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Posts posted by ToddWeston

  1. Botswana, Cameroon, Ghana, Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, Rwanda, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia are ALL members of the Commonwealth. I personally feel closer to them than Russia and it's time they do something.

    The Commonwealth has a population of 2.2 Billion people and 60% are under the age of 30, it can do much more on this front.

    I'm fuzzy on the pressure they applied during Apartheid and I vaguely remember some member nations dragging their feet.

    It may not have the same global media reach, however in the Commonwealth it generates news news and since we (UK/Canada/NZ/OZ (almost there)) are on the right side of history with same sex civil unions and marriage it's an opportunity for the Commonwealth address these human rights violations.

    There charity is sanctioned by the Commonwealth


    Some interesting facts albeit from Wiki


    Click on Nations where being gay is a criminal offence - we've failed our true cousins (for those of us who are from a Commonwealth Realm Nation)

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  2. Somebody picked some up and brought them home, I was being sneaky and took a nibble, I nearly died :)

    I asked the family and I think they're pretending that they like them they are truly yucky.

    What's next chilli toothpaste ?

  3. BTW I weigh more than I should by about 15 kilos. I'm not obese but I'm not skinny either.

    If I change my diet to eat less and swap some of the food that I do eat for some that I don't particularly like I can lose those 15 kilos in about 3 months.

    I know this for a fact because I've done it before. The problem is that I like (and eat) food that makes me put weight on. I accept that fact and don't attempt to put the blame on anyone or anything else.

    I'm a lardarse of my own making and it's all my own fault.

    I think you've brought up an interesting point, you know your body, you can put weight on and you know the amount of time it would take to shed those kilos. I find lots of people simply don't know where to start and get caught in the diet craze.

    I also think I know my body, I always gain weight on holiday without fail, and realise it's going to be a few weeks of hard work on my return. It's being motivated if I want a rapid return to my original waistline. What I find hard now is adjusting to not standing 10-12 hours a day and it's playing havoc on both of us, aches and pains galore. By the time we stop moaning it's lunch time :)

  4. 20 minutes of sunlight every day is sufficient! If that is not possible, Vitamin D3 is advisable. As children grow up, a low maintenance dose of Beta Glucan can be recommended, as it raises their immune levels to avoid all the colds and coughs that abound around them. Same goes for adults, but maybe a slightly higher dose. Inexpensive, effective, and certainly not what Big Pharma want you to learn anything about !

    Think it's the lactose in milk. My daughter is allergic to it. She gets a rash on her face. I've heard more people are allergic than not to lactose but don't realise they are.

    As for supplements I believe most if not all should come from a proper diet, it's also a gift to encourage them to try everything. Took me years to like sprouts and now I love them.

    Most supplements are better when we're sick zinc for colds, D in the winter etc. IMO

    The B family is complex and a good source is Vegemite/marmite love it or hate it plus the folic acid as a bonus.

    KrisB where is the rash on your daughters face around the mouth ? has she been diagnosed with a milk allergy or lactose intolerant ? in her case there may be the need to get some food high in calcium watercress, broccoli, okra (yuck) tofu, almonds, sardines to mention a few into her diet.

  5. Actually, studies have shown fat people are overall treated very poorly and with massive DISCRIMINATION by most medical care systems. I was talking about obesity experts. Everyday doctors it has been shown have a tendency to treat fat patients poorly.


    Yes doctors can and are bigoted sometimes too.

    The same things happen with gay patients and many doctors.

    The more specialized doctors KNOW BETTER!

    Doctors who specialize in obesity management weren't surprised by the study's findings. "There's no question that for many physicians, there is a lack of respect for overweight and obese patients. Much of that relates to a lack of understanding of what leads to obesity. It's all too common that physicians assume it's a lack of will power," said Patrick McBride, MD, MPH, a professor of family medicine at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health.

    If someone come on here spouting a very superficial understanding of overweight and obesity and tries to suggest being associated in some way with the medical profession gives "weight" to their views, sorry, not buying it. More interested in ACTUAL experts.

    I do realize so many in the medical profession are very arrogant and don't think they have anything new to learn. Oh well!

    More on this. Actually you can find thousands of links on this topic I'm sure.

    MDs prefer slender people and show bias against people who are overweight just as frequently as the general population, a new study finds. Here's what that means for clinical care.


    I agree the profession is arrogant, I've always known that.

