in the victim??

    JOC.....My guess is no. All the same.

    But the semen that would be present would be a large definitive pool of evidence and a source for the DNA. and that would be specific to the rapist/murderer.

    Anyone could place a hair, skin smear or maybe saliva after the event. But semen??? Unlikely

    There has been reports about thai police forcing scapegoats to masturbate so that they can collect the semen ... That being said,, IF that happened in this case, I Think the scapegoats would have reported it along with their other reports of alleged torture etc... So probably not.

  2. There's a new piece of "evidence" created by CSI LA .. https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xaf1/t31.0-8/10679864_727875407290187_4086516763862413803_o.jpg you probably need to be signed in to facebook to see it..

    The picture shows that the man seen running on CCTV is roughly 160-167cm tall.. The scapegoats are roughly 145-148cm tall.. Nom Sod and Mon are 160cm and 168cm respectively .. wink.png

    Not evidence yet just theories as he would need perfect messurements of the door and blah blah blah....but that dude is relentless and damn good in my book.

    Yes that's why i put evidence in quotes in my post... "evidence" ... That being said,, CSI LA claims to know that the door is exactly 200cm.

  3. Confessions are recanted in every country. It doesn't mean the confession is gone. It means the judges will weigh the confessions against the recantation.

    Please see JLCrab's posts on what the UK police can do.

    A recanted confession would be entirely inadmissible in any civilised justice system.

    What a joke.

    http://www.ipt-forensics.com/library/coerced.htm. A very good read.

    Link no worky . . .

    Not Found

    The requested URL /library/coerced.htm. was not found on this server.

    Remove the ending . here ya go mate: http://www.ipt-forensics.com/library/coerced.htm

  4. Yes, their DNA was already matched and confirmed to have been the same as the semen from the crime scene. So they are not being asked for DNA samples again by authorities but of course their lawyers are welcome to get new samples.

    Yes, their DNA was already matched and confirmed to have been the same as the semen from the crime scene

    I must have missed this very important point. I've only ever read that the BIB said they have a DNA match, not that it matches the semen from the crime scene (shouldn't it be the semen "recovered" from the victim's orifice?)

    Could you kindly post a link to this, JTJ? I tried searching but in vain......

    There will be no reply by jtj to this post

    If you keep your eyese close hard enough, no conspiracy is impossible. And by the way since everyone knows the semen DNA matched that on the cigarette then a match to one is the same as a match to the other .... please use your brain.

    “The two [DNA] samples matched the semen found in the deceased,” said Pol.Maj.Gen. Manu Mekmok, commander of Office of Police Forensic Science. He said the DNA test results were finalised at around 8 am this morning. http://www.samuitimes.com/police-say-forensic-tests-implicate-2-burmese-koh-tao-murder/

    PHUKET: A police source has confirmed that DNA samples from two of three detained Myanmar workers matches the DNA extracted from semen found on the body of British tourist Hannah Witheridge http://www.phuketgazette.net/thailand-news/Myanmar-workers-DNA-matches-semen-found-Koh/36077#sthash.gzshsYMC.dpuf

    On Friday, Police Commissioner Gen. Somyot Poompanmuang told CNN that DNA in semen taken from Witheridge matched samples taken from the two men.


    JohnThailandJohn: My hats off to you,, People mistake you for being a troll like jdinasia .. but you actually do what jdinasias avatar says ,, you stay informed .. This information you provide has given me a healthy perspective on this whole mess... Still highly doubt that the scapegoats are anything but scapegoats,, but you made me think again :) thanks .. and stay strong against the haters :)

    • Like 1
  5. And what about the conflicting statements about the scapegoats having lawyers present during the interigations,, first they clearly stated over and over again that the scapegoats did not want lawyers, so they did not have lawyers... Then they said clearly that they had lawyers present during all "interviews" ..

    You are just making things up. First of all it was NEVER said they didn't want lawyers. The police said they didn't ask for one (big difference). And police never said they had lawyers present during the initial confession ... however later the two did confess privately (without police) to lawyers, embassy staff and a human rights group.

    I'm not making things up,, if i'm wrong it's because i'm mistaken, not because I made it up... I guess you can take my word on that or not,, I DONT MAKE STUFF UP ..

    If it's true, then I was misinformed, not due to social media, but due to news ..

    However, he admitted that the two men were not given access to lawyers during their interrogation. He said the suspects did not ask for lawyers because they decided to confess on their own.


