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Posts posted by ToddWeston

  1. (edited)

    We ended up being married by a reeve(mayor) and had a Buddhist blessing and one hell of a party. There was only one hitch the entire day - the DJ forgot to modify his dance instructions - I can still hear the words - After the first dance will be "The Father of the Bride" dance, I think the roaring laughter could be heard for 100 miles.

    So come on .... who led the dance??

    I did 55555555555555

  2. You keep referring to Holland. Fair enough but are you implying that there is no option in France ?

    I have no doubt you have ethics and obviously had the luxury to be allowed to refuse what you deemed "out of line" ( nowadays not so many could afford that kind of stand) but, again, you look at this public position as a job

    French people have always been that way: they prefer to give birth without a peridural and tend to loudly demonstrate their disagreement

    In that case there are not so many voices and it won't be long before this will is forgotten

    I am interested to know how other EU states handle this and in Holland they've found a solution that will work.

    Can France apply the same formula ? no idea but these are elected officials who have a job and a duty. I used the word "must" in my initial post on this thread I think the word "should" is more appropriate. They should follow the law, if it goes against their moral fibre then step aside and delegate but don't refuse.

    You can't legislate common sense.

    As for anathesia in child birth WTH is that all about :)

  3. I don't really get your point

    You are talking about the Dutch solution but France is doing the same , not only regarding gay marriage

    You brush aside the fact the Mayor is not a job but that is the most important argument regarding the matter

    You also keep writing that it goes against me.....it has already gone my way

    The point is very clear - there are option in Holland.

    In my professional career there were things I refused to do because it went about my moral fibre, I did however give advice and information where the request would be granted.

    It's the same as I understand it in Holland - some simply will refuse, I'm okay with that as long as there is an option or it's delegated to a willing party.

    Just because it's the law doesn't mean everyone will accept it. It's a choice to get married and if we had been refused by someone not willing to marry us I would have moved on and found a willing party. Simple

    Things take time to evolve - that's it for my edit :)

  4. I do like the vigorous sex strategy...need to convince the wife about that, since the little bastards seems to like my blood helluva lot more than hers. Time to play the sympathy card...again!

    Aside from that, I have these auto spray devices, made by Raid I think that give periodic squirts of some kind of Agent Orange into the room. Work a treat

    Does Marmite work? I mean you either love it or hate it and that must apply to mosquitos too.

    No It doesn't i believe that's an old wives tale - I eat it almost everyday and the little buggers still love me.

    The one thing I do use often is Pelle talcum powder with 8.25% DEET around 65 baht and lasts a long time, I mean the container. 8% DEET is good for 3-4 hours of coverage.

  5. Rub soap on the bite it should stop the itching fairly quickly, liquid soap is also good, you can also rub salt or lime on a bite and many use toothpaste.

    I run around like a mad man with my electronic bug zapper thingy, thankfully not many.

    Wet or dry soap or it doesn't matter?

    How about for ant bites, they are much much worse and last much longer.


    Just wet a bar of soap and apply or use liquid soap. If the bite is bad try menthol toothpaste, works on small burns as well but has to be spearmint/mint/menthol.

    • Like 1
  6. I can see the reason in that as they took a job they could preform morally and then the law changed against their morality so they could not anymore. I am pro gay marriage but I can see the others point of view too.

    Not quite sure about that one, though

    As a matter of fact the mayor is the representative of the state in the municipality. As such, he is registrar and law officer / police officer.

    Therefore, not only do they have to abide strictly by the French law as French citizens, but also do they have to enforce those very laws, by all the means in their power

    I should add that, if they do not agree, for personal reasons, to enforce a law themselves, they have the right to ask their deputies to act en lieu de.

    There is no such a thing as going along as long as it does not interfere with one's conviction

    A former prime minister, Jean-Pierre Chevenement, once said, irritated by the comments of his pairs (Majority MPs) " A Cabinet minister ought to shut up, or else, resign"

    Coul you imagine a police officer turning a blind eye on a crime because they feel that it does serve the victim right, or, on the contrary , performing an ID check on the sole account of their race ( délit de faciès in French, punishable by law)

    No, no, no that would be a Pandora Box

    Totally different examples, we are talking about something moral here and with religious implications (just for the record I am pro gay marriage and rights). Now at the time they got their jobs it did not go against their beliefs. Now all of a sudden it does so you can't expect them to resign just because of a law change. Before it was all right and now it is not.

    Mind you in the Netherlands it does not mean they can't get married just can't use THAT guy a replacement will be found for him or her so the marriage can be taken place at that point. In the end they want all of those that don't want mixed marriages to go out of these jobs but in the meanwhile they can stay and stand-ins will be found. Only the most militant of gays would want someone to marry them who does not want to do so don't you agree ? This is a fine compromise and will workout better in the long run.

    I would agree I wouldn't "demand"' to be married by a member of the clergy, I respect Canon law and in my country civil marriages are as common if not more common these days.

    When we got married the question was asked if "I" wanted a Church wedding, I didn't feel it was appropriate at considering I'm marrying a Buddhist. if we were both Christian or both Buddhist maybe it would have influenced me. I also had to consider our mutual family, yes it's a right to be wed and they accepted that but it may have been a little over the top for some, finally I wouldn't be that selfish forcing a member of the clergy to marry me when the civil marriage licence carries the same weight.

