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Everything posted by bbi1

  1. That's actually not a bad strategy that I never thought of before. You could really stay for a total of 10 months. Arrive by air from your home country visa exempt in August, 30 day extend in September. 1st border bounce in October, 30 day extend in November. 2nd border bounce in December, 30 day extend in January. Now it's a new year so you have another 2 border bounces to use again. 1st border bounce in February, 30 day extend in March. 2nd border bounce in April, 30 day extend in May, which expires beginning of June. Why has nobody ever mentioned this strategy on this forum? You could have 10 months in Thailand on visa exempts and extensions like this without any visa hassles!! Why even need to apply for a METV which would give you a maximum of 9 months but in reality it's closer to 8 months due to date of METV being issues, etc.
  2. Many men who walk down soi 6 Pattaya get their dicks groped by bargirls all the time. Should we start filming these bargirls and report them for sexual assault with the potential for give them a maximum penalty for sexual assault is imprisonment of up to 10 years, a fine of up to 200,000 baht, or both? A man can't walk from one end soi 6 to the other without getting his dick groped by a few girls along the way. Again, it probably depends on how you look. Some might say they've never had their dick groped walking down soi 6.
  3. No, I don't love everything about Pattaya. I hate all the ladyboys here, annoying as hell.
  4. 3,000 baht in fines. How do Thai people afford to pay these fines when normal incomes of Thais are between 10k-20k per month? You see so many Thais never wearing helmets when they ride.
  5. Correction, didn't see the woman with the glasses holding up the sign. It's actually 4 super big fatties
  6. Wonder who are those 3 super big fatties the cop is posing with?
  7. Another option would be to cross the border via Nong Khai Friendship Bridge and back to get 30 days visa exempt, but that would be 1k baht to BKK airport and 1k baht back, flights around 2.5k, car to and from Udon Thani airport at least another 1k, lunch & meals for about 200 baht, Laos eVisa about 1,800 baht. That would be leaving Pattaya about 4:30am and arriving back in Pattaya around 10pm, and that would be at least 7,500 baht spent all up with a whole day wasted on travelling.
  8. What's the difference between the two? Everyone calls it a "visa run", the company's name has "visa run" in it, and all the other shops around pattaya mentions "visa run to Cambodia". I have yet to see anywhere advertised as "border hops"
  9. So what's the problem then, just book in the Japanese course and learn it, as you said you are fluent in Thai. Should be easy for you.
  10. The lady said now is low season. But surely there must still be lots of people doing visa runs now. Or are all Pattaya visa runners too cheap to pay 3,700 baht for a 6 seater VIP comfort van?
  11. Anyone needing to do a visa run next week by any chance? In the past we've had reports that service operates out of Soi 6 Queen Victoria Run has very comfortable 6 seater van for 3,700 baht (Cambodia Visa Run). For the people that have used them in the past, why are they now completely not booked out and don't even have anyone booked in for next week, not even one customer for nearly all of next week? Apparently they need 3 people to do a visa run, otherwise you have to go with their friend's company for a 9 seater for 3,400 baht. Are people in Pattaya too cheap to pay 3,700 baht for a comfy 6 seater van?
  12. You got off lucky with an 800 baht fine and even luckier the 800 baht was paid by your wife, not by you. So you didn't lose one baht lol. That's where you went wrong, my friend. Relying on a bunch of randoms on the internet rather than asking the immigration officer and getting the word from the horses mouth. Jomtien happily dishes out loads of 1,600 baht fines every few minutes in the TM30 reporting line, as there are sooooo many people who don't lodge TM30, until they need to do something at immigration then bam, 1,600 baht fine. Yes, each and every time you enter Thailand, you need to do a TM30. Unless you have a re-entry permit. I had a METV and every time I re-entered Thailand on the exact same visa, I had to do a TM30. You have a multipie entry marriage visa. Same same, but different, my friend.
  13. Immigration puts the TM30 receipt stapled to the last page of your passport, when you go to them to lodge your TM30. That's the 1st thing they check for when applying for extensions in the future. Hope you don't have to go for any extensions in the future or do anything at immigration, otherwise you'll face issues.
  14. Never put anything of value in your carry-on, always cash in your wallet and money belt. If having a laptop, always lock your carry-on bag. Doesn't take a genius to work this simple thing out but the average human is pretty stupid, so I'm not surprised.
  15. As an Aussie, I have that shiit, referring both to Vegemite and Marmite.
  16. Imagine needing to go to Jomtien Immigration on the 17th, 18th or 19th April and coming soaked from head to toe in water. How does Immigration deal with soaked foreigners coming in to do their extensions? Do they have a number of staff with mops in hand ready to mop up all the wet floors in all their 3 buildings?
  17. Ok, it probably was the 19th. Still way too long of this water throwing thing.
  18. Last year I remember clearly the 20th April was the big day in Pattaya. Was last year an exception to the norm?
  19. Nobody here on the forum knows, why start a thread asking us "where are all these folk travelling to"? Obvious answer was the 2nd poster's answer, "Most likely out of the country".
  20. Porta Potty comes to mind where rich Arabs fly girls into Dubai to shiiit on them for money. Lots of Instagram hoes like being shiiit all over for money.
  21. You see lots of Thai chicks posting all over Instagram living the high life in those countries and working in "spas" plus lots of Thai chicks saying they are going back to Dubai, Baharain or Oman to work.
  22. Yes, lots of Thai pussy being sold in the UAE, Baharain & Oman. I'm sure other Arab countries too.
  23. Makes logical sense to me Why don't you ask your gf to ask all those folks at the passport office, then you will know. Rather than asking some randoms on a forum who don't have a Thai passport and who don't know where they are travelling to. Kind of silly to start a thread just to ask us all where they are travelling to, don't you think? Mods should just close this thread.
  24. We don't need anymore Swiss here. I just read the 4th article in a week of Swiss guys assaulting Thai women here. If anything, we need to ban the Swiss from coming here.
  25. Yet another Swiss dude. The 4th one in a week or two. Time to do a big crackdown on all Swiss here in Thailand and look at deporting all the bad Swiss boys. What's with the Swiss and violence against women, is it something that's part of their culture?
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