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Posts posted by ToddWeston

  1. ...

    Its just that with your post i get rattled as it seems that its always someone else its fault besides the person at stake. Maybe its because I believe in free will, not in faith, i believe that people can control their own destiny. I don't believe everything is controlled by a god or outside forces. Most people fail at things.. but some don't because of hard work and motivation. I feel its unfair to say there is no free will and its not their effort but destiny or outside forces that got them where they came.

    I just feel what you are saying is unfair to those people who worked their but off controlled their food made sacrifices and stayed slim.

    Again, bizarrely, you make arguments against me suggesting I said something I never said. You seem to be arguing against some imaginary boogeyman in your head. Now, that my friend, that is unfair. Seems to me for you this is more about a philosophical/political/cultural IDEOLOGY and not about science. Not about ways that MASSES of people can reverse the obesity epidemic, because sorry Charlie, science KNOWS just giving fat people lectures about will power does not work for the masses of them. Better strategies are needed at least for people who really care about these masses of people having reasonable odds of long term success.

    If you want to demonize all fat people and make judgmental moral prejudiced conclusions about them without walking in their shoes, be my guest. Maybe you can get rich and write a book called: The Ayn Rand Diet?

    Of course people who succeed by hard work deserve praise and admiration. DUH! But lets look at a rich person. You see a rich person. Society loves them same as non-fat people. Maybe they never worked for it. Maybe they raised themselves up from poverty against unbelievable odds. Do both groups deserve the same praise and admiration? How do you know their specific story just based on their superficial appearance of wealth? Same difference with fat people. You don't know their individual challenges. If you jump to conclusions, you're being prejudiced.

    This topic is exhausting, you toss around the word bigotry, it is not bigotry or racism - it is an "opinion" healthy people have about fat people and obese people (leave the medically challenged out of it) the 80 or 90 percent of the people that could control their intake are the ones I'm concerned about, all the noise that's it's not our fault (again not medically challenged) is bunk. There are people on TV who have managed weight loss & live a healthy life.

    Basic Weight loss is a game of numbers - reduce intake, expand caloric burn, everyone should know by now it's simple maths 7000 calories per kilo of fat - adjust accordingly. If you fail try again and again.

    With or without knowing the persons background is the same judgement I make about smokers, it's an unhealthy lifestyle and whatever it takes for society or science to assist then so be it. It was labelled a disease for fear of calling it a personal behavioural habit for the vast majority of people. If it's an eating disorder fine place them in the medically challenged bucket.

    I don't have to smoke to know it's not good for me and I don't have to be fat to appreciate the challenge, waiting for science or a medical cure is irresponsible whilst McDo's sells another million burgers today to obese people who could simply keep walking. (and yes I like cigars)

    As for judging people rich or poor, I know which group pulls an emotional trigger for me.

    for many people, overeating is a form of addiction.

    You are spot on, many do suffer obesity as an addiction and they seek help, smokers use the patch, gum, laser therapy et al and some just take it upon themselves to quit cold turkey. Those are the obese people I refer to the ones that don't need any aid and can just do it - I'll support, encourage - hell I'd even jog in this heat of it helped someone.

  2. esteogen

    Do you mean estrogen, the hormone?

    That is the problem with the PET bottles BTW.

    Yes, not to be an alarmist but it's a good read. Sadly I'm not able for a few days to get onto my peer sharing group (pharmacy) site, they are blocking out of country IP's


    Edit: I only chose the above site as a general quick reference, there is lots of decent information available with medically credible content which I will locate later today when I'm at a computer.

  3. In the old days it was sometimes not so hard to stay in the closet because it felt like that is where we were supposed to be. If you wanted to be out of the closet, where I lived, it basically meant moving away.

    One thing that made life a little easier was that people didn't think much about others being gay (or homosexual, as it was called). Homosexuals were people that lived somewhere else. People were just considered to be close friends.

    I remember two old farmers that were burned to death in their farm house. They were found in the same bed. For those of us in the closet, it was pretty obvious they gay. That had been together for many, many years. The official story was that one of them must of went into the other one's room to save him!

    I grew up in a very conservative area, so sex was just not talked about -- gay or straight.

    I was envious of the States that there were so many big cities and choices, in Canada it's only really 3 or 4.

    It's sad the farmers met their demise in such a tragic event, it shows the time that they had to come up with a story....