    So, stop accusing me of playing games and making stuff up and just answer the questions if you have answers, if not, dont.

    I did not know that they confessed multiple times, with and without lawyers... That explains alot .. Wow,, Mass media should be way more clear when they report on this stuff.. I can see where alot of this speculation is coming from,.,.. There's so many seemingly contradicting statements and stories,, but in reality they are not contradicting they are just incomplete,, and incomplete with no reason,, there's no reason to hide that the suspects have confessed multiple times.. yet in media they seem to always talk about one confession .. and sometimes that one confession was with lawyers, and other times it was not ..

    BUT there was a signed confession,, this signed confession, was it with or without lawyers?

  6. Police said they had evidence of an LM Red cigarettes, a packet of which had been purchased at a convenience store earlier in the evening - on which, it is believed, had been found DNA similar to that of the killers. And one of the suspects had died his hair black again, having previously been dyed blond.

    Why does the scapegoats not show hair dyed blonde in the picture where the 3 of them are on a motorbike?

  7. Why they didn't match the first time they got tested before they got arrested...?

    If you read the news or even this thread it is explained numerous times why their dna was never compared originally.

    They collected hundreds of samples and had a very big back log and were moving the dna of those they suspected and were questioning to the top ... no conspiracy just a very logical explanation as had been reported in the news for those who didn't close their eyes to all but what is posted on Facebook.

    I thought I had read everything, but obviously I must have missed that. Please excuse me.

    Do you also know how the 3 suspects had dark shorts/pants but the man running on CCTV had not? Who is the man running on CCTV according to police now? One of the scapegoats? Or some random runner that never was identified and wasn't involved in the crime? Maybe i missed that explanation too.

    Also I may have missed the explanation for the blonde hairs (asian hair dyed blonde) found on Hannahs body? None of the scapegoats captured on CCTV on a motorbike the same night had blonde hair.. Whats the official explanation for that?

    There where probably many other people on the video from the hour before and after that police either had already identified or they didn't have cause to believe they were involved like the 3 men on the motorcycle and they they released this part of the tape to the public early in the investigation ... to help identify them.

    I am not going to play conspiracy games with you because you have no clue who somebody is and have no clue if the police interviewed and cleared that person. Being ignorant about things is not a reason to come up with conspiracy theories.

    I was just asking if you knew the official explanation,, I don't want to play games.. I'm searching frantically on google between posts trying to find the official explanation for the blonde hair .. and the color of the shorts .. I just want to know ..

    I admitted I was wrong about them being DNA tested the first time .. What more do you want before you stop thinking i'm playing "conspiracy games" whatever that is..?

  8. There will be no reply by jtj to this post

    If you keep your eyese close hard enough, no conspiracy is impossible. And by the way since everyone knows the semen DNA matched that on the cigarette then a match to one is the same as a match to the other .... please use your brain.

    The two [DNA] samples matched the semen found in the deceased, [/size]said [/size]Pol.Maj.Gen. Manu Mekmok, commander of Office of Police Forensic Science. He said the DNA test results were finalised at around 8 am this morning. http://www.samuitimes.com/police-say-forensic-tests-implicate-2-burmese-koh-tao-murder/[/size]

    PHUKET: A police source has confirmed that DNA samples from two of three detained Myanmar workers matches the DNA extracted from semen found on the body of British tourist Hannah Witheridge http://www.phuketgazette.net/thailand-news/Myanmar-workers-DNA-matches-semen-found-Koh/36077#sthash.gzshsYMC.dpuf[/size]

    On Friday, Police Commissioner Gen. Somyot Poompanmuang told CNN that DNA in semen taken from Witheridge matched samples taken from the two men.[/size]


    Why they didn't match the first time they got tested before they got arrested...?

    If you read the news or even this thread it is explained numerous times why their dna was never compared originally.

    They collected hundreds of samples and had a very big back log and were moving the dna of those they suspected and were questioning to the top ... no conspiracy just a very logical explanation as had been reported in the news for those who didn't close their eyes to all but what is posted on Facebook.

    I thought I had read everything, but obviously I must have missed that. Please excuse me.

    Do you also know how the 3 suspects had dark shorts/pants but the man running on CCTV had not? Who is the man running on CCTV according to police now? One of the scapegoats? Or some random runner that never was identified and wasn't involved in the crime? Maybe i missed that explanation too.

