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Everything posted by Homburg

  1. What is it with the Swiss committing crimes in LOS recently? They seem to be on a roll....
  2. Clearly NOT unskilled then as proficiency in English, certainly in a tourist town, is a valuable skill that perhaps the Thais should themselves develop?
  3. Any chance of apprehensions of Thais engaging in illegal activities in Thailand? No, thought not.
  4. Yes, only one dead per week is abnormal for Pattaya. Low season?
  5. A very public exit. Unlike his rumoured previous excursions.
  6. Just when we thought that pantomime season was over!
  7. Thailand: The Hub of Nonsense.
  8. Anything that looks too good to be true.....
  9. I recall when I was at school it was common for children to make up stories about teachers that they did not like.
  10. That sounds like one way to keep a necklace safe from the ladyboys on Beach Road!
  11. I wonder what percentage actually believe that Thaksin is in that hospital?
  12. I wonder if they force Thaksin to watch all of this drivel. That would be a cruel and unusual punishment.
  13. Maybe it bought a ticket? Hissness class?
  14. Best not to argue with anyone in Thailand!
  15. Impossible! You cannot suffer from heart valve disease unless you have a heart!
  16. What a surprise! Who could possibly have predicted that? Amazing Thailand.
  17. There is no limit. Their stupidity is truly infinite.
  18. Thaksin? Not seen much of him lately. Maybe he needs to get out more?
  19. So true, possibly didn't want to leave it in the hotel, but perhaps should have left it at home? Even wearing something that looks expensive (but isn't) is dangerous as crims are not the brightest. A guy was killed in London for his fake Patek Philippe watch.
  20. Controversial, post. Good for generating site traffic. All ladies are different, some may fit the OP's world view, others may not, some may bring positives to your life, others neutral or even negative, so as Michael Conrad immortally put it, "Let's be careful out there!".
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