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Posts posted by ToddWeston

  1. Antibiotics to not "sort out" coughs , head colds (sic), or headaches !

    You need to ensure you are eating well and drinking enough (non alcoholic) fluid.

    Paracetamol will help with the headache but as most coughs/colds are viral in origin there is no proven effective treatment other than time.

    Some people find a "cough medicine" which can be bought from a pharmacy helpful although there is no scientific evidence that these products work.

    If you have any chest pain , shortness of breath or difficulty breathing you should seek urgent medical assistance.

    Please don't post such nonsense.

    OP - sounds like a possible lung infection or allergy easily remedied with a consultation (Doctor or exceptional Pharmacist) and a few tests to determine the cause of your sub acute cough.

    Is this nonsense ?


    or this


    or this ?


    I will admit when a patient starts spewing off web sites my facial expression tends to show a general lack of interest, it's something I suppose I'm entitled to with my twenty plus years as a medical professional. I usually inform my patients if I read every site they suggest I'd have little or no time to treat them. I also inform the patient my peer group do an excellent job in keeping my profession up to date with new data in medical terms I'm more comfortable in learning which will result in better care.

    Self diagnosis can be equally dangerous as not treating an ailment, hence the need for a medical professional to eliminate the cause of this cough.

    • Like 2
  2. Antibiotics to not "sort out" coughs , head colds (sic), or headaches !

    You need to ensure you are eating well and drinking enough (non alcoholic) fluid.

    Paracetamol will help with the headache but as most coughs/colds are viral in origin there is no proven effective treatment other than time.

    Some people find a "cough medicine" which can be bought from a pharmacy helpful although there is no scientific evidence that these products work.

    If you have any chest pain , shortness of breath or difficulty breathing you should seek urgent medical assistance.

    Please don't post such nonsense.

    OP - sounds like a possible lung infection or allergy easily remedied with a consultation (Doctor or exceptional Pharmacist) and a few tests to determine the cause of your sub acute cough.

  3. "Fritos", and tortilla chips, are two different things.

    "Doritos" are in between.

    And neither is served at La Monita. They make their own.

    The gentleman was mistaken.

    Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

    What did I munch on today ? corn based or flour based (tortilla) ? - I said "chips" and they appeared and then was pointed towards the salsa bar. I liked them nice crunch - not much flavour without the salsa.

    I assume the chimi was wrapped in a flour based tortilla and deep fried ?

  4. That looks Ok Todd....but its the carnitas tacos with the hot salsa provided on the tables for me all day long.

    The salsa bar stuff aint great in my experience.

    Gawd knows why people are ordering chips.....

    I wanted the carnitas but I was on mission :) I've had a chimi once before and I thought they were square not oblong -is it a tortilla shell ?

    One thing I wasn't paying attention when they dropped the 3 bottles down and my god the hot one must be up there on the heat scale.

  5. Waited 25 minutes for chips and salsa. Chips were out of a bag -- Fritos.

    Salsa bar out of everything but two items, and those looked like they had been there since last week.

    Main course came 5 minutes later. My Chimi tasted of the oil it was deep fried in. The skin was soggy. The rice and beans were cold My friends' thought their dishes were sub par for all sorts of reasons.

    Service inattentive throughout the meal.

    Music repetitive and loud.

    Bench seating uncomfortable.

    Prices compare with Coyote -- which is also overpriced.

    Well I just finished my chorizo chimi and it was really good - I was expecting it to be a bit crunchier but the cheese layer underneath the casing (?) would make this very difficult I suppose.

    The chips are not from a bag as I could see the kitchen from the bar and I asked :) I couldn't hear the music as the place was so full and the table behind me were arguing over where to spend the afternoon so I was being nosey listening in.

    I agree the salsa bar needs replenishing more often, the place is packed as we speak with a few people standing outside waiting for tables. The staff are running around trying IMO, perhaps the place needs to be opened up so the staff can see everyone rather than peaking around corners.