    We ended up being married by a reeve(mayor) and had a Buddhist blessing and one hell of a party. There was only one hitch the entire day - the DJ forgot to modify his dance instructions - I can still hear the words - After the first dance will be "The Father of the Bride" dance, I think the roaring laughter could be heard for 100 miles.

  7. Rub soap on the bite it should stop the itching fairly quickly, liquid soap is also good, you can also rub salt or lime on a bite and many use toothpaste.

    I run around like a mad man with my electronic bug zapper thingy, thankfully not many.

    • Like 1
  8. Here when they flash, I'm thinking how nice of them to light the path for me to cross the road smile.png NOT.... it means they are going to hit me and I'll see everything. The other thing I'm used to raising my hand as a gesture of thanks to them it means stop and once someone yelled at me - oh well crazy learning new rules.

    I can't believe I'm admitting this but in my University days way back when, I decided after a few jars a round-about was too much work smile.png straight through the middle. A few weeks later driving with a relative in the car they saw the tread marks and commented what an idiot must have been some drunk kid.

    The craziest, was my poor Nana at the onset of Alzheimer's we were in denial and let her drive, she drove the car straight through the car wash - no neutral, petal to the metal.

    todd what is a few"jars" smile.png

    A few jars is the equivalent of half a two four (translation a jar is 4 bottles of beer & a two four is what we call a case of 24 bottles of beer) I think we need a thread on what we call alcohol around the globe :) :)

    • Like 2
  9. Here when they flash, I'm thinking how nice of them to light the path for me to cross the road :) NOT.... it means they are going to hit me and I'll see everything. The other thing I'm used to raising my hand as a gesture of thanks to them it means stop and once someone yelled at me - oh well crazy learning new rules.

    I can't believe I'm admitting this but in my University days way back when, I decided after a few jars a round-about was too much work :) straight through the middle. A few weeks later driving with a relative in the car they saw the tread marks and commented what an idiot must have been some drunk kid.

    The craziest, was my poor Nana at the onset of Alzheimer's we were in denial and let her drive, she drove the car straight through the car wash - no neutral, petal to the metal.

    • Like 2
  10. ... If you've never taken a sleeping aid start with Dimenhydrinate AKA Gravol ...

    Not good for the prostate, though.

    Agreed in large dosage >200mg od/qd for an exisiting enlarged prostate. The maximum dosage is 400mg a day for all others, as a sleep aid 25mg does the trick for me.

    • Like 1
  11. There seems to be a GREAT disparity between what Kevvy thinks and me (beachproperty) Why not settle this amicably and let you the TV readers vote on the matter

    If you agree with beachproperty and the handling of this situation please vote "like" on the #1 post

    If you think that Kevvy's way of handling it is the best then vote "like" on post #6

    Let the voting begin.

    You both love your kids that's apparent & they're damn lucky to have you both, but I do believe Kevvy right on this one though - No hard feeling BP.

    • Like 2
  12. I take zolam, haven't read about the long term effects but I can count on 10 fingers how many times I've had an 8 hour sleep in the 15 years I'm here.

    Why on earth do you take it then?

    Xanax is a highly addictive dangerous drug. Dependence occurs and you need more to get an effect. It is the worst of the benzodiazepine family family.

    I took diazepam when in my early years here - maye 1--20 mg a day. After a couple of years I was taking 200mg a day.

    Coming off this drug is harder than coming off heroin/alcohol, especially Xanax as it has a very short half-life. There is something called Benzodiazepine withdrawal syndrome.


    I found the worst were - depersonalization,aches and pains, derealization, palpitations, anxiety, panic attacks, and confusion.

    Another thing with this drug - it makes you a zombie. When you stop taking it it is like being reborn and you realize that you can't remember anything about the years you took it. Withdrawals lasted up for 3 years in myself, the worst lasted about 6 months - 1 year. And that was doing a slow taper off it. Cold turkey is a total nighmare and can cause convulsion and seizures and death.

    Stay well away from this drug and stay well away from most Thai doctors as they hand the pills out like smarties.

    If I could give you 10 likes I would.

    This drug is highly controlled in the west and is absolutely habit forming and extreme withdrawl, a large percentage of patients who are unable to wean themselves are often placed on methadone. It is not a happy path and posting it's use is reckless.

    • Like 1
  13. My sleep patterns are awful here as well, it's the afternoon snooze that tinkers with my clock. Right now I'm taking care of a relative so I have to sleep lightly to ensure he doesn't do a walk about.

    Couple of things, sounds like your factory opening is probably the cause, when we sold our business last year I didn't sleep for two months and it did wear me out, so couple of suggestions.

    Here's what I did, it's worth a try but probably after you're factory opens then hopefully you'll be able to get your body and mind back in sync - happiness is just around the corner - keep telling yourself that it saved me.

    I walked the dog for an hour before the time I would normally sleep.

    No television or computer

    Make a ginger tea - ginger piece the size of your thumb diced and steeped in hot water - sip away

    DO NOT take the above - they are habit forming and will only make matters worse in the long run.

    If you've never taken a sleeping aid start with Dimenhydrinate AKA Gravol - they are used for nausea, they come in 50 mg dose at Boots and start with 1/2 tablet. You know I'm going to say avoid alcohol :)

    If we see you on TV after midnight don't expect a response and if you keep it up I'll have you call my Aunt - she'll put you to sleep in 30 minutes flat :)

    Best of luck


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