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Posts posted by ToddWeston

  1. I like the red snapper but the mushy peas are awful, how you can ruin them is beyond me. My nephew tried one of their sauces they said it was tartar sauce and within 5 minutes I was running to buy Clarid - damn that MSG.

    My favourite spots on Soi 23 Bradmans and the Queen Vic in that order

    • Like 1
  2. Thanks but we've since found out she is 7 months... Looks like I'm going to be a granddead

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Well Congrats Grandad :)

    Brain dump this thread and get on with it, you don't have much time to prepare.

    Best of luck.

  3. Your point being what ------ exactly.

    Simples. It's disgusting. Tom yum frog is my cut off point.

    My wife thinks it is very disgusting to eat cheese.

    But doesn't have problems with that fouling (fermented) beef and fish.

    Tell me about cheese - I made this many months ago and the FIL and MIL both washed the filets in water to remove what they thought was god awful cheese - oh sigh

    Next time I'll add critters for them and cheese from a can :)


  4. Well I did the taste test last night and it was very sweet, in fact so sweet that I had to go back for 3rd's. Tasted quite nice actually, didn't swallow, so not weird, apparently its only weird if you swallow.

    So laying off the dates for the foreseeable future and see if that changes it over this week and maybe see quack next week.

    As for the honey mentioned above, yes I know that and we buy straight from the farm.

    I'm not sure if this is a wind up or not but do seek medical attention, the first step which has been mentioned a few times is a simple blood sugar test you can do at home. It will help the "quack" determine the series of tests which need to be performed.

    Think it through, don't stress, know what to expect, arrive early and don't be nervous he or she is there to help YOU.

    • Like 2
  5. If you're not willing to see a Doctor now and tasting your urine is logical for you, I cannot add much to this thread, except get to a Pharmacy and test your blood sugar ASAP - report back the results if you need clarification.

    Start to prepare yourself mentally a Doctor will be the only option.

    • Like 1
  6. The 7-11 doorbell is there to prompt the staff to welcome customers in a "Pavlov's Staff" manner .

    Worst is the local Tesco-Lotus that during last Christmas had the PA playing a Christmas "Tune" with lyrics in English, in an area where English is spoken only by a few people and for a few years by school-kids I felt I was the only person that understood that the CD was skipping and repeating the same few lines of song before jumping back mid-sentance to the line before.

    I tried to explain to the store manager who "Congratulated me on Christmas and please good shopping..."

    Break them with hammers.

    It's one of the reasons I dislike XMas music - working in a retail enviroment they'd pipe in Santa Baby and everytime I'd hear it my skin would crawl.

    Maybe with 711 it actually emits a sonic sound at the same time to keep the soi dogs from entering the store.

  7. I haven't juiced in some time and my previous juicer was a chore to clean, the juicers discused seem much improved.

    Has anyone tried bitter melon ? it's an acquired taste but I'm curious in it's raw form if it's overwhelming and what other fruit or vegetable could be used to mask the bitterness? Raw and cooked it's a good source of vitamins and a quick google search on health benefits may surprise some, the research isn't conclusive but I've tried to incorporate it into my diet and like the idea of it being juiced.


  8. I admire your courage and dedication to your wife in her time of need.

    I's suggest taking a family member with you to the Doctor and requesting a sedative that would be administered by the relative. It may seem overboard but the trauma of a physical removal by the police could have a long term affect on your relationship and her anger would be towards you and what you've done. This course of action is becoming more common with Alzheimer patients being moved into a care facility.

    You are doing the right thing seeking medical attention. Please feel free to PM me if the need arises to discuss a sedative.

    Stay strong.

    I would suggest you re read the OP's post in which he suggests the wife's relatives are not well disposed toward him !

    I did see that and probably should have added that taking a member of her family along may help them better understand the issue - family tend to listen to the person in the white lab coat. I assumed there could be one in the family that he could contact.

  9. I admire your courage and dedication to your wife in her time of need.

    I's suggest taking a family member with you to the Doctor and requesting a sedative that would be administered by the relative. It may seem overboard but the trauma of a physical removal by the police could have a long term affect on your relationship and her anger would be towards you and what you've done. This course of action is becoming more common with Alzheimer patients being moved into a care facility.