    Can't comment on the benches as I was seated and the bar and I'm comfortable always on a bar stool:)

    As for being over priced - I was in and out in 45 minutes chimi/chips with two club sodas for less than 500 baht.


  6. I suggest we find a Tea Party member and get them to send an invite to these folks to come and speak here in Thailand, lots lf potential American votes blah blah blah Bangkok or Pattaya doesn't matter, nice big public event at a posh hotel with lots of media and we can hear the spoken words ourselves.

    Finally a reason to like and defend the Thai defamation libel/slander law and criminal slander code. Two years in a Thai jail should do the trick and he'll be advocating gay rights with his new ladyboy fiancé.

  7. On the advice of people on this thread, I dined at La Monita this evening.

    Awful: service, food, ambience, value for money.

    Bangkok's own Taco Bell.

    Never again.

    Can't please all of the people all of the time I suppose. Are there specifics you'd like to share ? I'm going tomorrow and can add my 2 satang.

    If you think it's Taco Bell try Sunrise and report back.

  8. What kind of tea was it? Sencha, bancha? Something else? Personally I prefer genmaicha since the toasted rice adds a certain sweetness.

    However, the boiling water was almost certainly the problem. A temperature of between about 50C and 80C is best (and varies with type of tea). Too high a temperature extracts the bitter tannins in the tea leaves. Next time boil the water, then let the kettle stand for 5 minutes or so, then make the tea and you should get a less bitter result. If you have a thermometer you could use that to check for a more accurate temperature.

    Don't let the tea brew for too long. One to two minutes is enough for most kinds of Japanese green tea.

    Fantastic tip worked like a charm, made another batch this afternoon and it was excellent, just like you said the water was too hot.

    I picked up a cheap brand Ranong Tea Sun Leaf to experiment now I'll start to explore better brands.

    I did have a chuckle, here I am posting on an expat forum how to brew perfect green tea when all the folks under this roof hadn't the foggiest and loved the second batch.

    Thanks again

  9. I enjoy green tea especially Fuji Natural - I attempted to make a batch and frankly it was awfully bitter and no depth of flavour. I boiled the water and let the tea steep and then poured it over ice, I think if I left it longer it would have been worse.

    I'm not an iced tea (dark tea & sweet) fan, I read the Americans put tea bags in non boiled water and let it steep, some place the container in the sun, I also thought you had to boil the water first and use hot water especially with green tea ?

    Any tricks how to make a home brew ? and suggested brands ?

  10. This has become like hate speech central against fat people. Whatever your definition of fat is, which could be 5 pounds over some abstract concept of ideal weight from some insurance chart that doesn't account for the vast individual differences between people, or even more harsh measures (refer to the concept of GAY FAT), or moderately overweight -- not fit or hot but not to the point of health risk, or into obesity, or the small percentage of unfortunate people who are super obese. Such a wide range, pun intended!

    Also, not sure where people got the idea that fat gay people expect everyone to want to sleep with them! Duh. It's moqre about not being insulted all the time.

    I heartily recommend two BBC t.v. series. Getting educated might help some people temper their prejudice (especially about the assumptions about the degree of CHOICE expressed here) and yes the tone of some of the "opinions" here does approach real bigotry.

    The Men Who Made Us Fat


    The Men Who Made Us Thin

    I think you can probably stream on youtube, etc.

    It's funny to me, funny sad not funny ha ha how so many gay people are so blind to being bigoted against fat people when people who have experienced irrational bigotry themselves should bloody well know better.

    No I am not suggesting the state of being fat and the state of being gay are exactly the same any more than sexual orientation is the same as ethnicity or race, but really, bigotry is bigotry.

    Let's be very clear I referred to OBESE people. Fat people (sorry I can't do pounds) are 4 to 10 kilos over their supposed weight, obesity is plus 25 kilos.

    I have said before I have great sympathy and I believe there are underlining factors which may contribute to this epidemic - food chain, genetically modified food, et al. it's been well covered on other threads.

