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Everything posted by Homburg

  1. Lesson learned? Highly unlikely!
  2. Grabbed by Grab. Brave and fortunate lady.
  3. Those issues should have been fully covered in the purchase contract? Caveat emptor methinks! Nevertheless I cannot help feeling that such vitally important purchase considerations may not be carefully considered in Thailand's case. The question of "commission" will not doubt overshadow all other considerations, in fact it is probable that the only reason Thailand tried so hard to acquire the German engine rather than the Chinese engine was because it cost more and so gave a greater "commission".
  4. I vaguely remember an expression involving a stable door and a horse. Now, how does that go again....?
  5. Perhaps he looked at the drunk pedestrian and, quite reasonably, decided that making a statement wasn't worth his time as he'd never be able to recoup anything from Mr Surat? That would probably be my approach in similar circumstances.
  6. Hey unnamed critics, please show some respect.
  7. Let us hope that, if only to keep us all entertained, they change the script for the sequel!
  8. RIP Ms. Supanee. The lights on many older small capacity motorcycles are far from adequate. On my own Honda the standard 35w light (not LED) is just bright enough to let other road users see the bike, but hardly illuminates the road ahead.
  9. Brain less Virtue signalling 455hole5. They'll be sending £¼m aid to Hamas next. Oh, hang on...
  10. This move by the ICC is extremely dangerous and divisive. It may serve to further polarise the World. Those states that condemn the ICC's move on one side, and those that support its move on the other. What will be very revealing is those states that do not support the position of the US The US is about to find out who its friends really are, and it looks like the UK is not going to be on that list. If the US feels isolated then might it decide not to get involved in European conflicts and just leave it to Russia and Western Europe to sort out the Ukraine mess? Could it be that the UK's position on this makes the US's withdrawal from NATO far more likely, and with it the onset of WW3? Are the battle lines for WW3 about to be revealed?
  11. Get well soon Mr. Terdsak Simphon.
  12. Could that actually be the source of the problem here? All the fingers are pointing to "free shots" and "spiked drinks", but perhaps this was a sealed bottle, with a very convincing appearance, bought by one of the tourists in the Vang Vieng night market or similar and which was shared when the free shots ran out?
  13. The driver's gun was not hidden under the bike seat? How unusual!
  14. Yes, I was indeed thinking of the TM30 giving details of the foreigner's location. BTW, AFAICS the "blurry CCTV" looks to be pixelated for privacy rather than blurry so I expect that the BIB have a clearer version? Immigration also has fingerprints on file and I expect that he may have left fingerprints at the scene?
  15. Possibly done in minutes, or even seconds, via Immigration's database? All tourists entering the Kingdom have their faces and fingerprints recorded and (in theory at least) their address in Thailand is also recorded.
  16. I wish my electricity bill was only 500 Baht!
  17. And for riding without a helmet? Or is a helmet not required when firing a gun?
  18. And when they catch the guy they can also prosecute him for riding without a helmet.
  19. Monkey business at the police station. So, business as usual then!
  20. Crackdown = Bigger (and more) Brown Envelopes required
  21. His lucky day! What are his picks for the lottery numbers?
  22. A grenade is possibly not the best choice for an escape? Car, bike, train, boat, horse etc. all come to mind before a grenade....
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