    Now we have PC patient groups saying don't use the word obese because it offends and we have to treat this behaviour as a disease, which will lead to more pussyfooting around the issue to avoid confrontation because some will be scared to confront the elephant in the room, am I not supposed to use the word cancer anymore ?

    The one label I do support is it's an epidemic and rather than complaining about support or quick cures the vast majority probably could have walked half way around the block in the time it took me to respond.

    Anyway this has gone off topic IMO

  6. Let me be clear a patient with a medical concern is one issue, and I have great compassion and work with them closely to get some weight off. These are two separate groups.

    I don't have a problem, I have anger towards foods we permit into our food chain, children be raised on a fat food diet, fat kids as patients who've turned into fat parents with fat kids, perhaps the obesity rates are lower in countries with socialised medicine because we medical professionals are passionate about the health of our community and have no qualms about saying it as it is with our governments encouragement.

    My tone as you refer to is what you will generally get from most in my profession, same tone with smokers (even though I like the odd cigar, same tone with any behaviour that affects your health - stop & change. Of course not if they are for profit trying to sell miracles those are the ones that are you should hold in contempt.

  7. I met an elderly man on the streets of Blackpool, he didn't look happy.sad.png

    Conclusion: British men in the agegroup 50-70 are bitter and twisted!coffee1.gif

    And about as Thailand related as the OP.

    It was originally posted in the health forum when I commented and moved into the general forum by the time you came up with your conclusion.

  8. Firstly I'm sorry to hear your ordeal. I would deal with the problem here, there are lots of good medical professionals who will be able to assist.

    I understand you wanting to go home and have this tended to immediately however as a returning resident there is a waiting period for your OHIP coverage to start (3 months) Most new Canadians or returning Canadians purchase Royal Banks Visitor to Canada insurance policy but that for emergency care. Of course if you've kept all your details up to date with a Canadian drivers licence and the new green photo health card and a Canadian address that's another story, if your CPP is sent offshore they'll know.


    What antibiotic regime did they have you on ? topical ?

    Edit: I forgot to add, there is a great service provided by the Ministry of Health - telehealth. You can call them and get advice, they will ask for your OHIP number and a few details. Load an app called Magic Jack on your smart phone and you can call for free. You will speak with an RN and they have shadow doctors and pharmacists, it is provided for residents of Ontario and is really good. You will have to tell them you're in Ontario :) :)


  9. Got the razor. Got the brush. Can't find the soap to go in the mug.

    I've found the foaming stuff is really good I especially like the charcoal brand by Loreal, for traditional hard soap try Crabtree and Evelyn - circa 1200 baht in a wood container with refills around 1000.

    As for a brush I brought mine and have a back up - the local ones are for dolls.

    The razor part I find with a good lather and the brush doing it's part I'm able to use most blades. I haven't graduated to a real man shave with a straight edge as frankly I'm scared :)

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  10. I believe it was part of the process to rule it an official accident so the Good Samaritan Law would then apply in order to mitigate any civil action.


    I don't think so. Good Samaritan laws are in place to encourage unpaid bystanders to help without fear of being sued. That usually extends to professionals such as doctors, nurses, and of course firefighters if they just happen to be at the scene in a civilian capacity.

    I don't think it extends to those who are paid and acting in the line of duty. Otherwise you could never sue a doctor for malpractice, or a fire department or police department for misconduct.

    I expect a civil suit which will be settled out of court for major bucks.

    You could be right, I'm unable to access my peer site that pertains to California, it's been years and the laws differ greatly State by State, Country by Country, some laws pertain to volunteers whilst others apply to different sectors of health care and EMS workers. I'm under the "duty to rescue" in my home Province and shielded and for some reason I recall in a CE programme California was one of five states I would be shielded volunteer or otherwise - of course not for gross negligence and the likes. I'm curious and will check and report back.

    It was a very sad situation that occurred and I'm sure if the law permits a civil action a large sum will be forthcoming.

  11. When I came here at the beginning, I got many headcolds. Took me a while to work it out , it was the aircon. They are rarely maintained properly. Since switching it off, the headcolds are gone. If it gets into your chest, and turns yellow or green, Amoxcillin always did the business for me.

    Indeed, I've also found the airconditioning to be the culprit in many of my colds. I personally avoid antibiotics, but when needed please keep a record of use for your medical professional back home - over use is rampant and we don't need to give cause for antibiotic resistance.

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