  4. You could be suffering from an allergy to chlorine or chloramines which is added to sanitise tap water, and deter bacteria growth. Esteogen in the water supply could be a small factor as the liver breaks down esteogen, contrary to popular belief birth control pills account for <1% of the esteogens - and should have been removed safely from the water supply. The only way to really known is to have your water tested. There are many things in our tap water but hydration with mineral water is paramount when you're ill. Some of us can drink tap water, some only bottled and perhaps it's mineral water for your hydration needs.

    Pick up some activated charcoal tablets at your local Pharmacy, easy to locate 18 baht for 10 tablets. Next time you have a tummy ache take 2 - charcoal works wonders in removing toxins, its used in almost every emergency room around the globe to treat OD patients and used in water filters. Take two tabs make a note how long it takes for the pain to subside and if you wouldn't mind post back. Try with different water sources tap water, boiled tap water, regular cheap bottled water and mineral water.

    Edit: I mentioned esteogen because our house tap water was a little high for my liking but with RO all problems were eliminated.


  5. If I had to pay the bills they'd never get paid, after almost 25 years I'm dependant - there I said it ......if there was any mischief I think it would have happened a long time ago, as long as I've got 10k in cash in my wallet I'm happy because I know where all of OUR money is invested.

    The last time I heard the word allowance was when my parents docked mine for not unloading the dishwasher :)

  6. I was thinking about the old days this morning and how far we've really come, now some just seem silly but at the time some were difficult and some was hurtful, at least now we just smile and say they've matured.

    Late eighties when we first opened our joint bank account and the woman said "what's your relationship" and we said friends - she said no let's put cousins and then was mad because his super long Thai name didnt fit in all the boxes :) So we ended up being cousins and the last 7 letters of his name never made it on our cheques.

    Or when we had our first mortgage and the mortgage insurer said you cannot list each other as beneficiary unless you are family, you have to write the money goes to the Estate.

    The lawyer doing the Estate will saying - I think we should put a codicil about your assets going to each other as more than a wish because your family will have grounds to contest (and yes we did fake promissory notes)

    Or the car insurance rep visiting our home and saying, is there a wife ? we need to put a female on your policy to bring the rate down, so I listed my sister (which ended up costing more with her lead foot)

    The time the mechanic said your wife must be a bad driver, this is the second set of brake pads in a year - I smiled and said yes just terrible the absolute worst - and yes he was standing beside me in silence - priceless

    The time we went to the Masonic Hall and some old guy said to him in a loud voice - do you like it here ? have you met any women yet who like orientals - we still laugh at that one

    The Vet saying with a silly mock birth certificate for the dog - why don't I just put your sisters name for Mummy - Todd.

    The time on a flight he passed out from being over served and was resting on my shoulder and the flight attendant stopped and asked if he's sick and you knew damn well he was a mothball

    All those nights in hotels with two beds arranged by reception, on purpose

    Or that uncomfortable feeling everytime good old Uncle Ken would say - do you want a fag

    The time in a shoe store and I said here try these on, the clerk looked puzzled, I said we have the same size feet - she responded YA right with a look of disgust and walked away

    The time in hospital when they wouldn't tell him my situation because he wasn't family, yet he found an error with my meds

    The two gifts at Xmas instead of one

    When my Brothers started to call him their Brother and people would ask silly questions about Vietnam (assuming he was an adopted Vietnamese Boat person)

    So much has changed and it makes me happy, a long way to go for many and hopefully they'll catch up sooner rather than later. Not so much a struggle for us but I would like to find that woman at the show store and invite her to our 25th anniversary, I'd even pay for her flight to Thailand.

    What's a memory for you ? perhaps silly now or things that still hurt.

    Maybe we can have a laugh ?

  7. Secretly a few years ago I lent my BIL 30K, no questions asked paid back within a few months, I said just deposit it into the Thai account, a few weeks later I checked online.

    Something strange was happening it almost looked like double deposit credits, I had to fess up and say I lent money to the BIL, I was then TOLD so did I, to my sister, exactly 30k, so the BIL got 30 and the SIL got 30 both paid back, the 4 of us had no clue what anyone else was doing.

    We smiled when we learnt they'd both bought each other great gifts for their 20th anniversary.