    Also I may have missed the explanation for the blonde hairs (asian hair dyed blonde) found on Hannahs body? None of the scapegoats captured on CCTV on a motorbike the same night had blonde hair.. Whats the official explanation for that?

  9. Yes, their DNA was already matched and confirmed to have been the same as the semen from the crime scene. So they are not being asked for DNA samples again by authorities but of course their lawyers are welcome to get new samples.

    Yes, their DNA was already matched and confirmed to have been the same as the semen from the crime scene

    I must have missed this very important point. I've only ever read that the BIB said they have a DNA match, not that it matches the semen from the crime scene (shouldn't it be the semen "recovered" from the victim's orifice?)

    Could you kindly post a link to this, JTJ? I tried searching but in vain......

    There will be no reply by jtj to this post

    If you keep your eyese close hard enough, no conspiracy is impossible. And by the way since everyone knows the semen DNA matched that on the cigarette then a match to one is the same as a match to the other .... please use your brain.

    “The two [DNA] samples matched the semen found in the deceased,” said Pol.Maj.Gen. Manu Mekmok, commander of Office of Police Forensic Science. He said the DNA test results were finalised at around 8 am this morning. http://www.samuitimes.com/police-say-forensic-tests-implicate-2-burmese-koh-tao-murder/

    PHUKET: A police source has confirmed that DNA samples from two of three detained Myanmar workers matches the DNA extracted from semen found on the body of British tourist Hannah Witheridge http://www.phuketgazette.net/thailand-news/Myanmar-workers-DNA-matches-semen-found-Koh/36077#sthash.gzshsYMC.dpuf

    On Friday, Police Commissioner Gen. Somyot Poompanmuang told CNN that DNA in semen taken from Witheridge matched samples taken from the two men.


    Why they didn't match the first time they got tested before they got arrested...?

  10. Since the killings, police have focused on finding Asian men of 170 centimetres tall and with a 40 shoe size, based on surveillance camera footage and footprints on Sairee beach where the couple died.


    Surely the scapegoats are 170 and have size 40 ..

    A suspect caught by the surveillance camera of a resort wore pants and also had tattoo, according to the disclosure earlier by Montriwat Toovichien, the brother of the village headman, when he was questioned by the police as a suspect after he looked like the man on the tape. He was cleared when he had no tattoo.

    <-- Any talk about tattoos on the scapegoats?

    • Like 1
  11. Yes but the time stamped video says the 15th and its at his apartment. The lawyer says he was in class 13th-15th and attended exams and has paperwork to prove it. Where's this paperwork. Where is a link to him being cleared by police. Cleared by his lawyer holding up a photo shopped photo is not the same as being cleared by the police. Links please to where police have cleared him by his alibi. A lawyer clearing you is not the same as the police clearing you.

    The "investigation" has been so bungled that no real court would be able to convict anyone, except for the police officer that allowed the AC bar guy onto the crime scene (see attached thumbnail). I suspect that was the intent from the start. The list of police crimes (the result of negligence is a crime many are convicted of regularly), is pages long. See the AC bar guy at the crime scene assisting officers gather evidence (oh, that must have just fallen out of my pocket... Oh, how did that get there? that's mine, I've been looking for that... Oh, look over there, now see here what I have found...) The "evidence" against the current suspects is laughable and the original suspect has never been cleared to any reasonable level of proof or even a level that removes reasonable doubt.

    Reference the original suspect, on the morning of the murders, the boy's father is seen on TV stating he is not sure where his son is and that he did not come home last night. The still frame supposedly from CCTV footage in the University, which turned out to have actually been from a nearby apartment, shows obvious signs of having been edited and there is no record of the actual CCTV film footage to collaborate anything. There are reports of a speed boat departing the island in the early morning hours that was suspected to have had the original suspect as a passenger. The police, as far as anyone knows, have not bothered to check the cell phone records or flight records or university records to confirm or reject the supposed alibi of the original suspect even though there is plenty of probable cause (i.e. "a reasonable amount of suspicion, supported by circumstances sufficiently strong to justify a prudent and cautious person's belief that certain facts are probably true") which is reason enough to have all of those records checked in order to remove any suspicion.

    The current suspects had no DNA evidence or blood on their persons or in their apartment even though they came home moments after having brutally murdered two persons which left the beach crime scene covered in blood for days, and there is no DNA from either of them on the supposed murder weapon. The are seen in line getting DNA tested, now they are cleared, now they are not cleared... Found the female victims phone, no wait it is the male victims phone, no wait that phone was left at the crime scene and also found again in the male victims luggage with evidence of blood and hair fibers... Taxi drivers bribed, witnesses threatened...