    I have a professional opinion and a personal opinion - like others I do believe it's within their power to modify and live a healthy life (personal opinion) can i help and encourage people so I don't have to continually modify their meds and worry about all the onset disease(s) that will follow yes (professional) I've counselled thousands of patients who want a quick fix - it's a journey and no one has the answer, but as a first step it's really up to the individual.

    It's the ones who make NO effort that I'm offended by.

    I'm not bigoted and take offence to that - judgemental sure I don't like tatts, people who dye their hair or wear coloured contact lenses - it's my opinion. Would I sleep with a fat or obese person - no I'm married. If my hubby gained 50 kilos you bet I would more to cuddle but we'd be out walking 10 kms the next day because I want him alive as long as possible.

    • Like 1
  11. I don't think is unfair to judge the vast majority of people who are obese, it's in our nature to judge and I don't feel guilty when I pass judgement on someone sitting at Swensons who I would consider obese. I do sympathise when I see a large person at a salad bar I feel they are making an effort.

    Medical obesity is another topic and I have family who struggle hourly trying to maintain their weight and it is more than what's in our food chain for certain people (a very small percentile) I've never struggled with weight gain or loss so I can only imagine the challenges for some.

    I do find it interesting how we've shunned smokers into being social outcasts yet we're told to be sympathetic to true gorgers who make no attempt in achieving a healthy lifestyle when obesity costs more medically than all smoking related disease.

    I also wonder why we allow corpulent folks on our screen - I understand it would be full blown racism to only allow pretty skinny types but if you've ever seen a USA show called Mike and Molly these people IMO shouldn't be allowed on television without addressing serious weight loss when in fact they like fun at weight gain.

    I'm saying those that are able to try should be encouraged and those that are just fat and demand extra space on a plane or pour over to my side on the BTS I'm less than impressed.

    As for the gay bear who doesn't have anyone to hibernate with - try sticking to the label of being fat and leave the gay tag alone whilst you shed a few kilos.

    • Like 1
  12. American football is real football. A hard played physical game, not the same as soccer that the little girls play in elememtery school!!!!

    Thanks for the responses.

    As no one outside of the America plays "American football" or refers to football as soccer I thought it would be safe to assume people new what I was talking about.......!!!!!

    American football is rugby for school girls.............


    Plus 1

    In Canada we do have Canadian Football which is different from American Football and is based on Rugby but I've never been a fan at all - some of my relatives call it "gridiron football" and football is football (soccer to some)

    It's always fun to distinguish sport - like the World Series involves how many nations ? vs say the World Cup :)

    Oh and for the record basketball was created by a Canadian.

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  13. Something is rotten in the State of Denmark - sorry couldn't resist.

    Yes, something is rotten in the State of Denmark to be a bit sarcastic mom and daughter unfortunately have the wrong religion; should have been Muslims...!

    A case like this seems odd and way out for us Danes, especially when it is so easy to get a permission to stay in Denmark, when you come from a Muslim country, claiming asylum. The story about Im and her mother reached quite a lot of reaction and comments in Danish media which sometimes may be that positive, that it create a political reaction. One thing is rules passport, nationality etc. for Im and her mother another thing is humanity; and that's where it make cases like this one so difficult for the average Dane to accept, when people with no connection or integration at all, because of rules can obtain permission to stay in Denmark, whilst a well integrated child cannot.

    Makes me feel ashamed, being Danish.

    Apologies KhunPer - I was excited to finally get to quote a famous line from Shakespeare :) I should have included a link for reference, it was not meant to be sarcastic or critical about Denmark.


    Don't be too hard on yourself, politicians and goverment workers worldwide make mistakes.

  14. I find I do laugh a lot more here, I'm a happy guy not much gets me down.

    Just the other day at a store, the clerk was trying very hard to speak English, she was really good until the end when she said "mister enjoy the rest of your day(s)" I burst out laughing right in front of the poor girl and had to try to explain the added "s" was not the best thing to say to older people - I laughed all day and night, back home I would have smiled and forgotten about it within an hour.

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