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Posts posted by ToddWeston

  1. Sorry I was thinking was going to manually measure - if talking about wearing such a recording apparatus do not believe it will be found anywhere and not even sure hospitals will have for outpatient use but probably the only chance - perhaps a night in ICU would be required (although that involves the white coat factor). Home testing of any kind is seldom done here but do know cardiac monitors are available for out patient. And I agree completely that it is a much better indication of real blood pressure and do myself during day but manually. I suspect you will have to consult with a doctor/hospital.

    Good news looks like BNH has such portable devices.


  2. "Do I need to use kosher salt?"

    More and more I see recipes specifying kosher(ing) salt or sea salt in recipes. I'm all for using gourmet ingredients but Serious Eats even proposes using sea salt to preserve Meyer lemons! Does there remain any use for which the much more affordable regular American-style iodized salt is preferred, or should I just use what I have left and only stock the higher-end stuff?

    Sent by Anonymous

    First of all, let's get one thing straight: chemically there is virtually no difference between table salt, kosher salt, and fancy sea salt. All of them are close to 100 percent pure NaCl (sodium chloride), with a few trace elements thrown in. In the case of table salt, those additives are there to prevent it from caking (hence the old, "When it rains, it pours," Morton's slogan), while for sea salt, they come along for the ride when the salt is harvested from the ocean.

    copied from http://www.seriouseats.com/2013/03/ask-the-food-lab-do-i-need-to-use-kosher-salt.html

    long and interesting article on salt..........good read. Wayned, I don't doubt that you are refering to real sea salt, but the salt that we get from our ground near CM is not the same. Maybe has some ground minerals and who knows what else, but to quote a locally famous German sausage maker that distributes his products all over LOS : 'Salt is salt'.

    I've seen the same salt that is used in water softeners and salt water pools and is is the same locally mined salt that I use in curing my meats..........measured by weight, not volume.


    Agreed salt is salt with some minerals from the ground or the sea as added benefits. All these fancy names reminds me of someone saying I only use organic honey - isn't all honey organic :)

    Too bad the bacon takes so long :) I could devour a few rashers about now.

  3. Sea salt and "kosher" salt are the same, they are untreated sodium chloride. The sea salt available here, 15 baht/kilo at my local Ma and Pa store, is courser than the kosher salt that you buy in the box in the US but is the same. All you have to do is put it in a mortar and pound it a little to get the texture that you want. It does have a higher moisture content because it is not dried so if you put it in a food processor to grind it finer make sure that you clean it well after you do it. Most of it comes from the "salt farms" along highway 35 between Samut Songkhram and where it meets highway 4 south to Hua Hin.

    I don't think that it is sea salt, as it comes from the ground. I've seen natural salt from areas near Chiang Mai and that's a long way from the sea, but at any rate, I use it for a brine for my meat smoking and can buy it at local markets for 5 to 10 thb/kilo...........same as 'morton' at a tiny fraction of the cost. Granted it is a bit crude and comes in flakes, but a mortar and pestel will make it any texture you want............I use the herb grinder attachment on my cheapo blender and works fine.............not rocket science!!!

    Quite frankly I don't see any harm in using iodized salt, as the amount of iodine is so minute and in a brine solution, it may be of some benefit in killing bacteria??

    Iodine does not kill bacteria on contact, it does break cells walls on contact though. A holding/brining time of at least 20-60 minutes is needed depending on the iodine concentration. An iodine residual of 0.5 to 1.0 milligrams per litre should be maintained, one teaspoon of table salt has 380 mcg / .38 milligrams which I believe table salt standard, so in theory assuming you're brining your meat for hours (up to 24 ? ) would be beneficial.

  4. So if a recipe calls for 2 Tbls of kosher salt all I "have to do is put it in a mortar and pound it a little to get the texture that you want." How do I know the texture that I want if I don't have any kosher salt to compare it to?

    I don't know - I avoid US recipes that do the Cups/Tbls/teaspoon thing, it so far off the mark and is useless for baking. Try to find the same recipe in metric if it calls for 10 grams it's 10 grams. If it's going into batter or any sort of liquid it's moot how much you use your pestle - generally when I use pickling or course salt I would say it's half the size of sea salt.

    Check out Tops Centralworld Food Hall top floor they have an extensive collection on offer. Some of the Australian sea salts are fantastic, but my absolute favourite is Maldon salt flakes.

  5. I picked this at random because it is headlines today. Not hard to find. Apologies to my Canadian friends, I do not believe your country is a 'hub of disgrace'. (see link below). I could have just as easily found a similar one in Australia or the UK or US.

    Health Care everywhere is under the pump today. In all countries. You will find these stories, and others far more disgraceful than this one by just scanning the news every day.

    Of course this is disgraceful. You would be extremely callous to think otherwise. Sure people should be brought to account and procedures be put in place so it never happens again.

    But, the OPs 'Get you in headline' would suggest. (as many others do here) that Thailand has a monopoly on all things disgraceful.

    Police, coroner investigate death of boy born in Ottawa jail


    Your link is off topic

    Yes the baby was born in a jail 13 months ago and the nurses didn't believe she was in labour and she and a guard were dismissed from their positions. This toddlers mother sought medical attention this Thanksgiving past week end and was sent home and sadly the baby passed away - happens everyday in every country of the world but he received medical attention.

    The initial jail house birth received a lot of press and I can tell you as someone who has worked in a jail as a medical professional the rules are different and certain procedures must be followed for everyone's safety and security - the dismissed nurse and guard was a witch hunt IMO.

    All of the pointing to other countries is off topic IMO this is a Thai tradegy.

    Back on topic - very sad day for this family and for the medical profession.

