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Posts posted by hobz

  1. First off, you're in the WRONG office! That office was set up to handle Migrant (Myanmar, etc.) So unless you are Myanmar, Cambodian, Lao, I suggest you take your butt to the other office by the airport.

    Sheesh, how long have you been here?

    Sheesh how long have you been here that is where they issue the certificates now across the road from Promanada Center, I know got one there a few weeks ago, they moved this function several months ago by the way.

    I second that, I got my certificate of residence for my drivers license in June or July 2014.. They had just moved to opposite promenada back then .. So they've been there 4-5 months.

  2. Your friends tried to set him up, but could not even get that right " oooppppsssss we put Davids blood stained shorts in the wrong bag"

    This evening I listened to the interesting ranting of a veteran of Koh Tao and full moon parties. He has friends who know the island and the set up too well and they are very angry. Apparently the first suspect in this case was responsibe for the murders and according to this guy the feeling is now one of revenge against the headman and those responsible for the deaths.

    Why would anyone think Chris Ware was guilty? Or was he second?

    It wasn't blood, they were stained with something else.. and he was cleared when they noticed that..

  3. The general consensus in the west with the media, feminazis and ignorant buffoons is this doesn't exist. Only tourists from western countries go with prostitutes in their eyes. They never even consider the domestic market never mind talk about it.

    I remember reading a few years ago that the estimate from the UN was around 450,000 Thai men use a prostitute every day in Thailand.

    Let's all point fingers at the one who uses prostitutes the most.. so that nobody will look at me.. :D

  4. One thing that most people don't realize or have forgotten may be that Thepiratebay founders honestly thought that they were protected according to Swedish law.. Swedish law clearly stated that it was not illegal to link to illegal content (what the piratebay does,, piratebay does not contain any illegal content, only links to illegal content) It was only after threats of sanctions from the US that the Swedish system broke it's own laws and arrested the founders...

    I hope Tiamo and his wife are ok.. :(

  5. "so it is unnecessary to forward the DNA results to the British government"

    so this basically confirms the tests were bullshit.

    Do they really think anybody believes them now?

    1. done by Thai police and Thai hospitals

    2. no witness what was compared with what

    3. they refuse to give a sample to the Brits

    4. they did the test only after 6 weeks

    5. his "alibi" is not investigated

    6. CCTV from AC bar is not available (his family owns that bar)

    7. No.3 alone enormously strengthens the suspicion about him being guilty

    just the opposite from what they intended

    they shot themselves in both feet now


    There's a photo on a certain facebook page that shows that AC BAR has a CCTV camera POINTED TOWARDS THE BEACH .... Wonder why AC BAR did not cooperate with police and give them the video ... After all, one of the associates of AC BAR (in touch resort) was ON THE CRIME SCENE obviously helping the police solve the case... Why not just give the CCTV that points to the beach!!?? Oh let me guess,, they are hiding something!

  6. Hannah is laid to rest but the culprits are still alive.

    Better we not forget that. Let's have some real justice. Not the Bull we have had to endure. Not the face saving

    that has gone on. Where is our government. We are the police who went to observe.

    A young woman who was brutally murdered in the prime of her life.

    R.I.P Hannah

    This is not about face saving.. this is about BIG money and MASSIVE corruption... This is not about face saving,, it's about saving jobs and careers .. it's about saving lives of everyone involved in the murders, in the coverup, in the corruption... Don't be fooled...

    • Like 2
  7. There's photos from the beach pointing towards AC BAR showing that AC BAR has CCTV camera pointing towards the beach... The killers must have been caught there.... But I remember police saying that they can only view CCTV from AC BAR etc if they willingly give it up.... Why would AC BAR not willingly give up their CCTV footage that points towards the beach?? Only makes sense if they are hiding a crime...

    • Like 2
  8. http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/one-tourist-murder-suspect-now-arrested-another-run/

    Wow ,, I have completely missed this...

    He is the brother of a village headman in Koh Tao.

    He was arrested after evidence which police collected were examined and proved he was involved, he said.

    He also said another suspect is also a son of that village headman. But he has already to Bangkok.

    He said both suspects were captured by CCTV cameras and the police have gathered enough evidence to implicate them in the murders.