    Thanks for writing it up in a way I couldn't manage.. Very nice writing .. you some kind of writer? :) And as you know, there's even more than what you just wrote... even more "stuff" (calling it evidence upsets the trolls) that points to the case being messed up.

  12. If the thai police do not cooperate, as we all suspect, that will be the main conclusion in the British police report.

    So the upshot will be another nail in the coffin for the reputation of Thailand. I know many posters like to claim Thailand is such a strong and successful country that it doesn't matter what anyone thinks of them. You are welcome to your opinions, everyone has opinions, just like everyone has certain bodily orifices. I have an opinion too, which is that reputation always matters and that Thailand needs the world a lot more than the world needs Thailand and the country will certainly pay a price for being considered backward, corrupt, disrespectful, dishonest, not deserving of trust and respect and not welcome within the circle of countries thought to be civilised and developed.

    There are of course many countries that behave in a unacceptable manner. I am sure North Korea also thinks they are better than the rest of the world. The price they pay is misery. I am sure Putin thinks he is the master of the universe and Russia will be the number one world power....but just look at the Ruble and the plunging price of oil...both signs that his strategy of sending his Neanderthal thugs in to terrorize his neighbors is backfiring pretty badly. If Thailand wants to join the league of failed and disrespected nations then they will also pay a price.

    Hi Paddy, in spite of the fact that your argument is somewhat weakened by one unsavoury comment about other people's opinions (comparing them with bodily orifices indicates how little you respect them, and what's a discussion worth if there's no mutual respect?), you do have a point and I do agree with that point ie that reputations are highly significant especially in a day and age that focus so much on image, communication and hearsay.

    I think you're right about Russia too, and in the long run Putin's arrogance will not serve his country, no more than Hitler's or Franco's or Pinochet's served theirs.

    However, one thing must be kept in mind. You speak as if the whole world was as focused as 'we' TVF members are on these Koh Tao murders and the way they're 'handled' by the local police force. The British press, understandably and rightly, cover the story and seem to do their best not to let things rest as long as the situation reeks of manipulation.

    But what about bout the rest of the Western world ? I've been talking on social networks with friends from various parts of Europe and I regret to say that they seem to know very little, if anything, about this case. Every country is normally focusing on its own issues and when it comes to planning a holiday, it seems that most people's perspective, if they know about the murders (and I repeat they often don't), is "well, gruesome murders happen everywhere, including in our own country, so why should we change our plans?".

    One more thing, to anyone who starts claiming that 'Thailand should be punished' and suggest a massive boycott, it kind of reminds me of the not so ancient times when after a long siege, the 'victorious' troops would finally enter the city and kill everyone including children, women and seniors, on the grounds that they were on the bad side right from the start.

    I do not want to 'punish Thailand' or any other country for that matter, because a country is a concept, and you can't punish a concept, but you do end up hurting real people who have nothing to do with those who are causing the uproar. If anything the majority of Thais are already suffering from the extreme arrogance of the rich and powerful in this country, and a boycott would affect everyone, not just the bad guys. Methinks the latter would actually be the least affected.

    You're right,, punishing the economy as a whole usually benefits those at the tops.. because they have margins they can afford to play with.. while those at the bottom go bankrupt and sell themselves for nothing to those at the top... That's why the recent economic crisis 2008 made the elite even richer! They are winning on our so called economic crisises because they can afford to invest in the crisis .. Eg they get to buy the entire market for a bargain

    • Like 1
  13. This forum following sure can take up a lot of one's time. I'm still watching for further news on a couple seemingly

    forgotten cases. the one of a Chinese tourist being beaten by couple guys who showed up on motorcycle with clubs of some

    sort and the Russian girl raped after accepting motorcycle lift. Both were somewhat near Phuket. Anyone know what I've not heard? Also, seems to be no further mention about the parents of the Brit son also killed in Koa Tao last year who wanted

    further investigation. They claimed to be suspicious of the findings and lack of answers. Anything further on that?

    Yeah he fell to his death without breaking any bones :)

  14. Yes but the time stamped video says the 15th and its at his apartment. The lawyer says he was in class 13th-15th and attended exams and has paperwork to prove it. Where's this paperwork. Where is a link to him being cleared by police. Cleared by his lawyer holding up a photo shopped photo is not the same as being cleared by the police. Links please to where police have cleared him by his alibi. A lawyer clearing you is not the same as the police clearing you.