  6. Who on earth, apart from O.A.P.s, unplugs everything whenever they leave the house?

    My inlaws insist on unplugging everything - oh wait they are OAP's

    The new microwave I haven't been able to use since day once cuz I can't read Thai to set the blasted thing and why bother because I know they'll unplug it tomorrow.

  7. I picked this pack up this afternoon at T21 - not bad @ 109 baht but I could devour 3 packs with ease. I like the ones in brine and a pickle (rollmops) but this pack had a nice flavour.

    Anyone else tried yet ?


  8. 20 again hell no, just thinking of the clothes I wore back then makes me cringe:)

    The clock is ticking but I live by my 3 H's - Humour, Health and Husband creates my Happiness & I won't let age define me.

    I almost want to get the karaoke out and sing ole blue eyes My Way smile.pngsmile.png


    Infinitely better.

    The Piaf was great, no doubt. One of my favourites.

    But the 20yo's of today like ever heard of her and consider Michael Jackson a classic from the past.

    Sent from my I-405 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    My niece has the creepiest music I've ever heard yet the nephew has Charles Aznavour and the likes & the little <deleted> can sing Yesterday When I was Young with a bloody French accent.

    • Like 1
  9. Fair point Lec.

    I'd like to add the Tory's are currently in power and PM Harper is very right wing, all of the Ministers are hand picked by him and the Defence Minister is also extremely right wing, he asked the Governor General to start to wear the military uniform at more public engagements. This Goverment also put the "Royal" back in all departments of the military.

    My point is they are old school and I reckon the General may have been chosen for his qualifications over his sexual orientation. The other political parties are to the left and I could definately see them pulling that type of political stunt.

    It was interesting the media didn't pounce on this as most just reported a new chaplain from the east coast and not his sexuality.

    As I said from the start I have very mixed feelings about this appointment, and not only from a gay perspective - although that is obviously my main interest in this forum.

    There are a number of issues over his appointment, and particularly over his "qualifications".

    Most obviously he is another Anglican, like his predecessor. Up until the mid 90's Canada had two Chaplains General (one Catholic and one Protestant); since then the one Chaplain General has represented all faiths (the Chaplain Branch march was changed from Onward Christian Soldiers to Ode to Joy as a consequence) and Canadian Chaplains General have previously reflected that, being both Catholics and Protestants. Anglicans now predominate, however, although Anglicans only make up some 6% of the population while Catholics make up nearly half.

    Rather than being the "ideal" person for the post he was the best qualified as a staff officer, having been on the Chaplain General's staff for the past decade. His operational experience, however, can only be described at best as "limited" - not crucial for a non-combatant, but in the case of a chaplain whose role is not only to give spiritual guidance but increasingly to give and co-ordinate support to those suffering from combat stress it is difficult to see how someone who hasn't "been there" but who wears the uniform can be accepted by those who have. The vast majority of the Canadian military have served in Croatia, Bosnia and Afghanistan, while Brigadier Fletcher's only "operational" service has been in Cyprus with UNFICYP, as chaplain with the PPCLI over twenty years ago - hardly something which will inspire confidence and trust.

    As the editor of Esprit de Corps, Canada's unofficial but approved military magazine, wrote recently: "most Canadian service members resent the politically correct policies of an out of touch headquarters staff....Its so removed from what the guys are facing over in Afghanistan..."

    Thank you, as you know our military is small and the last major operation was probably WWII the rest have been much smaller forces deployed, but I'm with you that his front line service should have been more.

    Small point - The Anglican Church numbers may seem small but they are still very strong in certain parts of Canada especially to use a very old term Upper Canada and the East Coast, also a large proportion of the members of the United Church are Anglican - I have many family who were born Anglican but attend the United Church but they still refer to themselves Anglican and refer to the other as Anglican Light.

    Not to get into domestic policy for fear of offending - but Toronto WASP's still control a huge amount of power - the old boys network is alive and well so he must have networked very well to get the position.

  10. I think I've found the problem - I washed the mortar and pestle twice with vinegar, I think that may be the culprit.

    I love the stuff and will pick up some grapeseed oil I like the sound of that and a lot less garlic.

  11. My MIL is my second Mum, kind, generous, beautiful, horrible cook and a great wit she has never treated me like alien. We live in the same house now and we are still learning how to cope with each others company, but everyday gets better.

    SIL's and BIL's and neices and nephews are simply wonderful, mutual respect and love and we really do like one another.

    The FIL on the other hand, when I open the closest everyday I wonder/hope if I'll get to wear the black tie :) in the 25 years we've never liked each other and I've never called him by his name just a simple nod :) :) he treats me like the stuff on an aliens shoe but I don't care. Funny thing is when my family visit Thailand or when he visits back home he's the life of the party and talks about me like we are mates.

    It comes with the package i suppose falling in love, I learnt a long time ago a wonderful word when dealing with inlaws - just say "sure", now I say "sure up to you"

    I'm also very fortunate the family has a great sense of humour and we spend hours just laughing at life, sure helps a lot.

    • Like 1
  12. 20 again hell no, just thinking of the clothes I wore back then makes me cringe:)

    The clock is ticking but I live by my 3 H's - Humour, Health and Husband creates my Happiness & I won't let age define me.

    I almost want to get the karaoke out and sing ole blue eyes My Way :) :)

  13. I don't think the comment was negative at all. I think Lec brings a valid point that positive discrimination exists and should we encourage it just for the hooray moment or is it simpy a fade and what damage does it do long term.

    Canada's largest Province has a Premier who is gay, the Federal Goverment is Conservative/Tory their supporters generally wouldn't back anything that isn't the 2.2 kids and the big house in suburbia so IMO they simply chose the best person.

    Maybe another twist to this would be what other countries would promote their top General Chaplain who is openly gay ?

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