    You are doing the right thing seeking medical attention. Please feel free to PM me if the need arises to discuss a sedative.

    Stay strong.

    • Like 1
  10. Buying diet books?

    Are you having a laugh?

    The entire "diet" industry is based on the fantastic business model that diets don't work!

    If their plans succeeded to any significant degree they would be out of business.

    So the typical fat customer will be a customer of that "diet industry" for life.

    For people who don't get this concept, I suggest again the excellent t.v. documentary: The Men Who Made Us Thin.

    I agree the disease model of obesity is a double edged sword but for different reasons. It will allow doctors to economically justify spending more time counseling their obese patients and offering any therapies that are possible today (sadly very limited except for very obese people and surgery). It's also an incentive for industry to do more medical RESEARCH that potentially could reap revolutionary therapies related perhaps to stomach bacteria, leptin processing, genetic tweaking, and non-invasive bariatric devices. That's the good part. The bad part is labeling the obese as having a disease. Obesity puts people at high risk for some other diseases but to call obesity itself a disease is most likely a social construct.

    JT I'm not debating with you anymore ....... you're not bringing anything new to the discussion it's your position, fine. I've counselled thousands of patients in my years - perhaps it's the white lab coat most listen and appreciate the advice and hopefully do something about it.

    As a medical professional in a socialised medical enviroment to incent me for doing my job is wrong, all patients are equals and one group should not expect more especially when science is on our side as to the cure.

  11. Oy vey. I never ever said all of the blame was on external factors. I do think focusing on shaming fatties is not helpful and only adds fuel to bigotry.

    Sent from my GT-S5360B using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    You feel that putting the blame there is shaming them ? I never confront obese persons on their weight why would I. It is none of my business. The only exception was the family of my wife because I had health concerns.

    I don't care to shame them why would, shame is something else as blaming them that they are part of the problem.

    Only time I ever have a problem with obese persons is those saying they tried it all but can't seem to loose it only to eat all the wrong foods and quantity. Otherwise.. their life their problem.

    I agree often it's not worth it either, they've chosen to live an unhealthy lifestyle it is their choice, family and friends though I think need as much encouragement as possible. I do know that those of us with socialised medicine in our home country's the government is taking a stronger approach.

    Krispy Kreme entered the Canadian market and dwindled down to a few shoppes because of the constant news about the caloric intake in one doughnut.

    If we look how society has turned on smokers another habit forming behaviour & addiction for many they've been shunned and taxed beyond belief, I don't recall the smokers calling everyone anti smoke - bigots. Now obesity costs our medical system more than all smoking related disease.

    No clear answers but to help the ones we care about.

    It seems that shaming (the shop and in a way its consumers) does work then seems to go against what JT is saying.
    Absolutely, Jamie Oliver went on a campaign to shame school lunches in the USA and had some success.

    It is not bigotry it is an opinion, I/we need these dollars in our health care system to treat real disease, if caloric intake was lowered by even 10% it's a start. Food packaging was supposed to be the answer, we see how well that worked. When an airline charges a fattie for two seats is it bigotry ? no way.

    It's exhausting always wanting to put the blame on big tobacco, big Pharma, Big Agra, big restauranters - each are part of the problem and could be part of the solution but why wait. How many fatties have a pedometer ? and actually walk 10,000 steps a day ? that's research I'd like to see, it's part of the education process which we are responsible to provide and they are responsible to at least make the attempt & learn carrot cake isn't part of your daily five.

    I don't dislike fatties in fact I care - why anyone would allow weight to have so much control over their lives is beyond me, looking at the hostility they certainly wouldn't allow any human this much control yet they allow food to take precious years off their lives.

    Now the medical profession is being backed into a corner with it being classed as a disease and will do more harm than good IMO, medical professionals will be less forthright in tackling the elephant in the room (pardon the pun). I'm hopeful the vast majority will just get on with it like they've been doing, buying diet books, going to the gym, lifting weights, walking everyday, lowering intake, eating rabbit food et al - these few that are vocal do not represent the entire obese segment of society thankfully - millions have lost weight and live a healthy life.