    Do you even hear yourself? You are suggesting all of this information including his test be released to the public?

    If you want to find something in the news then go right ahead but it is common knowledge the police clearly stated he was not on the island and clearly stated they pursued him because somebody said he left the island early the next day. The followed up on the lead, just like they did with the farang friend with the cut. The followed up on many leads until they got the guys whose DNA matched --- but you don't believe this and therefore will not believe any evidence but are very happy to make up theories you believe in based on you not knowing things you have no business knowing.

    Wow, The list of evidence supporting that the current suspects are scapegoats is overwhelming ... It's too long to even list... Do some more research and you will see smile.png

    I hate to break this to you, but conspiracy theories on social media are not evidence.

    Please elaborate,, I was under the assumption that photographs and statements from witnesses are evidence,, ofcourse, a conspiracy theory is only a conspiracy theory.. but evidence is still evidence, even if it's used in a conspiracy theory ..

    *edit* You mentioned social media.. Am I getting it right that if the conspiracy theory is in a book it's evidence? But if it's on social media it is not? What if it's from a book that was scanned and posted on facebook?

    So, if for example, I said you did it.. Posted a photo of you online.. It is now evidence of your guilt?

    Even if, as is the case in several photos on Facebook, it's clearly photoshpped?

    if I claim everyone knows you did it, does that make it true?

    What if I get a few people to agree with me?


    Evidence is evidence. FB is not evidence.

    Evidence, broadly construed, is anything presented in support of an assertion. <-- From wikipedia ..

    So,, yes, you claiming that I am guilty supports the assertion that I am guilty .. However, IT IS VERY WEAK if it's only you claiming that,, and you have no other supporting evidence... Now,, let's say 1000 people all have similar claims against me .. It may still not be enough to convict me in a courtroom.. But it's still evidence!

    Different courts have different laws regarding what can be entered into a court room.. Like "he said that she said" can usually be dismissed,, depending on other factors as well..

    Now let's go back to what we have..

    We have a photograph of the 2 suspects along with a third suspect on a motorbike. We have statements from the police saying that one of the victims had dyed his hair blonde. None of the scapegoats on the motorbike had blonde hair.. This is just a few hours before the crime..

    That's just one piece of the evidence that you think is irrelevant simply because it was posted on facebook...

    • Like 2
  15. To put everyones mind at ease it would be nice if they would do the testing of the 2 Burmese with the British police present and compare then to the original print out of the samples that were sent to Singapore. Or allow the Brits to take their own samples.

    They would be offering that opportunity on a plate, so to speak, if the two Burmese' DNA genuinely matched that found inside and on Hannah.

    What is there for them to hide by only allowing 'observation' and no one but the RTP allowed to test and give the results of the DNA.

    It's against Thai law to allow foreign police work on a Thai case ..

  16. Yes but the time stamped video says the 15th and its at his apartment. The lawyer says he was in class 13th-15th and attended exams and has paperwork to prove it. Where's this paperwork. Where is a link to him being cleared by police. Cleared by his lawyer holding up a photo shopped photo is not the same as being cleared by the police. Links please to where police have cleared him by his alibi. A lawyer clearing you is not the same as the police clearing you.

    Do you even hear yourself? You are suggesting all of this information including his test be released to the public?

    If you want to find something in the news then go right ahead but it is common knowledge the police clearly stated he was not on the island and clearly stated they pursued him because somebody said he left the island early the next day. The followed up on the lead, just like they did with the farang friend with the cut. The followed up on many leads until they got the guys whose DNA matched --- but you don't believe this and therefore will not believe any evidence but are very happy to make up theories you believe in based on you not knowing things you have no business knowing.

    Wow, The list of evidence supporting that the current suspects are scapegoats is overwhelming ... It's too long to even list... Do some more research and you will see smile.png

    I hate to break this to you, but conspiracy theories on social media are not evidence.

    Please elaborate,, I was under the assumption that photographs and statements from witnesses are evidence,, ofcourse, a conspiracy theory is only a conspiracy theory.. but evidence is still evidence, even if it's used in a conspiracy theory ..

    *edit* You mentioned social media.. Am I getting it right that if the conspiracy theory is in a book it's evidence? But if it's on social media it is not? What if it's from a book that was scanned and posted on facebook?

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