    I lent my sister a hefty sum ONCE.........but she named on of her brats after me so I guess that's as good as it gets :)

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  8. Brown sugar Poultice

    Equal parts liquid washing up liquid or grated bar soap and brown sugar


    Raw sugar on wounds here


    Edit - I didn't catch the 2 months in my first read, you may need to do something a little more drastic as it's embedded and there isn't an opening at this point ? Peroxide will only kill the surface layer of skin.

  9. Mrs Merkel made news in technology area a year ago - ordering couple of thousands BlackBerry mobiles for her administration.

    She admires BlackBerry for their security features - encrypted massage system for example....

    I wonder.....NSA already gone through it?

    There was a piece on the BBC news today. Some German security firm has developed encrypted voice hardware which is being deployed to German Federal government mobile phones at the moment.

    Next week the BBC will report a lot of American sightings at Bletchley :)

  10. T.B.L. i think you live in Lampang ? from what you said on another Forum .Anyway where i live ,8 km outside Central Chiang Mai the locals have more often a smile than not .The old people ( 60+ )seem not to smile so much though .

    As for giving a Wei ,no i mostly just nod my head .

    I stay ( ed ) in the Chiang mai Gate area, I hardly see anyone wai'ing on a daily basis. Maybe the Thais gave given up wai'ing in farang ghettos.

    Maybe members should keep a count in the next couple of days as to how many times they are offered a wai. I reckon some would be shocked at how little it can be.

    Once today - check out at Tesco.

  11. I do the same, I have good high end frames that I like and had the new lenses swapped for 2700 baht, which I was told was very expensive, the second shoppe said it would be 1200 to 1500. There is a chain - In most malls I can't remember the name maybe someone will come alone with some suggestions. I had a new script from home for those.

    Readers are another story, I was using +100 went to another optician and they tested me for free and said I needed +200, I ended up buying a nice pair for 1300 baht but when I read that night I had the worst headache, tried for a few days ending up just tossing them and bought a pair of +125 off the street for 100 baht and I'm fine.

  12. If they are eating traditional Thai food than they eat a balance diet.

    It's the pudgy little fat boys and girls that are gobbling up the corporate-mass-made, GMO, highly-processed junk food that Westerners live on. Heck, I lost 6 kilos the first year I was here by just changing my diet to Thai food.

    Trust me -- its a no-brainer!

    The last 3 posts illustrate the fact that not everyone is ignorant of the facts!!! Can't say much for the other postings though.

    I agree - weight gain is easy, weight loss is hard - understood. I have noticed in the 20 plus years the rise in weight here, and I would hear the stories having a fat child is a sign of affluence blah blah blah. I'm surprised my Thai family aren't porkers as no one can cook and they tend to eat out a lot. MK is their favourite and they do like veg.

    The obese want to find blame and to a certain degree I agree big Agra (Monsanto) pushing as much as 40% GMO corn into the human food chain is simply wrong, the animal feed industry is as much as 90%. GMO food is complex but in a nutshell the food is made to be herbicide resistant - and produces it's on insecticide, these toxins are still being tested and tested and tested, whilst millions of burgers are sold around the globe. McDonald's IMO are corn distributors disguised as a restaurant :)

    As an example of the chaos - food colouring, a big part of the food industry causes hyperactivity in children, "E" colours have been banned for a few years in baby food in the west and just this week they are calling for it to be dropped from prescriptions and OTC meds....... how is this crap able to get into the food chain in the first place ? And is it still present in all the neon coloured candy ? How many kids have been diagnosed with ADHD yet eat a high caloric bag of gummie bears.


    Side note - there was a huge controversy in my home country over "Atlantic Salmon" when it was reported it was farm raised in Chile in conditions - well you can imagine. The general population had NO idea Atlantic Salmon is the species and no idea where it was harvested, and I lived in a fishing community :)

  13. Agreed lots of what seems strange turn out to be an amasing complement - strawberry's and black pepper, drop of balsamic vinegar on vanilla ice cream, but charcoal doughnuts laced with chilli hmmmm I'll take a miss, I asked the Thai family again and now I'm getting honest answers - disgusting.

    My only other gripe with DD is the staff they hire with a voice like a fog horn who usually waits until I'm steps away to blurt out some none sense and scares the life out of me, it's not the doughnuts that will kill me it's a cardiac arrest.

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