  12. Oy vey. I never ever said all of the blame was on external factors. I do think focusing on shaming fatties is not helpful and only adds fuel to bigotry.

    Sent from my GT-S5360B using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    You feel that putting the blame there is shaming them ? I never confront obese persons on their weight why would I. It is none of my business. The only exception was the family of my wife because I had health concerns.

    I don't care to shame them why would, shame is something else as blaming them that they are part of the problem.

    Only time I ever have a problem with obese persons is those saying they tried it all but can't seem to loose it only to eat all the wrong foods and quantity. Otherwise.. their life their problem.

    I agree often it's not worth it either, they've chosen to live an unhealthy lifestyle it is their choice, family and friends though I think need as much encouragement as possible. I do know that those of us with socialised medicine in our home country's the government is taking a stronger approach.

    Krispy Kreme entered the Canadian market and dwindled down to a few shoppes because of the constant news about the caloric intake in one doughnut.

    If we look how society has turned on smokers another habit forming behaviour & addiction for many they've been shunned and taxed beyond belief, I don't recall the smokers calling everyone anti smoke - bigots. Now obesity costs our medical system more than all smoking related disease.

    No clear answers but to help the ones we care about.

  13. OMG - I woke the house up laughing.

    That is fantastic.

    I woke everyone up laughing too, but at around 3am so not popular...great laugh huh?

    I wasn't popular at all, I laughed so hard the cat jumped and scared the dog who in turn started to bark. Once everyone was up I went back to bed :)

    Susteno it's making the rounds - thank you

    P.s I liked the gay one but I didn't catch the NATO joke & I think it's time we sell the Volvo

  14. Yes, and once a kid becomes obese the chances are great they will be an obese adult for life. The statistics say this. So one could say McDonalds and junk food pushers of their ilk have a touch of evil. Currently the best hope to stem the tide of global obesity is to reduce the number of children that become obese in the first place.

    Something I agree with prevention is the best thing, unfortunately i see it here already in the family of the wife. 10 yo kid (nephew of wife) and 95 kg (that is more as I weigh and I am taller) 20 yo girl (younger sister of wife) 95 kg too. I sometimes eat with them and I can tell you its the amount of food they consume and the kinds.

    I asked if they were not worried about getting diabetic and other health risks, they just laughed and found it funny how heavy they were. I gave up, that young kid get 4 !!! servings of ripce plates full. I was shocked, just made my concerns known and then its up to them.

    Don't ever give up mate, they're family.

    Yes they are family, I made my concerns known a few times but it is ignored and laughed off. I feel sorry for the kid, knowing he will almost sure have health problems later one. The younger sister, feel sorry for her too but she is older and talked about it with her but again she does not want too and likes the food too much.

    I understand, I suppose the only thing you can do at present is wait and be there for them and offer you expertise at the appropriate time.

  15. My best friend died 4 months ago, I am now getting to the point in my grief that i hate her for leaving me.

    Stupid cow. (She'd laugh and nod her head to that!!) I talk to her all the time. Stupid bitch.

    Hugs and kisses .......

    • Like 1
  16. Yes, and once a kid becomes obese the chances are great they will be an obese adult for life. The statistics say this. So one could say McDonalds and junk food pushers of their ilk have a touch of evil. Currently the best hope to stem the tide of global obesity is to reduce the number of children that become obese in the first place.

    Something I agree with prevention is the best thing, unfortunately i see it here already in the family of the wife. 10 yo kid (nephew of wife) and 95 kg (that is more as I weigh and I am taller) 20 yo girl (younger sister of wife) 95 kg too. I sometimes eat with them and I can tell you its the amount of food they consume and the kinds.

    I asked if they were not worried about getting diabetic and other health risks, they just laughed and found it funny how heavy they were. I gave up, that young kid get 4 !!! servings of ripce plates full. I was shocked, just made my concerns known and then its up to them.

    Don't ever give up mate, they're family.

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