    "Wow ,, I have completely missed this... " blink.png

    How much more have you missed?

    It would certainly explain some of your posts...

    facepalm.gif facepalm.giffacepalm.gif

    I don't know how much more I have missed.. Please enlighten me instead of making cunty remarks.

  9. I think whoever is behind CSI LA should be very nervous . And rightfully so..you cant just be accusing people on social media of being implicated in murders..Not just this Thai family but the Scottish guy and a few others.

    No other civilized country would allow this behavior...

    The people behind CSI LA should be held accountable ..

    Shouldn't the police and regular media be held responsible as well? I mean they wrote that Nom Sod was captured on CCTV on Koh Tao that night along with Mon the village headmans brother... So if anyone is to blame it should be those that started the rumors.. eg the police chief and "normal" media.

    They said they was "hunting him down in bangkok" ... then ofcourse,,, the village headman offered 1 million baht to anyone ... and then the reports about Nom Sod being on MULTIPLE CAMERAS on Koh Tao THE NIGHT OF T HE MURDER disappeared from mass media.. except from CSI LA ..

    http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/one-tourist-murder-suspect-now-arrested-another-run/ <-- Here's who they should give 5 years in prison ... they were among the first ones to "falsely" accuse Nom Sod and Mon,.. They should be held responsible for all the wild speculation..

  10. WHY oh WHY, has it taken weeks upon weeks to get DNA from this guy?

    Because the DNA matches the scapegoats.... so why would they check his DNA? It doesn't make any sense....

    Those of us that believe the DNA from victims bodies have been switched will obviously not care about any new DNA tests... because they already matched the scapegoats.. and cannot match someone else too

    Those of us that believe the DNA from victims bodies have NOT been switched will obviously not care about any new DNA tests... because they already matched the scapegoats.. and cannot match someone else too

    How stupid are people? Who are they trying to convince with these new tests? Anyone that still believes Nom Sod is guilty ALSO HAS TO BELIEVE that the DNA samples from victims bodies have been switched... So again, who the hell are the trying to convince? I know,, people with IQ of 50 ...

  11. Sure, there are many things "possible"; however, to find someone guilty of a capital offense you need evidence.

    Thanks, I didn't know evidence was needed ... .. .. .. . .. .. .. ... . . ... . .. . My point was not about if he is guilty,, my point is that to RULE SOMEONE OUT in this case is not enough with dna .. not only because the crime scene may have been contaminated and dna samples contaminated.. but also because it's possible that not all the suspects left dna at the scene... for example the condom with no dna inside it ...

    Don't worry that you didn't know evidence was required...many posters here share that lack of understanding.

    And lack of DNA is enough to rule someone out from further prosecution when DNA was the only evidence you had tying someone to the crime. There appears to be zero other collected evidence to tie him to this crime or crime scene. No prints, no witnesses, no testimony from other accused, etc..

    And that is why he and his family have every right to file a defamation lawsuit against anyone who continues to suggest otherwise in the event his DNA does not match.

    The lynch mob will have to put their ropes away.

    We have statements from police saying he was caught on CCTV near the crime scene.

    We may soon have evidence that he conspired to hide evidence and forged evidence to get away with the murder... He could still be found guilty without DNA..

    I'm not saying that he IS guilty.. I'm saying he could be found guilty without DNA evidence.. The other murderers could witness against him. Some police officer might testify how he have been bribed or coerced into hiding evidence / tampering with evidence etc...

    Ofcourse his family has a right to file a defamation suite...I'm not a Thai Lawyer but it's pretty clear that his family is being defamed on a massive scale right now...

    *edit* Headmans son clearly wants everybody to believe he was not on Koh Tao the night of the murder... Evidence proving that he was on the island COULD surface any day... That will make DNA almost irrelevant... He would have alot of explaining to do..

    • Like 1
  12. how does the owner of the bar where the murdered people were last seen escape liability?

    can he not be sued by the family in Britain?


    how does the DNA clear the son of being a witness?

    What are you talking about? The victims' families have no right to sue the bar owner simply because that is where they were last seen. That makes zero sense. If the DNA is not a match then you cannot even connect the bar in any way to the deaths. Any chance you are from California, the most litigious State in the US?

