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Everything posted by Homburg

  1. There is apparently no truth in the rumour that the delay is due to missing brown envelopes.
  2. BA = Best Avoided. A Cheap Charlie airline charging premium carrier prices.
  3. Wow! Just Wow! Thank you so much for this thread. My ageing automobile has a manual parking brake. Pull up for on, let down to release. I did not have to read through or study a 214 page manual in order to work out how to use it. I am now more convinced than ever to keep my ageing automobile for as long as possible.
  4. So the dodgy Thais in Pattaya do not prevent it from being a "nice place"?
  5. It's caused by the increased consumption of ultra processed food. It's not good for us, not only because of the damage done to the food by processing, but also because of the components added in order to maximise consumption which induce many to overeat. It is the reason for the obesity epidemic in the West. It is coming here.
  6. Good question. Israel has (allegedly - never confirmed AFAIK) had nuclear weapons for well over half a century, but has never used these, nor (also AFAIK) threatened to use these (unlike Russia and NK which seem to threaten almost weekly, but have so far held back). Do you believe Iran would be as safe with nuclear weapons as even NK?
  7. Tony Blair Urges U.S. to Prevent Iran from Developing Nuclear Weapons Oh no! How awful! For once I find myself (almost) agreeing with Tony BLiar! Iran must not be allowed to have the bomb - they have shown the world how "level headed" they are not by mistakenly shooting down a commercial airliner taking off from Tehran Airport. Neither friend nor foe would be safe if inept Iran had nuclear weapons. Nevertheless the US cannot achieve this, certainly not under a Democrat president, but Israel can, and, we hope, will.
  8. It could just be the pic, but she looks tall for a lady, with unexpectedly big hands?
  9. All of those who tried to present Mr Kaba as both a wonderful member of society and an innocent victim should be ashamed of themselves, but of course they won't be. Nevertheless they should all publicly denounce Mr Kaba for what he was. If they fail to do that then they are not helping black people. Parents need better role models for their children than Mr Kaba and his ilk.
  10. RIP Mr. Chanchai Noicharoen. A million and one ways to die in Thailand.
  11. "Crap" has hit the nail firmly on the head! In the sea off Pattaya, no-one really swims, they just go through the motions.
  12. Just another arrival tax, it's not the same as an ETA which typically lasts for a number of years. If you arrive 6 times a year then you'll pay 6 charges. B300 this week. How much next week? The B60 insurance looks like something positive, but no doubt Bumrungrad and the like will be rubbing their hands with glee, B500,000 will cover their charges for the first 15 minutes or so in the emergency room!
  13. Hey Nara Matrachai, A word to the wise: killing your customers is probably not good for your business.
  14. I have even seen (and I do not expect that I am alone in this), a policeman riding with no helmet while appearing to be writing something on his phone, so not paying any attention to the traffic around him. Very sadly, Darwin's Law of Natural Selection may ultimately apply in all these cases.
  15. Only 500 billion baht? The taxi drivers won't be happy.
  16. Hey Mr Toon, could it be that the real reason for your behaviour is because you are a weirdo?
  17. Nothing to see here. Move along. No victim gets justice in the UK anyway. The UK criminal justice system is just that - criminal - where murderers are sent to prison for as little as 8½ years.
  18. Why don't they ask Tony? He must surely be an expert on prison food - oh hang on....
  19. Pattaya Police Raid Poker Gambling Ring, Arrest 9 Foreign Players I'll bet they didn't see that coming.
  20. I expect that it's due to all that prison food. 🤣🤣🤣
  21. Checked in baggage is also subject to x-ray examination.
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