    And clear the son of being a witness? There is no crime in witnessing a crime and thats not what the DNA is about anyhow--the DNA is to place him as a participant in the sexual attack and brutal murders. If his DNA does not match then he is cleared to walk away without arrest.

    And everyone on here will have gotten their wish--the DNA test of the Mon family under the watchful eye of British authorities. So then it will be time to move on.

    Actually, he could have commited the rape and murder without leaving dna at the crime scene.. it is possible.

    Sure, there are many things "possible"; however, to find someone guilty of a capital offense you need evidence.

    Thanks, I didn't know evidence was needed ... .. .. .. . .. .. .. ... . . ... . .. . My point was not about if he is guilty,, my point is that to RULE SOMEONE OUT in this case is not enough with dna .. not only because the crime scene may have been contaminated and dna samples contaminated.. but also because it's possible that not all the suspects left dna at the scene... for example the condom with no dna inside it ...

  13. how does the owner of the bar where the murdered people were last seen escape liability?

    can he not be sued by the family in Britain?


    how does the DNA clear the son of being a witness?

    What are you talking about? The victims' families have no right to sue the bar owner simply because that is where they were last seen. That makes zero sense. If the DNA is not a match then you cannot even connect the bar in any way to the deaths. Any chance you are from California, the most litigious State in the US?

    And clear the son of being a witness? There is no crime in witnessing a crime and thats not what the DNA is about anyhow--the DNA is to place him as a participant in the sexual attack and brutal murders. If his DNA does not match then he is cleared to walk away without arrest.

    And everyone on here will have gotten their wish--the DNA test of the Mon family under the watchful eye of British authorities. So then it will be time to move on.

    Actually, he could have commited the rape and murder without leaving dna at the crime scene.. it is possible.

  14. Yes the police chief now on gardening leave....perhaps he will be the new head of the RTP before long?

    Am I behind the times here? or was it not the police chief who invited them to Bangkok for the DNA test?


    someone on another thread, in their defense of this nonsense said that

    "police were running their mouths all over the place making mis-statemements

    not bothering to mention,

    this was no ordinary beat cop,

    it was their top guy in the region,

    he must have been reading the newspapers that said there was a new sherrif in town, and business as usual was over

    guess, it wasn't

    Yeah ,, it's also a pretty serious mis-statement saying they had both suspects on CCTV cameras .. CAMERAS .. not one camera .. but multiple... I hope those will be released to the public one day ... my prayers goes to wikileaks :D

    • Like 2
  15. http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/one-tourist-murder-suspect-now-arrested-another-run/

    Wow ,, I have completely missed this...

    He is the brother of a village headman in Koh Tao.

    He was arrested after evidence which police collected were examined and proved he was involved, he said.

    He also said another suspect is also a son of that village headman. But he has already to Bangkok.

    He said both suspects were captured by CCTV cameras and the police have gathered enough evidence to implicate them in the murders.

    Yes the police chief now on gardening leave....perhaps he will be the new head of the RTP before long?

    But they, the police, probably have a explanation for this... where's JIT when we need him :)

    • Like 1
  16. it can't go away because it is getting worse,

    threatening people with defamation lawsuits is the best possible way to get the press and free people, not subject to the Thai laws, to "press" this forward

    if only the headman understood, he is feeding the outside press by not finding the killers himself, by NEVER expressing to the english speaking press his concerns about the victims,

    someone should tell him,

    it is what he "didn't" say,

    that has caused the "internet idiots" and "archair detectives" to be so up in arms

    Also the internet detectives have problems with a million contradicting statements made by police to the media.. such as these statements:

    Eighth Region Police Command commissioner Pol Lt-Gen Panya Mamen identified the first suspect as Mon.

    He is the brother of a village headman in Koh Tao.

    He was arrested after evidence which police collected were examined and proved he was involved, he said.

    He also said another suspect is also a son of that village headman. But he has already to Bangkok.

    He said both suspects were captured by CCTV cameras and the police have gathered enough evidence to implicate them in the murders.

    Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/one-tourist-murder-suspect-now-arrested-another-run/

    Why would he say they have the village headmans son on cctv implicated in the murder..?

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